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Profit Button - floating buttons lib

What the Profit Button is?

Profit Button is a floating interactive element that is used to show custom content inside your application. If the button is tapped then the window with WebView would open. The url in the WebView is set thorought settings on ProBtn server.

Real example:


How to use ProBtn SDK

  1. First you have to register on
  2. Register your app: create new application, select it's platform (iOS) and fill in your app's BundleId;
  3. Choose the sites to promote in your application.
  4. Set up the targeting.
  5. Finally you have to embed ProBtn into your app.

Integrating ProBtn SDK into your ObjC iOS App

  1. First you are to clone repository or just download the archive to you computer.
  2. Add file libProBtn-1.x.a to your project (Target -> Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries).
  3. Add header files ProBtn.h and ProBtnVersion.h to you project.
  4. Add QuartzCore.framework, UIKit.framework, CoreGraphics.framework, CoreLocation.framework, MediaPlayer.framework to your project Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries
  5. Import the file ProBtn.h with the derictive #import "ProBtn.h"
  6. After your app was initialised you have to call method [ProBtn open]
  7. By default all the screen orientations are supported. You can restrict anyone of them in any time by calling method [ProBtn setAvailableOrientations:]
  8. Feel free to control the button at any time by calling methods: [ProBtn close], [ProBtn show], [ProBtn hide], [ProBtn setButtonWindowLevel:]


@implementation AppDelegate

// Code

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    // Code
    // Show button
    [ProBtn open];

    // Set supported orientations (by default - all orientations)
    if(UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone) {
        [ProBtn setAvailableOrientations:ProBtnInterfaceOrientationMaskkAllButUpsideDown];
    } else {
        [ProBtn setAvailableOrientations:ProBtnInterfaceOrientationMaskAll];
    return YES;

// Code

Server side

ProBtn can respond to actions from webview. Three type of actions available at this moment:

  1. proBtn.hide(); Hide button and content view.
  2. proBtn.hideContent(); Close content view.
  3. proBtn.performAction(); Send event to the server that the user has performed required action for the current campaign. If targeting is properly configured on the server side, next time button is loaded by the user - new campaign will be displayed. If the user has performed required actions for all campaigns available to him, button will not be shown.

All of these actions can be performed from javascript code in your site. For example, you can set action as a listener on button event (see example page at

All the settings are taken from the server so you can customize the appiarence of the button by simply changing the on the serverside. The server adress is After all the data loaded from the server the button would appear automatically.

Parameters description for ProBtn

BundleID = BundleId of your application
Settings = {
	BaseInsets = { // Distance from the edges of the screen including status bar
		T = 4.0
		B = 4.0
		L = 4.0
		R = 4.0

	ButtonEnabled = true // Is active or not. It means could you move it or not
	ButtonVisible = true // Is visible or not

	NeverClose = false // Is user can close button

	CampaignID = 1234567 // ID of current campaign

	// Visual settings of the button

	ButtonOpenInsets = { // Distance from the edges of the screen when WevbView is opened
		T = 32.0
		B = 32.0
		L = 32.0
		R = 32.0
	ButtonPosition = { // Start position
		X = // By default it centers on the screen
		Y = // By default it centers on the screen
	ButtonSize = { // Size
		W = 64.0
		H = 64.0
	ButtonDragSize = { // Size of the button when its dragged
		W = 68.0
		H = 68.0
	ButtonOpenSize = { // Button size when the WebView is opened
		W = 64.0
		H = 64.0
	ButtonInactiveSize = { // Button size when its inactive
		W = 64.0
		H = 64.0
	ButtonOpacity = 0.8 // Opacity
	ButtonDragOpacity = 1.0 // Opacity during movement
	ButtonOpenOpacity = 1.0 // Opacity of the button when WebView is opened
	ButtonInactiveOpacity = 0.5 // Opacity when button is inactive
	ButtonImage = // Link to image when the button is in normal state
	ButtonDragImage = // Link to image shown during movements
	ButtonOpenImage = // Link to image when the WebView is shown
	ButtonInactiveImage = // Link to image when it is in inactive state

	// Visial settings of the closing region
	ClosePosition = { // Position
		X = // By default it centers on the screen
		Y = // By default it centers on the screen
	CloseSize = { // Size
		W = 64.0
		H = 64.0
	CloseActiveSize = { // Size of the closing region in active state
		W = 72.0
		H = 72.0
	CloseOpacity = 0.6 // Opacity
	CloseActiveOpacity = 1.0 // Opacity in active state
	CloseImage = // Link to image
	CloseActiveImage = // Link to image in active state

	// Hint visual settings

	HintInsets = { // Distance from the screen edges
		T = 4.0
		B = 4.0
		L = 4.0
		R = 4.0
	HintLabelInsets = { // Offcets for text
		T = 4.0
		B = 4.0
		L = 4.0
		R = 4.0
	HintImageInsets = { // Borders for backgroud image
		T = 8.0
		B = 8.0
		L = 8.0
		R = 8.0
	HintText = This is HintButton // Text
	HintFont = { // Font parameters
		Family = Arial
		Size = 18
	HintFontColor = { // Font color
		R = 1.0
		G = 1.0
		B = 1.0
		A = 1.0
	HintOpacity = 0.8 // Opacity
	HintImage = // Link to image

	HintArrowSize = { // Arrow size
		W = 8.0
		H = 8.0
	HintArrowOffset = { // Overlap of the arrow and button
		T = 0.0
		B = 0.0
		L = 0.0
		R = 0.0
	HintArrowImageT = // Link to image
	HintArrowImageB = // Link to image
	HintArrowImageL = // Link to image
	HintArrowImageR = // Link to image

	// Content visual settings

	ContentInsets = { // Distance from the screen edges
		T = -2.0
		B = -2.0
		L = -2.0
		R = -2.0
	ContentWebViewInsets = { // Offset for WebView
		T = 12.0
		B = 12.0
		L = 12.0
		R = 12.0
	ContentImageInsets = { // Borders for image
		T = 32.0
		B = 32.0
		L = 32.0
		R = 32.0
	ContentURL = // Link to site to promote
	ContentOpacity = 1.0 // Content opacity
	ContentActivityColor = { // Loading indicator color
		R = 0.0
		G = 0.0
		B = 0.0
		A = 1.0
	ContentImage = // Link to image

	ContentArrowSize = { // Content arrow size
		W = 14.0
		H = 14.0
	ContentArrowOffset = { // // Overlap of the arrow and content
		T = 8.0
		B = 8.0
		L = 9.0
		R = 9.0
	ContentArrowImageT = // Link to image with arrow for content
	ContentArrowImageB = // Link to image with arrow for content
	ContentArrowImageL = // Link to image with arrow for content
	ContentArrowImageR = // Link to image with arrow for content

	// Animation settings

	DefaultDuration = 0.1 // Defaul duration of the animation
	DefaultDelay = 0.0 // Defaul delay of the animation

	OpenDuration = 0.2 // Duration for the "Open" animation
	OpenDelay = 0.5 // Delay for the "Open" animation
	CloseDuration = 0.2 // Duration for the "Close" animation
	CloseDelay = 0.5 // Delay for the "CLose" animation

	ButtonShowDuration = 0.2 // Duration for the "Show" animation
	ButtonShowDelay = 0.0 // Delay for the  "Show" animation
	ButtonHideDuration = 0.2 // Duration for the "Hide" animation
	ButtonHideDelay = 0.0 // Delay for the "Hide" animation
	ButtonDragDuration = 0.1 // Duration for the "Start moving" animation
	ButtonDragDelay = 0.0 // Delay for the "Start moving" animation
	ButtonUndragDuration = 0.2 //Duration for the "Stop moving" animation
	ButtonUndragDelay = 0.0 // Delay for the "Stop moving" animation
	ButtonInactiveDuration = 0.1 //Duration for the "Inactive" animation 
	ButtonInactiveDelay = 5.0 // The time before the button would switch to "Inactive"
	ButtonInertiaSpeed = 512.0 // The speed of the "Inertion" animation
	ButtonInertiaSpeedMin = 32.0 // The maximum speed of "Inertion" animation
	ButtonInertiaSpeedMax = 1024.0 // The minimum speed of the "Inertion" animation
	ButtonInertiaFactor = 6.0 // Factor for the "Inertion" animation

	CloseShowDuration = 0.1 // Duration for the "Show closing area" animation
	CloseShowDelay = 0.0 // Delay for the "Show closing area" animation
	CloseHideDuration = 0.2 // Duration for the "Open closing area" animation
	CloseHideDelay = 0.0 // Delay for the "Open closing area" animation
	CloseActiveDuration = 0.1 // Duration for the "Activate closing area" animation
	CloseActiveDelay = 0.0 // Delay for the "Activate closing area" animation
	CloseUnactiveDuration = 0.1 //Duration for the "Deactivate closing area" animation
	CloseUnactiveDelay = 0.0 // Delay for the "Deactivate closing area" animation

	HintLaunchDuration = 3.0 // Duration for the "Show hint at start" animation
	HintLaunchDelay = 0.0 // Delay for the  "Show hint at start" animation
	HintShowDuration = 0.1 // Duration for the "Show hint" animation
	HintShowDelay = 0.0 // Delay for the "Show hint" animation
	HintHideDuration = 0.2 // Duration for the "Hide hint" animation
	HintHideDelay = 0.0 // Delay for the "Hide hint" animation

	ContentShowDuration = 0.1 // Duration for the "Show content" animation
	ContentShowDelay = 0.0 // Delay for the "Show content" animation
	ContentHideDuration = 0.2 // Duration for the "Hide content" animation
	ContentHideDelay = 0.0 // Delay for the "Hide content" animation


ScreenShot ScreenShot


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