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The Road Not Taken

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Its collabarative work, please express and ask.

-Priytosh Tripathi


The Algorithms are

  1. Kadane's Algorithm.

  2. Egg Dropping Problem.

  3. Stock Market / Skyline Problem.

  4. Convert BST to Heap in Linear Time.

  5. Exchange A[i] with A[A[i]] without extra space , if 0 <= A[i] <= (n-1).

  6. Coin Change Problem.

  7. Given a number , find the next largest prime number.

  8. Given a number , find the next largest pallindrom number.

  9. Rain Water Trapping Problem.

  10. Find the Number of Unique pallindromic substring in a given string.

  11. Find if there is a loop in a Linked list (Single).

  12. If there's a loop, find the starting Point.

  13. Find the Kth element from the last of the linked list in a Single Traversal.

  14. Quick Search.

  15. Max Heap / Heapify Procedure.

  16. Find the Left view of a Binary Tree.

  17. Find the Bottom view of a Binary Tree.

  18. Given a String, break it into Substrings wherever you encounter a Special Character and Print those Substrings.

  19. Given a Binary Matrix , find the largest rectangle of 0's.

  20. Given a Binary Matrix , find the largest Square of 0's.

  21. Given a Binary Matrix , find the largest Island of 0's.

  22. Sieve of Erasthothenus.

  23. Minimum number of Platforms needed for every train can hault at the given Station.

  24. Longest Common subsequence / Minimum edit distance.

  25. Kth smallest element in an Array.

  26. Merge K sorted Array.

  27. Aggressive Cows Problem ( SPOJ : AGGRCOW ).

  28. Painter's Puzzle.

  29. Convert a given String of Numerals to a Pallindrom with least number of Changes.

  30. Find the Intersection point of two Linked List.

  31. Diameter of a Binary Tree.

  32. Level Order Traversal.

  33. Set Kth Bit.

  34. Lowest Common Ancestor.

  35. Maximum ___________ XOR for an Array of Even Numbers.


The First step to get into the Digital Mindset







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