Access to the App:
- Build topology of protein
- Build topology of ligand
- Build unit cell
- Generate solvent box
- Add ions
- Equilibrate system (NVT)
- Equilibrate system (NPT)
- Prepare molecular dynamics
- Run production MD simulation
- Convert trajectory format
- Energy minimization
- Position restraint energy minimization
- Restrained MD simulation
- Temperature coupling group setup
- Pressure coupling group setup
- Pulling simulation setup
- Extend MD simulation
- Run simulation on multiple GPUs
- Analyze RMSD
- Calculate RMSF
- Compute radius of gyration
- Calculate hydrogen bonds
- Remove periodic boundary conditions
- Fit trajectory to reference
- Convert trajectory types
- Check trajectory periodicity
- Analyze diffusion coefficients
- RMSF per residue
- Principal component time series
- Generate per-frame snapshots
- Analyze secondary structure
- Cluster analysis
- Generate Ramachandran plot
- Calculate dihedral angles
- Hydrogen bond lifetime analysis
- Analyze molecular contacts
- Analyze lipid headgroup orientation
- Extract specific residues
- Analyze solvent shell around solute
- Generate solvent-accessible surface area (SASA)
- Compute RDF (radial distribution function)
- Analyze solvent density
- Analyze solvent orientation
- Compute membrane thickness
- Analyze lipid order parameters
- Calculate solvent accessible volume
- Measure water orientation
- Calculate potential of mean force (PMF)
- Free energy difference via BAR
- Ligand binding energy calculation
- Protein-ligand binding energy
- Weighted histogram analysis (WHAM)
- Analyze free energy landscapes
- Visualize trajectory in PDB format
- Generate density map for ions
- Create secondary structure timelines
- Export data to CSV
- Generate XPM plots
- Generate trajectory movies
- Backmap coarse-grained to atomistic
- Set up QM/MM simulation
- Analyze QM/MM interaction energies
- Transition state search in QM/MM
- Calculate QM/MM polarization energies
- Compute Lennard-Jones potential
- Generate solvent density map
- Analyze interfacial tension
- Analyze hydrophobic clustering
- Protein unfolding pathway analysis
- Analyze beta-sheet interactions
- Compute salt bridges
- Analyze helical content
- Compute dielectric constants
- Check TPR file
- Verify trajectory integrity
- Benchmark custom hardware
- Tune PME grid
- Estimate PME error
- Optimize PME load balancing
- Detect water chain formation
- Calculate bond angle distribution
- Measure mismatch repair events
- Analyze RNA folding dynamics
- Visualize electric field around system
- Analyze membrane curvature