This is an example to set up a Docker container with Simple Auth and Oauth2, using this for private docker web apps exposed to the public internet
Give it a try locally with a Github oauth2 app only working on http://localhost:8282
docker compose up
- Nginx auth_request directive as a web server
- Oauth2-Proxy to force oauth2 logins
- Fast API as python backend example
- Dockerfile downloads the last version of oauth2-proxy and exposed port 80
- Docker container run
- start nginx on port 80
- start oauth2-proxy on port 4180
- starts fast api backend on port 8080
- Nginx does simple auth to protect the entire application from bots (login/password is set as env variables)
- Nginx require auth_request to go to oauth2-proxy backend
- If oauth2-proxy can authenficate the user it sets a cookie _oauth2_proxy and X-Email and X-User headers
- If cookie is valid nginx sends the request to the backend
- Fast API can now read the X-Email and do additional granular access control without having to do Authentification
HTTP_AUTH_LOGIN: test # this will be simple auth login, if blank or not set there will be no simpleauth
HTTP_AUTH_PASSWORD: test # this will be simple auth password, if blank or not set there will be no simpleauth
OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID: asdasdasdasdas # oauth2 client if
OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET: ghfhfghfghfghgfhghf # oauth2 secret
OAUTH2_PROVIDER: github # Oauth2 app provider
OAUTH2_COOKIE_SECRET: asdkjhdaskdask # secret for cookie sessions, generate one: python -c 'import os,base64; print(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(16)).decode())'
OAUTH2_EMAIL_DOMAIN: "*" # email domain authorized for oauth2 if not * it will restric only emails from the given domain
OAUTH2_FORCE_HTTPS: "false" # Required to be false to test local, you should always be over HTTPS in production, do not set this env variable for prod