composer require pratiksh/laranepal
then publish the package seeds
php artisan import:nepal
composer dump-autoload
then migrate the tables
php artisan migrate
that's it, you are good to go.
if seeder not found run composer dump-autoload
Package uses facade LaraNepal
to retrive
- Provinces
- Districts
- Municipalities
// use Pratiksh\LaraNepal\Facade\LaraNepal;
$provinces = LaraNepal::provinces();
$districts = LaraNepal::districts();
$municipalities = LaraNepal::municipalities();
Package also provides relation among provinces, districts and municipalities.
// use Pratiksh\LaraNepal\Facade\LaraNepal;
// Province District Relation
$province = LaraNepal::provinces()->first();
$provinces->districts; // Retrives districts of that particular province
// District Province Relation
$district = LaraNepal::districts()->first();
$district->province; // Retrives province where that district belongs to.
// District Municipality Relation
$district = LaraNepal::districts()->first();
// Muncipality district relation
$municipality = LaraNepal::municipalities()->first();
$municipality->district; // Retrive district where that municipality belongs to
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If you discover any security-related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.