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Kafka clients basic concepts .Producer/Consumer sample codes

Basic concepts of kafka-clients

  • Very first step for producer/Consumer is connect to Cluster and get MetaData(broker Id,IP etc).
  • bootstrap.server config accepts LoadBalance/DNS/Broker IP's .This will be used for initial connections only.
  • Client connects to first DNS/LB/IP and get brokers IP's in the cluster.
  • Failed to connect with first DNS/LB/IP then it picks next one in list [never give 2 cluster's ip/dns : its not HA].
  • Second step is to get Topic Metadata (leader for partition etc).
  • Producer/Consumer always send/receive data to/from partition leader.
  • When there is Leader change[due to broker failure/reassignment] kafka-clients automatically recovers.
  • Retry is available for failure.

Basic Producer Concepts

  • Producer is always Async
  • Producer has Buffer[per partition] so records will be added to buffer first then background I/O thread will send it to topic partition leader
  • When Producer.Send() is called producer thread adds record to buffer and returns
  • Either you can make your program as Blocking or Non-Blocking[register CallBack]
  • When records sent to broker , Broker return Offset and partition Info after writing in log segments.
  • For Kafka everything is bytes , So you can send any data to kafka with correct Key/Value Serializer[converts to byte[]]

Samle producer code

  • Producer code
  • SimpleProducer() for sending data but not waiting for ACK from leader broker
  • BlockingProducer() for sending data and it will block current thread for response
  • NonBlockingProducerWithCallback() this will register call back and process next req .Callback is executed when it get response


  • When partition is provided use it
  • When key is provided use hash to get partition [key with same hash will be sent to same partition]
  • Nothing then use Default partitioner [Round robin]

Custom Partitioner

  • We can have custom partitioner to implement our logic
  • Lets say we want to send messages from Washington DC stores to partition 1 .Key format "partition-location"
  • StorePartitioner trying to get partition from key .ex: 0-DC -> 0 partition DC->location
  • StorePartitioner

Important/Useful Producer Configs


kafka producer and consumer sample codes






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