Repository with examples used in my Medium article How to use Reduce in Javascript
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- filter
- flat
- Object.fromEntries
- map
- every()
- some()
- find()
- findIndex()
- includes() - find with Boolean(result)
- lastIndexOf()
- indexOf()
- slice()
- toString()
- push()
- join() - NodeLists though
- reduceRight() - reverse the input?
- reverse()
- splice()
- copyWithin()
- fill()
- flatMap()
- at()
entries() - will have to create an iterator
keys() - iterator
Array.from() - sets
pop() - two operations - might be a freebie but needs time to think
shift() - as above
unshift() - aa + a bit overkill to use reduce here
- toSource() - out of use
- forEach() - forEach is found in almost every language
- Array.isArray() - reduce is an Array.prototype method
- reduce() - :)
- concat()
- Array.of()