Extension of Design visualizer for general ship design that uses python-occ and PyGEM
Run miniconda or anaconda command prompt/power shell
conda create -n d3vgsdocc_env python=3.9 pythonocc-core -c conda-forge
conda activate d3vgsdocc_env
pip install pyside6
pip install openmesh
pip install pyopengl
pip install scipy
Folow the instalation procedure given in: https://github.com/mathLab/PyGeM/blob/master/README.md#dependencies-and-installation
Clone/download repository and folow instalation procedure given in: https://github.com/pprebeg/moobench
Download or clone d3v:
(or use some specific fork)
Download or clone d3v-gsd:
(currently work using branch )
Download or clone d3v-gsd-occ:
Run as: Path\to\d3v\src\main.py -a Path\to\d3v-gsd -a Path\to\d3v-gsd-occ