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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 4, 2022. It is now read-only.
Ruipeng Zhang edited this page Feb 11, 2016 · 9 revisions

How do I change the site's language?

Edit your blog's _config.yml(not your theme's), change the following field:

- language: en
+ language: zh-CN

You can find available translation under hueman/languages folder.

How to add excerpt for a post?

Add <!-- more --> tag in your post. Post content before this tag will be marked as excerpt.

Why aren't my changes deployed to the Github Pages?

Please run these commands before hexo deploy:

$ hexo clean
$ rm -r .deploy_git

How to add secondary menus?

You should look into posts' front-matter. Here is an example:

- Sports
- Baseball

This will render into Sports > Baseball.

How to add meta tags for a specified post/page?

You can add meta tags for each post/page through front-matter:

title: test post
date: 2015-01-26 21:55:37
comments: false
+ meta:
+ - name="robots";content="noindex, follow"
+ - name="another-meta";value="hello world";enabled=false