- using computers to make investment decisions
- Renaissance Techologies: best performing in the space
- use numpy, underlying code in C
collect data
develop a hypothesis
backtest the strategy
implement step in production
in project build an alternative s&p 500 where every company holds same weight,apple wont be big best buy wont be small
value investing
- hope you can buy for a dollar to 75c and go up to a dollar later
imported lbs
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import requests
import xlsxwriter
import math
- import 500 stocks from s&p 500
csv = "{}\\{}".format(os.getcwd(),"sp_500_stocks.csv")
stocks = pd.read_csv(csv)
- acquier IEX cloud API
- panda series is like a python a list
- panda Datafromae is a 2d list