An Android App that shows the most trending github repositories sorted by number of stars.
- Users can view the most trending github repositories sorted by stars.
- Users can search for repositories based on language.
- Users can view details of a repository in the app.
Based on mvvm architecture and repository pattern.
- Navigation Components
- Fragments
- Drawer Layout
- Picasso
- RxJava
- Data Binding
- ViewModel
- ConstraintLayout
- CardView
- Retrofit 2
- Picasso
- RxJava
- RecyclerView
- data
- local
- remote
- api : contains the api classes to make the api calls to the server, using Retrofit client.
- model
- response
- repository : contains the repository classes, responsible for triggering api requests and saving the response in the database.
- viewmodel
- view
- adapter : contains adapters for the recycler view.
- ui : contains the fragments and activities for Repositories List and Repository details page.
- viewholder
- utils : contains values for Constant variables within the app.
- Minimum SDK 23
- [Java8]
- MVVM Architecture
- Android Architecture Components (LiveData, Navigation Components, Lifecycle, ViewModel, ConstraintLayout)
- RxJava2 for implementing Observable pattern.
- Retrofit 2 for API integration.
- Gson for serialisation.
- Okhhtp3 for implementing interceptor.
- Picasso for image loading.