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All URIs are relative to, except if the operation defines another base path.

Method HTTP request Description
indicesSnapshot() GET /v3/snapshot/indices Indices Snapshot


indicesSnapshot($ticker_any_of, $ticker, $ticker_gte, $ticker_gt, $ticker_lte, $ticker_lt, $order, $limit, $sort): \OpenAPI\Client\Model\IndicesSnapshot200Response

Indices Snapshot

Get a Snapshot of indices data for said tickers


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure API key authorization: apiKey
$config = OpenAPI\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('apiKey', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = OpenAPI\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('apiKey', 'Bearer');

$apiInstance = new OpenAPI\Client\Api\IndicessnapshotApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$ticker_any_of = I:DJI; // string | Comma separated list of tickers, up to a maximum of 250. If no tickers are passed then all results will be returned in a paginated manner.  Warning: The maximum number of characters allowed in a URL are subject to your technology stack.
$ticker = 'ticker_example'; // string | Search a range of tickers lexicographically.
$ticker_gte = 'ticker_gte_example'; // string | Range by ticker.
$ticker_gt = 'ticker_gt_example'; // string | Range by ticker.
$ticker_lte = 'ticker_lte_example'; // string | Range by ticker.
$ticker_lt = 'ticker_lt_example'; // string | Range by ticker.
$order = asc; // string | Order results based on the `sort` field.
$limit = 10; // int | Limit the number of results returned, default is 10 and max is 250.
$sort = ticker; // string | Sort field used for ordering.

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->indicesSnapshot($ticker_any_of, $ticker, $ticker_gte, $ticker_gt, $ticker_lte, $ticker_lt, $order, $limit, $sort);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling IndicessnapshotApi->indicesSnapshot: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
ticker_any_of string Comma separated list of tickers, up to a maximum of 250. If no tickers are passed then all results will be returned in a paginated manner. Warning: The maximum number of characters allowed in a URL are subject to your technology stack. [optional]
ticker string Search a range of tickers lexicographically. [optional]
ticker_gte string Range by ticker. [optional]
ticker_gt string Range by ticker. [optional]
ticker_lte string Range by ticker. [optional]
ticker_lt string Range by ticker. [optional]
order string Order results based on the `sort` field. [optional]
limit int Limit the number of results returned, default is 10 and max is 250. [optional] [default to 10]
sort string Sort field used for ordering. [optional] [default to 'ticker']

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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