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Configure pipelines of computations for conducting experiments and deployment

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Configuration of calculations

General concepts

  • project – a series of calculations based on a given set of routines, where each run of calculations (calculation for short) is defined by a configuration
  • configuration – dictionary of parameters or a .json file defining a calculation in the framework of a project, including the selection of routines and the parameters of each routine
  • step – atomic part of a calculation, which is implemented by one of the given routines
    • besides actual calculations, there may be other types of steps such as data acquisition, data preparation, summarizing the results, etc.
  • sequence – as a part of configuration, the plan of a calculation composed of steps
    • includes the information about dependencies between steps, where outputs of parent steps are inputs of the child step
    • in general, can be represented as an oriented graph without cycles, where nodes are steps and edges are dependencies between steps
    • subsequence – for a given step, a part of the sequence including only this step and all its ancestors (parents, their parents. etc.)
  • routine – a method / variant of implementation of a specific step
    • all routines are implemented outside of calconpy as functions, which are defined in the main script or accessible modules
    • different routines implementing a same step should have the same API, ensuring the interchangeability in different configurations
    • a good practice (for conducting a series of experiments or configuring the calculation in production) is to fix the sequence of steps and only change routines for specific steps if needed


Configurations are dicts, optionally stored in JSON files

  • each key (parameter's name) and each sub-key (if any) is str.

There are following kinds of configurations.

  • Master configuration – defines the whole process of calculation
  • Step's configuration – defines calculation up to the given step, i.e. for the step and its ancestors
    • contains only parameters influencing the result of this step;
    • is stored in the folder where step's results are cached;
    • allows the user to inspect, what results are stored in a given cache folder
  • Hashing configuration – for a given step, defines the name of the cache folder by means of hashing of the step's configuration
    • is obtained by removing irrelevant parameters from step's configuration, e.g. ones listed in _invariant;
    • is not stored explicitly, but only used for defining the folder name
    • is invariant to the order of keys/sub-keys in the dictionary


There are three kinds of parameters in a configuration

  • Routines' parameters – influencing calculation in specific routines
    • can have any names, which should not start with _ or $
    • multiple routines may have common parameters
    • the set of parameters influencing each routine is defined during the initialization; it is required for creating step configurations
    • a tip: if Python naming conventions are followed in routine names, then configurations can be easily created from **kwargs in custom APIs;
    • if there are many parameters specific to different routines, a good practice is to name them "rn_pn" where rn = routine name, pn = parameter name
  • Routine selection parameters (or $-parameters) – define for each step of the sequence, which routine implements it, in the format "$step_name": "routine_name". Here "routine_name" points to the function implementing the routine:
    • if "routine_name" does not contain a dot, then it is interpreted as the name of the function defined in the main scope (e.g. "__main__.routine_name")
    • if "routine_name" contains one or more dots, then the part before the last dot is interpreted as the module name and the rest as the function name defined in that module
  • Internal parameters – related to organizing the process of calculation
    • Have predefined names, which start with _

Configuring the calculation via internal parameters

  • _sequence – the calculation sequence. Format: list of two types of elements:
    • str – name of the step to execute
    • { str: [list of str] } – name of the step to execute and list of its parent steps
      • the order of parent steps defines the order of arguments (parent steps' outputs) in the routine implementing the step A child step always goes in the list after its parent steps

This parameter is optional. If _sequence is missing, then the sequence is assumed to be [dflt_step_name], where dflt_step_name = "Main"

  • _invariant – the list of parameters, whose values are ignored when identifying the cached folder.

    Format: str or list of str (parameter names)

    Usage: to save time by making the caching process for certain steps invariant to certain parameters, i.e. the result of a step is not recalculated if only those parameters change

  • _timed and _non_timed – control which steps should be "timed", i.e. the processor time spent on the step is estimated, and included in the step's summary statistics as "_time": float Format: [list of step names] Usage: both parameters are optional, and only one of them can be taken into account:

    • if none of these parameters presents, all the steps will be "timed";
    • if "_timed" is given, then only the listed steps will be "timed", and "_non_timed" parameter is ignored (if present)
    • if only "_non_timed" parameter presents, then all the steps except the listed ones will be timed

Summary of parameters

The following table summarizes some properties of internal parameters and routine selection parameters: if they required to be in the master configuration; how are they modified in step's configuration; if they are present in the hashing configuration.

Required In step's config In hashing config
_sequence no Subsequence yes
_invariant no Step's, ancestors' & internal no
$step_name yes (for each step) Step's and ancestors' yes
_[non_]timed no "_timed": bool for the step yes

In step's configuration, there are following modifications:

  • _sequence turns into step's subsequence; cache is sensitive to changes in subsequence
  • _invariant only contains parameters which are relevant to the step and its ancestors, and internal parameters (if any); cache is not sensitive to this parameter explicitly – only implicitly
  • $step_name – only present for the step and its ancestors; cache is sensitive to the selection of routines
  • _timed and _non_timed turn into "_timed": bool only for the given step; cache is only sensitive to the step's timing, but not ancestors' timing (as timing does not influence results)


For short, in the context of a given sequence, a parent / child routine of a given routine is a routine implementing a parent / child step of the corresponding step.

Routines' names should not start with _ (and also cannot start with $ by Python syntax rules)

Cached and non-cached routines

Cached routines are ones that save the results of calculations to a folder; non-cached routines return the results explicitly.

Expected behavior

  • Routine can raise any exceptions – then calculations stop, but the results from previous steps are saved.
  • Artificially raising an exception can be used by a routine to send a signal to stop subsequent calculations, e.g. in the case where the results of step's calculations make no sense for proceeding to next steps.
  • The requirements to a routine's API are determined by the following information: whether the routine is cached or not; what are parent routines and the order of their outputs as arguments; which of parent steps are cached. For example, the argument corresponding to a cached parent routine is the name of the folder cached, where the child routine should read the input.
    • The usage of calconpy lacks flexibility in the sense that defining the order of steps in the sequence is interconnected with the implementation of corresponding routines' API.

Routine's API

Routine's arguments

( p_1, ..., p_k, folder_name, config )

  • p_i for each i = 1,...,k – output of the corresponding parent routine
    • k is the number of parent routines, which can be 0 (then arguments p_1,...,p_k are missing)
    • if the i-th parent routine is cached, then p_i is the name of the corresponding cache folder as str (otherwise p_i is the value returned by the parent routine)
  • folder_name – the folder name to save output to, if the routine is cached (otherwise, the argument folder_name is missing)
  • config – the corresponding step's configuration (dict)
    • parameters defined for the routine selected for the step, which are absent in the master configuration, are set to None in steps' configuration
    • note that besides parameters listed as routine's parameters during the initialization, config contains also routine selection parameters (for the step and ancestors) and internal parameters

If the routine is not cached and has no parents, it has config as the only argument.

Routine's returned value

Besides the result of calculation, a routine may produce some information as dict, called summary statistics. The purpose of the latter: to display useful information such as the accuracy or calculation time. Summary statistics from all steps is collected in each calculation, and can be used to create a table summarizing the results of experiments.

  • "_time": process_time_in_seconds is automatically added to summary statistics of each step
  • all keys and sub-keys of summary statistics dict should be str

Cached routine's returned value

There are following options:

  1. None
  2. dict – summary statistics

Non-cached routine's returned value

There are following options:

  1. dict containing key return_stats_key:="_stats" and optionally, return_res_key:="_result" – then "_result" contains the routine's output, "_stats" is dict containing summary statistics
  2. any other value – the routine's output

Initialization of the project

Initialization of the project means the definition of all routines which can be used in calculations. The definition includes the following information about each routine: name of the function (and optionally, the module) implementing it; list of names of all configuration parameters influencing the routine; whether the routine is cached.

The initialization should be provided as a list or a .json file with elements of the following kinds:

  • list where the first element indicates a routine and the rest of elements are names of its parameters (if any)

    • the first element is "routine_name" in the same format as for routine selection parameters
  • {"_cached": [list of cached routines]} OR {"_non_cached": [list of non-cached routines]}

    "_cached" and "_non_cached" dictionaries are optional:

    • if none of them presents, all the routines are considered as cached;
    • if "_cached" is given, then only the listed routines are cached, and "_non_cached" is ignored (if present)
    • if only "_non_cached" dictionary is given, then all the routines except the listed ones are considered cached

During the initialization, all the modules containing the routines are imported.

Execution of a calculation

Steps are executed in the order defined by _sequence

If a step is performed by a cached routine and results in generating a non-empty dictionary of summary statistics, then the latter is saved in the cached folder in the _stats.json file


Configure pipelines of computations for conducting experiments and deployment







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