NOTE: this release was re-uploaded on 13-01-2023, with several important fixes.
The next version is here!
Thanks to everyone who helped out by reporting bugs and sending me pull requests! I used to thank everyone who has made a contribution here, but unfortunately it's becoming too hard for me to keep track of that.
- Heavy exporting: plugdata integrates with the Heavy compiler to be able to export patches to C++. Patches can also be compiled to audio plugins, or Electro-smith Daisy firmware. Thanks to @dromer for helping me out with this
- Auto-patching (thanks to @Nejrup):
- If an object is selected, a new object (created by shortcut) will be placed below & automatically connected if possible.
- If an already connected object is duplicated (by shortcut) it will be placed next to the previous & automatically connect to the next available inlet/outlet
- If shift is hold on mouse up, all selected objects will connect to the same inlet/outlet. If start or end object is also selected & have multiple inlets/outlets the selected objects connections will be distributed to them by position.
- “cmd+k” / “ctrl+k” will connect selected objects
- shift+drag from inlet/outlet will create connections from all selected objects
- Many new and improved tooltips for inlets/outlets/objects, more object descriptions (Thanks to @tomara-x, @vasilymilovidov)
- Updated to ELSE rc6, with a new objects ([sclae2freq], [osc.route], [osc.parse], [osc.format], [osc.send], [osc.receive], [pdlua]) and more improvements
- Updated to pd-0.53
- Massively improved stability for the plugin version
- Improved UI
- Many improvements to patching workflow
- Object properties update in sidebar when set through messages
- pdlua object (thanks to @agraef)
- Search in patch feature
Other features:
- Drag and drop .pd files onto plugdata to open
- Esc closes dialogs
- Can now select multiple input/output channels in standalone, can also select multiple MIDI ports
- Better installer on Windows
- Multi-select and copy in console
- Edit mode is now per-patch
- Create inlet/outlet tooltips with [inlet some tooltip], [outlet other tooltip] etc.
- Double-click to create object
- Fixed console message line wrapping
- Fixed message and comment size and behaviour, better multi-line editing
- Number, symbol and listbox now have more consistent size
- Fixed bug when graphs overlap with negative coordinates
- Fixed problems with finding help files
- Fixed bug causing abstractions not to reload when saved
- Fixed various graphical glitches specific to Windows and Linux.
- Fixed zooming bug
- Fixed symbolbox shrinking on text change
- Fixed canvas auto-resize bugs
- Fixed floatbox min/max bug
- Fixed bugs with [garray] when number of points is very low
- Fixed inverted numbox/floatbox mapping
- Improved icon set
And there's probably some more things I'm forgetting here.