A backend service that interacts with the underlying Kubernetes cluster using the Knative serving components.
To start the app-controller backend service, pre-requisites are:
- Linux (Preferred)
- A kubernetes cluster installed with knative serving components
- Link to MySQL Database (local/remote) that acts as data store for app-controller.
The configurations for the service are set using config.yaml
. Sample of config.yaml
is present at etc/config.yaml
This config.yaml should be placed at /etc/pf9/app-controller/config.yaml
, it contains:
# Path to the kubeconfig file of the underlying Kubernetes cluster that has Knative installed.
1. kubeconfig path
# Database name, username, password, URL, port.
2. DB credentials
# auth0 JWKS URL, client id.
3. auth0 credentials
# constraints on maximum apps deploy count, replical count.
4. constraints (optional)
Clone the repository, navigate to the cloned repository and download the dependencies using go mod download
. Before building, ensure the config.yaml
is configured accordingly and placed at required location.
To build the app-controller binary, use the below command, app-controller binary built using make is placed in bin
# Using make, prefered for linux OS.
make build
# Using go build and run.
sudo go run cmd/main.go
If DB Schema is changed or for first time builds, then to generate updated pkgs/db/migrations_generated.go
, follow the below commands, before building the binary.
go get -u 'go get -u github.com/go-bindata/go-bindata/...'
# Set the path where go-bindata binary is installed.
export PATH=${PATH}:${GOPATH}/bin
cd pkg/db; go generate; cd -
service can be run using binary and as a system service on linux machine.
To run app-controller through binary, follow the below command:
# Initialize and upgrade database.
./bin/app-controller migrate
# Start the app-controller service.
To run app-controller as a system service, service file appcontroller.service should be place at /etc/systemd/system/
directory and app-controller binary at /usr/bin/app-controller/
directory. To start the service follow the below commands:
# Start the app-controller service.
sudo systemctl start appcontroller.service
service will be now up and running, to check the latest status of service:
# Check the status of app-controller service.
sudo systemctl status appcontroller.service
Sample Output:
● appcontroller.service - App Controller Service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/appcontroller.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2022-02-21 10:39:19 UTC; 12s ago
Main PID: 9144 (app-controller)
Tasks: 16
Memory: 9.4M
CPU: 1.823s
CGroup: /system.slice/appcontroller.service
└─9144 /usr/bin/app-controller/app-controller
Feb 21 10:39:19 platform9 systemd[1]: Started App Controller Service.
- Logs for app-controller service can be found at
To interact with the app-controller service, app-controller APIs are needed. This requires an Auth0 token.
# To get list of apps for a user.
curl --request GET --url 'http://<service endpoint>:6112/v1/apps' --header "Authorization: Bearer ${AUTH0_IDTOKEN}" | jq .
# To describe an app by name.
curl --request GET --url 'http://<service endpoint>:6112/v1/apps/<name>' --header "Authorization: Bearer ${AUTH0_IDTOKEN}" | jq .
# To create an app, where name is app name, image is container image of app, envs is environment variables with key:value pairs list, port is container port to access app.
curl --request POST --url 'http://<service endpoint>:6112/v1/apps' --header "Authorization: Bearer ${AUTH0_IDTOKEN}" --data '{"name": "<appname>", "image": "<container image>", "envs": [{ "key":"<key>", "value":"<value>"}], "port": "<port>"}'
# To delete an app by name.
curl --request DELETE --url 'http://<service endpoint>:6112/v1/apps/<name>' --header "Authorization: Bearer ${AUTH0_IDTOKEN}"
- If service is deployed locally, then can replace service endpoint with
Auth0 token can be fetched using Auth0 APIs. There are 3 steps to get the auth0 id token.
- Request device code
- Device activation
- Request auth0 token
# Request device code
curl --request POST \
--url 'https://YOUR_DOMAIN/oauth/device/code' \
--header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data 'client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID' \
--data 'scope=YOUR_SCOPE'
- Basic sample scope is 'scope=profile email openid'
Upon request for device code, the sample device code response will be:
"device_code": "Ag_EE...ko1p",
"user_code": "QTZL-MCBW",
"verification_uri": "https://accounts.acmetest.org/activate",
"verification_uri_complete": "https://accounts.acmetest.org/activate?user_code=QTZL-MCBW",
"expires_in": 900,
"interval": 5
Then open verification_url_complete
in browser, obtained from device code response to complete the device activation.
Once device activation is successful, then request for auth0 token using below command.
# Use the device code received from device code response
curl --request POST \
--url 'https://YOUR_DOMAIN/oauth/token' \
--header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code \
--data device_code=YOUR_DEVICE_CODE \
--data 'client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID'
The response will contain both, access_token and id_token. We use auth0 id_token
to authorize the user through app-controller. To access the app-controller APIs seamlessly export the auth0 id_token
# Replace the <id_token> with the id_token value received from request auth0 token.
export AUTH0_IDTOKEN="<id_token>"