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Backend service that interacts with the Kubernetes cluster using the Knative serving components.


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A backend service that interacts with the underlying Kubernetes cluster using the Knative serving components.


To start the app-controller backend service, pre-requisites are:

  1. Linux (Preferred)
  2. A kubernetes cluster installed with knative serving components
  3. Link to MySQL Database (local/remote) that acts as data store for app-controller.


The configurations for the service are set using config.yaml. Sample of config.yaml is present at etc/config.yaml

This config.yaml should be placed at /etc/pf9/app-controller/config.yaml, it contains:

# Path to the kubeconfig file of the underlying Kubernetes cluster that has Knative installed.
1. kubeconfig path

# Database name, username, password, URL, port. 
2. DB credentials

# auth0 JWKS URL, client id.
3. auth0 credentials

# constraints on maximum apps deploy count, replical count.
4. constraints (optional)

Build app-controller

Clone the repository, navigate to the cloned repository and download the dependencies using go mod download. Before building, ensure the config.yaml is configured accordingly and placed at required location.

To build the app-controller binary, use the below command, app-controller binary built using make is placed in bin directory.

# Using make, prefered for linux OS.
make build

# Using go build and run.
sudo go run cmd/main.go

For DB Schema changes or first time builds

If DB Schema is changed or for first time builds, then to generate updated pkgs/db/migrations_generated.go, follow the below commands, before building the binary.

go get -u 'go get -u'

# Set the path where go-bindata binary is installed.
export PATH=${PATH}:${GOPATH}/bin
cd pkg/db; go generate; cd -

Run app-controller service

app-controller service can be run using binary and as a system service on linux machine.

Using binary

To run app-controller through binary, follow the below command:

# Initialize and upgrade database.
./bin/app-controller migrate

# Start the app-controller service.

Using system service file (Preferred)

To run app-controller as a system service, service file appcontroller.service should be place at /etc/systemd/system/ directory and app-controller binary at /usr/bin/app-controller/ directory. To start the service follow the below commands:

# Start the app-controller service.
sudo systemctl start appcontroller.service

app-controller service will be now up and running, to check the latest status of service:

# Check the status of app-controller service.
sudo systemctl status appcontroller.service

Sample Output:
● appcontroller.service - App Controller Service
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/appcontroller.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Mon 2022-02-21 10:39:19 UTC; 12s ago
 Main PID: 9144 (app-controller)
    Tasks: 16
   Memory: 9.4M
      CPU: 1.823s
   CGroup: /system.slice/appcontroller.service
           └─9144 /usr/bin/app-controller/app-controller

Feb 21 10:39:19 platform9 systemd[1]: Started App Controller Service.
  • Logs for app-controller service can be found at /var/log/pf9/app-controller/app-controller.log

app-controller APIs

To interact with the app-controller service, app-controller APIs are needed. This requires an Auth0 token.

# To get list of apps for a user.
curl --request GET --url 'http://<service endpoint>:6112/v1/apps'  --header "Authorization: Bearer ${AUTH0_IDTOKEN}" | jq .

# To describe an app by name.
curl --request GET --url 'http://<service endpoint>:6112/v1/apps/<name>'  --header "Authorization: Bearer ${AUTH0_IDTOKEN}" | jq .

# To create an app, where name is app name, image is container image of app, envs is environment variables with key:value pairs list, port is container port to access app.
curl --request POST --url 'http://<service endpoint>:6112/v1/apps'  --header "Authorization: Bearer ${AUTH0_IDTOKEN}" --data '{"name": "<appname>", "image": "<container image>", "envs": [{ "key":"<key>", "value":"<value>"}], "port": "<port>"}'

# To delete an app by name.
curl --request DELETE --url 'http://<service endpoint>:6112/v1/apps/<name>'  --header "Authorization: Bearer ${AUTH0_IDTOKEN}"

- If service is deployed locally, then can replace service endpoint with

Fetching Auth0 token

Auth0 token can be fetched using Auth0 APIs. There are 3 steps to get the auth0 id token.

  1. Request device code
  2. Device activation
  3. Request auth0 token


# Request device code 
curl --request POST \
  --url 'https://YOUR_DOMAIN/oauth/device/code' \
  --header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --data 'client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID' \
  --data 'scope=YOUR_SCOPE' 
  • Basic sample scope is 'scope=profile email openid'

Device activation

Upon request for device code, the sample device code response will be:

  "device_code": "Ag_EE...ko1p",
  "user_code": "QTZL-MCBW",
  "verification_uri": "",
  "verification_uri_complete": "",
  "expires_in": 900,
  "interval": 5

Then open verification_url_complete in browser, obtained from device code response to complete the device activation.

Once device activation is successful, then request for auth0 token using below command.

# Use the device code received from device code response
curl --request POST \
  --url 'https://YOUR_DOMAIN/oauth/token' \
  --header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --data grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code \
  --data device_code=YOUR_DEVICE_CODE \
  --data 'client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID'

The response will contain both, access_token and id_token. We use auth0 id_token to authorize the user through app-controller. To access the app-controller APIs seamlessly export the auth0 id_token.

# Replace the <id_token> with the id_token value received from request auth0 token.
export AUTH0_IDTOKEN="<id_token>"


Backend service that interacts with the Kubernetes cluster using the Knative serving components.







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