The code for Leveled Packed Memory Array for GPU
Accepted by TKDE 2023(pdf)
LPMA uses simple edgelists as input. For example:
vertex_number edge_number
1 2
1 3
1 4
For a graph of N edges, the edgelist file contains N+1 lines. The first line indicates the number of vertices and edges. Each of the next N lines indicates an edge consisting of a source vertex and a destination vertex(first the source vertex, then the destination)
To compile LPMA for edge update, use the following commands:
cd [your path]/LPMA
To run LPMA, first put the data files under a directory named edgelists. For example, the directory structure should be like:
Then the command to run LPMA should be:
./UPDATE_LPMA edge_number batch_size soc-flickr-growth 0
Please cite us with the following Bibtex format:
author={Zou, Lei and Zhang, Fan and Lin, Yinnian and Yu, Yanpeng},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering},
title={An Efficient Data Structure for Dynamic Graph on GPUs},