A novel fragment screening method for drug discovery
Hye Ree Yoon, Gyoung Jin Park, Anand Balupuri, Nam Sook Kang *
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 21 (2023) 4683–4696
Water molecules contribute to structure and function of proteins and also influence the environment within the binding pocket
Water molecules form a variety of hydrogen-bonded cyclic water-ring networks, collectively known as topological water networks (TWNs)
Analyzing the TWNs in protein binding sites can provide valuable insights into potential locations and shapes for fragments within the binding site
Here, we introduce TWN-based fragment screening (TWN-FS) method, a novel screening method that suggests fragments through grouped TWN analysis within the protein binding site
This code was tested in windows with Python 3.9
A yaml file containing all requirements is provided
This can be readily setup using conda
conda env create -f TWN-env.yaml
conda activate TWN-env
The fastest way to run TWN-FS
Analyze TWNs-fragment of multiple proteins in one running
TWN_analysis.py and TWN_gridbox.py are operated sequentially
TWNs of cyclin dependent kinase 2 (CDK2) and fragments of subregion are provided as example data
Files that can be changed according to user analysis
- TWNs (data/TWNs_CDK2/.pdb file)
- KinFragLib AP region fragment (data/region/AP.mol2)
- reference_form (data/reference_form.xlsx)
- shaep.exe (data/ShaEP): calculates shape similarity
- TWN_automation.py: analyze and summarize grouped TWNs (includes TWN_gridbox.py and TWN_analysis.py)
- TWN_gridbox.py: generate grouped TWNs
- TWN_analysis.py: analyze and summarize grouped TWNs–fragment shape similarity and average distance
- Protein_CDK2.pdb (data/Protein_CDK2.pdb) Klifs coordinate, CDK2 PDB 4ERW)
- Protein TWNs extracted after MD simulation (data/TWNs_CDK2/.pdb file)
- AP region fragment (data/region/AP.mol2): AP (.mol2) file is KinFragLib's AP site fragments
- reference_form (data/reference_form.xlsx): includes fragment details (ID, Kinase, PDB, SMILES, region). reference_form (.xlsx) file is KinFragLib's AP site fragments information
- TWN.pdb : pdb file (grouped TWNs-fragment visualization, only oxygen atoms are displayed)
- Summary.xlsx : summary of results grouped TWNs-fragment calculation scores (shape similarity and average distance)
- TWN_Group_inform.xlsx : information(TWNs-configuration, coordinates, counts) of grouped TWNs-fragment
- TWN_Group_Centor_Point.tsv : centroids of grouped TWNs-fragment
- OBMol : sdf file converted from pdb file
- Distance_Average, ShaEP : calculation scores (shape similarity and average distance)
- Analysis.txt, TWN_gridbox.txt : log files of .py that was executed
python TWN_automation.py -twn parent parent_path_of_twn_folder -region subregion_path -shaep shaep_path -ref reference_file -out output_path
For example:
python TWN_automation.py -twn ./data/TWNs -region ./data/region -shaep ./data/ShaEP/shaep.exe -ref ./data/reference_form.xlsx -out ./data/output
Grouping TWNs-fragment (primary clustering and secondary clustering)
Define the protein file to display in Complex.pdb ('-pt' option)
Define the range of grouped TWNs-fragments to extract
The criteria is ligand file ('-bd' option)
Create a complex.pdb that visualizes the protein together so that the location of the grouped TWNs-fragments is known ('-c' option)
- Complex.pdb : visualize grouped TWNs-fragment and protein structure
- TWN.pdb
- TWN_gridbox.txt
- TWN_Group_Centor_Point.tsv
python TWN_gridbox.py -twn TWN_file -pt protein_file -o output_path -c complex
For example:
python TWN_gridbox.py -twn ./data/TWNs/TWNs_CDK2 -pt ./data/Protein_CDK2.pdb -o ./data/output -c
Calculate shape similarity and distance average as a result of TWN_gridbox.py
Sets the criteria for selecting shape similarity and distance average for grouped TWNs-fragments, ascending or descending ('-cond' option)
- same as TWN_automation.py
python TWN_anlysis.py -twn path_of_twn_folder -region subregion_path -shaep shaep_path -ref reference_file -out output_path -cond set_condition_of_extract_values
For example:
python TWN_anlysis.py -twn ./data/TWNs/TWNs_CDK2 -region ./data/region -shaep ./data/ShaEP/shaep.exe -ref ./data/reference_form.xlsx -out ./data/output -cond True
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