This is an example for Facebook Messenger PHP Bot API -
The minimum requirement is that your Web server supports PHP 5.4.
composer install
cp config_sample.php config.php
Specify token and verify_token in the config.php
This code should create 2 menus:
- menu for users with Arabic locale: contains one item "promotions"
- menu for users from any other locale which is in this hierarchy:
.......My Account
..............|- Pay Bill
..............|- History
.....................|- History Old
.....................|- History new
..............|- Contact info
$myAccountItems[] = new MenuItem('postback', 'Pay Bill', 'PAYBILL_PAYLOAD');
$historyItems[] = new MenuItem('postback', 'History Old', 'HISTORY_OLD_PAYLOAD');
$historyItems[] = new MenuItem('postback', 'History New', 'HISTORY_NEW_PAYLOAD');
$myAccountItems[] = new MenuItem('nested', 'History', $historyItems);
$myAccountItems[] = new MenuItem('postback', 'Contact_Info', 'CONTACT_INFO_PAYLOAD');
$myAccount = new MenuItem('nested', 'My Account', $myAccountItems);
$promotions = new MenuItem('postback', 'Promotions', 'GET_PROMOTIONS_PAYLOAD');
$enMenu = new LocalizedMenu('default', false, [
$arMenu = new LocalizedMenu('ar_ar', false, [
$localizedMenu[] = $enMenu;
$localizedMenu[] = $arMenu;
//Create the FB bot
$bot = new FbBotApp(PAGE@TOKEN);