Python meta-programming framework in support of ES-DOC eco-system.
ES-DOC stands for Earth Science - Documentation. It's goal is to provide software tools and services in order to support the distribution of earth science documentation.
esdoc-py-mp is an extensible domain driven design meta-progamming utility written in python. It is an essential part of the ES-DOC eco-system of tools & services that allows developers to work with metadata in the encoding of their choice and in the programming language of their choice.
esdoc-py-mp achieves this by parsing a pythonic representation of metadata schema(s) and generating code in various programming languages.
Metadata is typically encoded in an formats that are complex in structure and large in size. Working with this xml directly is highly inefficient in terms of developer productivity.
It was clear that this issue could only be resolved by radically simplifying deserialisation of metadata so that developers could work with plain objects in the programming language of their choice.
esdoc-py-mp supports the whole of the ES-DOC eco-system of tools and services.
\docs Documentation (rst).
\tests Unit tests.
\src Source code.
Please refer to the wiki pages for further information.