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Explorations for the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging specification


Prototyped API

CDI implementation

Mixing with native reactive streams declaration

Reactive Stream topology reshaping and instrumentation

Project sub-modules


Reactive Messaging for MicroProfile exploration

This project is about experimenting with new ideas for the Reactive Messaging for MicroProfile specifications.

The current main focus is on the follow aspects:

  • Messages lifecycle (creation, child messages, ...).

  • Message acknowledgment.

  • Dependency injection integration, noticeably in regard of reactive streams.

All of the code of this project is a prototype. Some pieces of it are advanced, others are not.

Even the prototyped new APIs are not fully polished so far and are likely to benefit from iterations.

Expected benefits

The main expected benefits of this project are:

  • Enabling messages forks and joins in the reactive flow.

  • Understanding how dependency injection and reactive streams could play together, specifically with the challenge of threads (i.e. In CDI, a NormalScope is thread bound.).

  • Understanding how, if possible, this could be implemented at least with CDI, and also with Quarkus DI.

  • To be used as a basis (API and implementation wise) of discussion for integration into the Reactive Messaging for MicroProfile specifications..


Prototyped API

This section introduces some basic elements. Additional concepts are introduced in the following sections with more advanced scenario.


A Message is exposed as an interface, however it is only implemented by the framework. There is no sub-classing by connector providers.

A Message, along with all what is contained inside it, is a simlpe POJO and can go through reactive streams without any concern. It can be injected into beans, however it cannot itself have injected fields or method parameters.

Here is the basic API:

public interface Message<T> {
  Iterable<Metadata> getMetadata();
  <C extends Metadata> C getMetadata(String key);
  void addMetadata(Metadata ctx);
  T getPayload();
  void setPayload(T payload);


As with the MP-RM v1.0, the Message is parameterized by the payload type. A payload is mutable.


Metadata is a new addition to the Message. It enables to provide contextualized meta-data to it. As part of the Message it is a POJO.

This contextualization can be provided by the source connector. For instance a Kafka connector, will provide a KafkaIncoming with Kafka specific pieces of information, e.g.:

public interface KafkaIncoming extends Metadata {

  String topic();
  int partition();
  long offset();
  long timestamp();
  TimestampType timestampType();

Beyond the source connector, a corporate framework can also provide Metadata(s) to enrich the message just after it creation, e.g.:

public interface EventMetadata extends Metadata {
  String getUniqueMessageId();

Message processing

As with the MP-RM v1.0, a processor can be implemented using the @Incoming and @Outgoing annotations with the following signature:

  public void stage1(String payload) {

  public void stage2(Message<String> message) {

What is added to the API is:

The injection of Metadata in method call:

  public void example(KafkaIncoming kafkaIncoming, EventMetadata eventMetadata, Message<String> message)

The injection of what can be injected into the method call using regular DI mechanism (except the payload, while it might be added):

  private KafkaIncoming kafkaIncoming;

  private EventMetadata eventMetadata;

  private Message<String> message;

  public void example() {

The two previous examples are equivalents from user perspective.

End-user API for reactive stream

In the previous example, the injected objects are bound to the execution thread, hence they can't be directly used inside a reactive stream, nor in any asynchronous mechanism.

To do so, the developer has to get a direct reference to the POJO instead of its proxied (thread-bound) instance. This is achieved thanks to the introduction of a new type Async belonging to the MP-RM framework. This Async type is parameterized with the type of instance that is expected, e.g.:

  private Message<String> message;

  private Async<Message<String>> asyncMessage;

  public void example() {
    Message<String> pojoMessage = asyncMessage.get(); // non-proxied instance of the message

The pojoMessage instance can be sent to any asynchronous processing here.

It is worth noting that the message injected proxy is referencing the POJO object obtained in pojoMessage. In another words, for instance, updating the payload in one or the other is equivalent.

Compliance with the Emitter API

This part has not been prototyped so far

The current Emitter<T> API has two send methods, one for payload the other one for Message:

public interface Emitter<T> {

  CompletionStage<Void> send(T msg);

  <M extends Message<? extends T>> void send(M msg);

It is proposed to change it only send Message:

public interface Emitter<T> {
  void send(Message<T> msg); 

Using Emitter will fit the regular case as any DI enabled Message will flow.

See below for Message(s) and their child lifecycle.

Message lifecycle

Let's dig into more details, and focus on the lifecycle of Message(s).


One example can be found in the module kafka-connector-provider

A Message can be built only by using the framework API. A source connector can provide it own Metadata at this time, e.g.:

    KafkaConsumer<String, String> consumer = KafkaConsumer.create(vertx, config);

    return consumer.toFlowable()
        .map(record -> Message.builder()
            .addMetadata(new KafkaIncoming(record))

Here the method call returns the POJO that is send into the reactive stream.

As the Message is built by the framework, any needed CDI-related initialization can be performed at this time.

Note: The builder is also exposing a 'dependencyInjection(boolean activate)' method that is enabling the override the default value for CDI activation (...). This is to enable higher performances for highly constrained implementations (e.g. for a technical gateway).

Acknowledgement & CDI context destruction

As a context has to be created for each Message when CDI is activated, it has to be deleted at some stage. This deletion is handled by the CDI implementation of the framework upon message global acknowledgement.

Note: This context is not necessarily a CDI Context (...).

Adding a Metadata to the message just after it has been built

One example can be found in the module corporate-framework

It is possible to enrich the Message with additional Metadata(s) when the message is built. To do so, the MessageBuilder will call method(s) annotated with @MessageInitializer in a bean.

The method will then be able to customize the message and, if needed, get access to other Metadata as the bean can be injected. The injected Metadata should be the one initially given to the builder to prevent issue with creation order.

public class EventMetadataMessageInitializer {

  private KafkaIncoming kafkaIncoming;

  private Message<?> message;

  public void initialize(KafkaIncoming direcKafkaIncoming) {
    EventMetadata ec = new EventMetadataImpl();
    ec.setEventKey((String) kafkaIncoming.key());

    String payload = (String) message.getPayload();

Note: Some additional logic could be added to handle creation order.

From one to n Messages

Message child semantic

Let's assume that a processor is sending several messages built from a single one. This can either be achieved by using Emitter or by returning a Publisher<Message>, or even by a of mix of both.

Let's assume that from, a message m0, the processor is sending (m1, m1').

                     |-- m1
m0 --> processor --> |
                     |-- m1'

The naturally expected semantic for theses messages is to be children of m0:

  • Often, the payload is not expected to be shared (while it can be in some cases).

  • Some Metadata might be propagated, other not, e.g.: the KafkaIncoming. Some other Metadata can be built from the previous one (e.g. for OpenTracing span creation using SpanBuilder.asChildOf).

  • Regarding CDI, each new message should have its own specific context.

Here is a first example of how a child message m1 could be created from m0 and propagated:

  Emitter<Message<String>> way1;
      { ...
      // Build a derived EventMetadata:
      // * The EventMetadata could contain OpenTracing id and it is wanted to created a following span.
      // * The EventMetadata provider would have to also provide this builder.
      EventMetadata m1ec =;
      // Create m1 with the same KafkaIncoming and the derived EventMetadata
      Message<String> m1 = Message.builder()
        .payload("processed: " + m0.getPayload())

However, for creating a child Message with a new payload a one-liner would be nicer. To do so, let's introduce the following concepts:

A Metadata is regarded as immutable. A MutableMetadata is a sub-interface of Metadata for mutable Metadata and expose a method createChild(). A child-Message will the be able to use its parent Metadata instance, except when mutable where a child-Metadata will be created. Hence, the previous code can be re-written as:

  Emitter<Message<String>> way1;
      { ...    
      Message<String> m1 = Message.builder()
        .payload("processed: " + m0.getPayload())
      ... }

The MessageBuilder will automatically propagate the Metadata into the child-Message following this logic.

Message acknowledgment

Concrete example

Let's introduce an example of a micro-service to make it more concrete:


Here are the steps:

  1. An incoming message is entering a source connector.

  2. The source connector is converting it into a Reactive Messaging Message (m0) and publishing it into a channel of the reactive stream.

3 & 3': The business processor has created two messages (m1 and m1') and sent them towards different channels. The flows for m1 and m1' are not synchronized as they go through two dissociated branches of the reactive stream.

4 & 4': The sink connectors have transformed their input message into technology specific messages and sent them to their destination.

5 & 5': The destinations are acknowledging their messages.

6: The connector acknowledges the incoming m1 message.

7: The message m1 signal towards m0 that it has been acknowledged. However, at this stage, m0 is not acknowledged as it is waiting the acknowledgment from m1'.

6': The connector acknowledges the incoming m1' message.

7: The message m1' signal towards m0 that it has been acknowledged. As, now, both m1 AND m1' are acknowledged, m0 is also acknowledged.

8: As the source connector was waiting asynchronously the acknowledgement of the message it has produced, it is now triggered and:

9: The source connector acknowledges its own source.

Basic acknowledgement concepts

Hence, the incoming m0 should be acked only when the outgoing m1,m1' are acked.

Let's start with a drawing exhibiting the acknowledgment logic for a parent m0 message with a unique child m1 both still flowing into reactive streams:


Note 1: message.isAcked(), here, means: Is the message globally acked at root level (e.g. from the source connector perspective).

Note 2. m0.stagedAcked() means m0 is acked at this stage of the process. However, this doesn't mean that the message is "globally" acked (see below).

Let us introduce these acknowledgement concepts:

  • Message acknowledgement: The message is globally regarded as acknowledged.

  • Message staged-acknowledgement: At each stage of the processing a message can be acknowledged. This acknowledgement can be chained with other ones using CompletableFuture that can also depends on other completion conditions (for instance, created with CompletableFuture.allOf). The staged level acknowledgement are creating a chain towards the Message acknowledgment.

Implementation with CompletableFutures

Let us represent two stages with their CompletableFuture materializing the acknowledgement state of the message:


In stage n:

  • There is a completion link between the CompletableFuture associated to the current stage and the message global acknowledgement CompletableFuture.

  • Then, the completion of the stage will directly propagate towards the global message completion (while not necessary completing it).

In stage n+1:

  • A new current stage CompletableFuture has been created.

  • A new anonymous CompletableFuture has been created using CompletableFuture.allOf from the current stage CompletableFuture and another CompletableFuture X.

  • This X CompletableFuture can be used, for instance, to handle the completion of a database command, a Rest call, the acknowledge of a message send to an external broker (...).

  • When the anonymous CompletableFuture will complete this will propagate towards the global message completion. As described for stage n, this might not necessarily globally acknowledge the message as previous stages might also have create such kind of additional X conditions that might not be completed.

Acknowledgement with parent-child relationship

Now let us dig into the completion logic for a parent-child relationship:


Starting with two messages m0 and m1, let's make m0 the parent of m1:

The current acknowledgment stage of the Message m0 should be replaced by a new one stagedAck(m0).1 that will propagate the acknowledgement towards messageAck(m0) only when:

  • It is, it-self, completed;

  • AND, the Message m1 is also acknowledged.

Note: See AbstractMessageBuilder.setupParentChildLink(List<Message<?>> parents, Message child) and its U.T.

Now, let us consider a "pathological" cases:

  • (m1, m1') are actually the same m0 that is re-sent several times.

If so, it is likely that one of these propagation of m0 will be acked first which will destroy the CDI context. Hence, if this CDI context should be started afterward, an exception will be raised from inside the stream (...).

From n to 1 (or more...) Messages

Let's considere the case where a business processor will issue one output message from several input ones. This can be seen as a join case.

Let's considere we have two different source connectors:


The business processor will issue the message mC from mA and mB with the following strategy:

  • For each type of Metadata, a new Metadata should be associate to mC that has been built from the merge of the instances of the same type coming from mA and mB. The merge strategy is typically to be provided by the Metadata provider.

  • The payload of mC has to be provided by the business developer.

  • The mC message global acknowledgement is mandatory for the staged acknowledged of mA and mB.

A concrete Metadata type can either support naturally this merge, or not. Let's considere a Kafka Metadata. It may indicate the source Kafka topic from where the message is coming but, in case of a merge, it might not have the capability to indicate the list of the several source topics:

public interface KafkaIncoming extends Metadata {
  String topic();

To achieve this, a new kind of Kafka Metadata supporting multiple sources might be introduced:

public interface MultiKafkaIncoming extends MutableMetadata {
  List<KafkaIncoming> getMetadata();

Ideally, from user perspective, when it is known that there is a single origin it would be wanted to deal with KafkaIncoming and, when it's not the case, MultiKafkaIncoming would be used. Hence, in our example, messages A and B would have a KafkaIncoming and message C would have a MultiKafkaIncoming. This means, the Metadata provide should expose the capability to merge KafkaIncoming(s) and MultiKafkaIncoming(s) towards a MultiKafkaIncoming.

To achieve this, Metadata exposes the following method that is to be called by the framework when a child message is created:

public interface Metadata {
  Metadata merge(Metadata... metadata);

This method will be called to merge compatible Metadatas. For instance, a KafkaIncoming and a MultiKafkaIncoming that are compatible. However, a KafkaIncoming and RabbitMQ Metadata are not compatible. In order for a set of Metadata type to indicate their compatibility, the following getMetadataMergeKey method is also exposed by Metadata:

public interface Metadata {
  String getMetadataMergeKey();

All the Metadata that are compatible should return the same String value. The framework will call the merge method only for compatible type.

Here is the representation of the merge of two messages coming from a Kafka source and a message coming for a RabbitMQ source:


The two KafkaIncoming are merged as they return the same value when getMetadataMergeKey() is called. The result of the merge is producing a MultiKafkaIncoming that is also returning the same value for getMetadataMergeKey().

The RabbitMQMetadata is not merged as it returns a value not shared with other Metadata for getMetadataMergeKey().

Note: Beyond child message creation, adding a Metadata into a message may also result in calling this merge logic.

One example can be found in the module reactive-messaging in MessageImplTest.

CDI implementation


Here is an overview of the life of a message (CDI) with the current implementation:


Here are the main steps:

1- A connector is receiving a message from a queueing system (or a rest call...).

2- The connector is calling the framework MessageBuilder with the payload an possible Metadata(s).

3- The framework is spawning a new MessageScopeContext unique to this message. The message keeps secretly an identifier to this context.

4- The newly built message is returned as a POJO to the connector.

5- The connector is pushing this POJO message into the reactive stream.

6- A framework FunctionInvoker is :

  • receiving the message

  • extracting the hidden context identifier and activating the MessageScopeContext

  • calling the end-user Business Processor (BTW, by looking up into the MessageScopeContext to inject the parameters)

7- The Business Process is using its method parameter or CDI proxies to access the Message objects.

8- The Business Process method call returns, and the FunctionInvoker is suspending the CDI context. Then the message flows to the output connector...

9- The output connector is sending the message to its destination (and acknowledge the CompletionStage in the received Message)

9+ - When the Message is acknowledged (either when the output connector is acking, or when later if CompletionStage has been intercepted), the MessageScopeContext is destroyed.

CDI implementations considerations

cdi-reactive-messaging implementation

This implementation is storing all the injected instance in a simple class (MessageScopedContext) that is not a CDI context.

The injected beans (Message, EventMetadata...) are hand-made proxies performing a look-up in this MessageScopedContext class. Hence, two levels of proxies are used. This could be improved by wrapping injection targets (see the link to the RestEasy code below).

Beyond that, this implementation is likely to benefit from performance tuning.

Alternative CDI solution

Another possible implementation strategy is possible. For instance, Resteasy is:

It might be good to know the rationals behind the Resteasy technical choices (performance?).

ext-rm Quarkus implementation

It is in the rm-ext module and enable to use the same API either in bytecode or native mode.

Dependency injection drawbacks & benefits

In this section, let us call:

  • CDI injection: Injection with @Inject as with regular CDI or Quarkus DI;

  • Direct injection: Injection performed when calling a method when the parameters as set according to their type (hence not performed by a CDI(-like) container).

  • Dependency injection (DI): Both of the previous ones.

The drawbacks

Whatever the implementation, DI is likely to have an impact on performance.

With low/middle-end services (tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands messages/s), the CPU impact might be acceptable. For high-end services (hundreds of thousands to millions messages/s), it might not.

Also, there is memory-impact as each messages will have a context associated to it. With reactive, we can considere some scenario with a high number of messages in memory being processed asynchronously (high-bandwith / high-latency external external systems).

Hence, it might be wanted to have the capacity to disengage the DI features when needed.

Benefits from the business developer perspective

Dependency injection vs nothing

Dependency injection will provide added value as exposing to the end-user some message contextual data:

  • In a strongly typed way, hence with a clearly defined semantic;

  • Optionally, according to what is chosen to be injected.

Let's take three examples:

  1. A basic business developer:

As with current API, he can simply request for the payload and process it:

    void process(Payload payload) {
      // Business logic
  1. A business developer that would also need some contextual data provided by its corporate framework:
    void process(EventMetadata eventMetadata, Payload payload) {
      String eventId = eventMetadata.getUniqueMessageId();
  1. A "business" developer, that would be more on the technical side, and would need to implement a Kafka specific processing.

Let's consider implementing a Kafka-to-Kafka replicator that will drop messages with to old timestamp:

   Emitter<Message<?>> output;
   void process(KafkaIncoming kafkaIncoming, Message message) {
     if (kafkaIncoming.timestamp() < /* something */)) {
       // drop it
     } else {

CDI injection vs Direct injection

Whether injection is performed using CDI injection or Direct injection is probably likely to provide similar benefits from user perspective most of the time.

For instance, these two examples are equivalent:

Example 1:

  public void process(EventMetadata eventMetadata, Payload payload)

Example 2:

  private EventMetadata eventMetadata;

  public void process(Payload payload) {

However, the capacity to inject using CDI:

  • Is more aligned with JAX-RS along with request-scoped beans.

  • Might be interesting in case a lot of different context are to be injected.

Mixing with native reactive streams declaration

One example can be found in the module business-app in the class MyRxJavaProcessor.

The following processor signature has been prototyped Publisher<Message<O>> method(Publisher<Message<I>> publisher). This enables to implement a processor with RxJava, e.g.:

  public Publisher<Message<String>> stage6(Publisher<Message<String>> publisher) {
    return Flowable.fromPublisher(publisher)
        .flatMap(message -> {
          Message<String> child = Message.<String> builder()
          KafkaTarget target = child.getMetadata(KafkaTarget.KEY);
          target.topic(target.topic() + "-child");
          return Flowable.fromArray(message, child);
        .delay(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Here, a child message is created with a different Kafka topic target and it is send with its parent into the reactive stream.

Here, no injection can be used. However, reusing an injected Emitter using the Async mechanism might be possible (to investigate).

Reactive Stream topology reshaping and instrumentation


It might be wanted to reshape the declared topology that is eventually used to build the reactive stream. For instance, each topology node can be:

  • Instrumented with logs or spans before and after a message is processed;

  • Instrumented with performance metrics;

  • Etc.

To do so, the idea is to follow this approach:

  • An actual Topology object is built from the annotation based declaration of the processing topology.

  • A Reactive Stream (or several ones) is built from a Topology object.

  • In the basic case, the Topology object coming from the annotated methods is directly used to build the Reactive Stream.

  • When it is wanted to have reshaped/instrumented version of the Reactive Stream, the Topology object is first transformed into another modified instance. This last modified instance is used to build the Reactive Stream.

First implementation

In the current first, and limited, implementation the following pieces are used:

  • Declared Publisher/Processor/Subscriber can be given a name by using the NodeName annotation, e.g.:
  public void stage1(String payload) {

Report to the module business-app in all the processor classes.

  • Each Publisher/Processor/Subscriber can be added with a pre and post-processing operation by implementing the NodeInterceptor interface, and annotating methods with the Before and After, e.g.:
public class LoggerNodeInterceptor implements NodeInterceptor {
  private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LoggerNodeInterceptor.class);

  private String nodeName;

  private Message<?> message;

  public void setNodeName(String name) {
    this.nodeName = name;

  public void before() {"before: {} message={}", nodeName, message);

  public void after(Message<?> message) {"after: {}", nodeName);

Report to the module corportate-framework in the class LoggerNodeInterceptor.

A NodeInterceptor will be given the name of the Publisher/Processor/Subscriber node it is attached by the framework calling its setNodeName method. Then, its method annotated with @Before will be called before each Processor/Subscriber is called in the reactive stream. And, its method annotated with @After will be called after each Publisher/Processor is called in the reactive stream.

A NodeInterceptor is injected (either by CDI or direct injection) in the same way a regular processor is.

  • An instrumented topology can be created using the InstrumentedTopologyBuilderVisitor from a topology instance, and a reactive stream started as follow:
      Topology instrumentedTopology ="logger",
          () -> new LoggerNodeInterceptor(), container.getBeanManager(), topology);;

Report to the module business-app in the BusinessApp class for this code.

Report to the module reactive-streamm for the InstrumentedTopologyBuilderVisitor.

This results in the following king of outcome:

16:23:15.707 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO  c.a.m.o.r.m.c.f.LoggerNodeInterceptor:28 - before: stage1 message={metadata=[{topic='mytopic', partition='3', offset='0'}, com.amadeus.middleware.odyssey.reactive.messaging.kafka.connector.provider.KafkaTargetImpl@f8fdcdd, {uniqueMessageId='124', key='key2'}], payload=124-value2}
16:23:15.707 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO  c.a.m.o.r.m.b.a.MyBusinessProcessor:19 - stage1 start
16:23:15.707 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO  c.a.m.o.r.m.b.a.MyBusinessProcessor:20 - stage1 payload=124-value2
16:23:15.707 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO  c.a.m.o.r.m.b.a.MyBusinessProcessor:21 - stage1 stop
16:23:15.707 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO  c.a.m.o.r.m.c.f.LoggerNodeInterceptor:33 - after: stage1


An actual Topology transformation solution could be implemented. The topology is actually a graph, while the prototype is only implementing linear topology with simple before/after node instrumentation.

A selection mechanism could be used to only instrument specific nodes according to several characteristics.

MessageInitializer could be dropped in favor of this, with a selection mechanism that could selectively target Publishers of specific kind of messages (i.e. specific kind of input-connectors).

Project sub-modules


reactives-messaging: The API customized from the MP-RM, and basic framework implementation. This is agnostic to any DI framework (however some CDI annotations are used).

cdi-reactive-messaging: CDI implementation of the framework. It works with Weld (no other container implementation tested). However only CDI-spec API is used.

test-cdi-reactive-messaging: First basic tests of cdi-reactive-messaging (using Weld).

kafka-connector-provider: A Kafka connector. It does not follow the specification but provides an actual Publisher of Kafka messages using the prototype API.

corporate-framework: This provides EventMetadata to the message computed from the KafkaIncoming and the payload.

business-app: This is an example of a business application using the framework.

jmh: First basic jmh performance tests to get an idea of the CDI implementation impact.

rm-ext: Quarkus extension to implement the framework.

quarkus-app: Quarkus application similar to business-app but for Quarkus (both might be merged one day).

How to build & run

The projects can be built using mvn clean install.

In order to run business-app example:

  • A docker-compose clean and docker-compose up should be performed into the kafka-connector-provider module.

  • In this same module, KafkaSender.main should be called to insert message into Kafka.

Then, BusinessApp.main can be launched producing the following output:

10:41:57.583 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG c.a.m.e.r.m.c.c.CDIMessageBuilderImpl:43 - new message with scopeid=0
10:41:57.594 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO  c.a.m.e.r.m.b.a.MyBusinessProcessor:17 - stage1 start
10:41:57.594 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO  c.a.m.e.r.m.b.a.MyBusinessProcessor:18 - stage1 payload=124-value2
10:41:57.594 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO  c.a.m.e.r.m.b.a.MyBusinessProcessor:19 - stage1 stop
10:41:57.594 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO  c.a.m.e.r.m.b.a.MyBusinessProcessor:25 - stage2 start
10:41:57.594 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO  c.a.m.e.r.m.b.a.MyBusinessProcessor:26 - stage2 payload=124-value2
10:41:57.595 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO  c.a.m.e.r.m.b.a.MyBusinessProcessor:27 - stage2 stop
10:41:57.595 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO  c.a.m.e.r.m.b.a.MyBusinessProcessor:33 - stage3 start
10:41:57.595 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO  c.a.m.e.r.m.b.a.MyBusinessProcessor:34 - stage3 event id=124 payload=124-value2
10:41:57.595 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO  c.a.m.e.r.m.b.a.MyBusinessProcessor:35 - stage3 stop
10:41:57.597 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO  c.a.m.e.r.m.b.a.MyAdvancedProcessor:50 - stage4 start
10:41:57.597 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO  c.a.m.e.r.m.b.a.MyAdvancedProcessor:53 - KafkaIncoming direct={topic='mytopic', partition='3', offset='0'},cdi={topic='mytopic', partition='3', offset='0'}
10:41:57.597 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO  c.a.m.e.r.m.b.a.MyAdvancedProcessor:54 - EventMetadata direct={uniqueMessageId='124', key='0'},cdi={uniqueMessageId='124', key='0'}
10:41:57.597 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO  c.a.m.e.r.m.b.a.MyAdvancedProcessor:55 - Message.payload direct=124-value2,cdi=124-value2
10:41:57.597 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO  c.a.m.e.r.m.b.a.MyAdvancedProcessor:58 - Payload direct=124-value2
10:41:57.598 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO  c.a.m.e.r.m.b.a.MyAdvancedProcessor:63 - EventMetadata async direct={uniqueMessageId='124', key='0'},cdi={uniqueMessageId='124', key='0'}
10:41:57.598 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO  c.a.m.e.r.m.b.a.MyAdvancedProcessor:67 - EventMetadata after POJO update direct={uniqueMessageId='pojo-124', key='0'},cdi={uniqueMessageId='pojo-124', key='0'}
10:41:57.598 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG c.a.m.e.r.m.b.a.MyAdvancedProcessor:71 - KafkaIncoming from message={topic='mytopic', partition='3', offset='0'}
10:41:57.609 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO  c.a.m.e.r.m.b.a.MyAdvancedProcessor:76 - stage4 stop


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