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Cypress Cucumber testing DSL 🥒 🚀

This is a project for UI/UX purposes with Cypress and Cucumber frameworks. There is implemented a unique DSL (Domain Specific Language) usage placed in folder cypress/tests/common.

Installation ⚙️

  • Install NodeJS \
  • Use the CLI to install this project.
git clone
npm intall

Running ⏳

To open the Cypress UI use this command:

npx cypress open

To run a specific Gherkin test use this command:

cypress run --spec "**/filename.feature"

To run all Gherkin tests use this command:

npm test

Supported Gherkin commands 🥒 🔦

Given, When, Then, And

Command Expression
Given / When / Then / And I am on "string" page
Given / When / Then / And I click on input "string"
Given / When / Then / And I click on Nth "string"
Given / When / Then / And I click on Nth "string" button
Given / When / Then / And I click on "string"
Given / When / Then / And I click on "string" button
Given / When / Then / And I click on "string" link
Given / When / Then / And I login as "string" "string"
Given / When / Then / And I scroll "string" into view
Given / When / Then / And I scroll to "string" at "string"
Given / When / Then / And I see "string" in the title
Given / When / Then / And I see "string" on the page
Given / When / Then / And I select from dropdown "string" "string"
Given / When / Then / And I select "string"
Given / When / Then / And Label "string" is present
Given / When / Then / And Set email at label "string" to "string"
Given / When / Then / And Set input at label "string" to "string"
Given / When / Then / And Set input "string" to "string"
Given / When / Then / And Set password to "string"
Given / When / Then / And Set textarea at label "string" to "string"

Develop a Gherkin command 💻

Use any JavaScript file in test/common folder as a template

import {Given, When, Then, And} from "cypress-cucumber-preprocessor/steps";

Given(`Expression {string}`, (str) => {
    /** Here goes the implementation of the Gherkin command
     * Use the Cypress documentation for implementing the test.
     * @str is the variable from inside the Expression. 
     *      You can use STRING or NUMBER
     *      as many as it is **/ 

When(`Expression {string}`, (str) => {
    /** Here goes the implementation of the Gherkin command
     * Use the Cypress documentation for implementing the test.
     * @str is the variable from inside the Expression.
     *      You can use STRING or NUMBER
     *      as many as it is **/


Then(`Expression {string}`, (str) => {
    /** Here goes the implementation of the Gherkin command
     * Use the Cypress documentation for implementing the test.
     * @str is the variable from inside the Expression.
     *      You can use STRING or NUMBER
     *      as many as it is **/


And(`Expression {string}`, (str) => {
    /** Here goes the implementation of the Gherkin command
     * Use the Cypress documentation for implementing the test.
     * @str is the variable from inside the Expression.
     *      You can use STRING or NUMBER
     *      as many as it is **/


Usage ⚙️

Create a new folder at folder tests/common which describes the testing domain. Inside in this new folder create a Gherkin file type .feature

  # The NAME of the feature testing file  
  Feature: The name of the feature

    # The description   
    Here goes the description

  # First scenario
    Given I am on "" page
    When I click on "Go to file"
    Then I click on "cypress/fixtures/example.json"
  # Second scenario
  Scenario: Another scenario
    Given I am on "" page
    Then I see "cypress-cucumber-testing" on the page

Google Sheets format 🗄

To use Google Sheets for implementig test scenarios

  • create a developer google site
  • cleate a google sheet
  • add your developer specific email
  • use the sheets/snippet.js file to run
node sheets/snippet.js && cypress run --spec cypress/tests/google/googleSheetTest.feature

Contributing 🥒 📐✂️✒️

You are welcome to contribute on this project. By contributing you can make testers life easyer 🙂
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

License 🛒🔒


Links 🔗

KPI - Department of comupters and informatics
Technical University of Kosice