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Widefield alignment

Andy Peters edited this page Nov 21, 2019 · 15 revisions



  1. Set path to save alignments (first line in AP_align_widefield)
  2. Create master alignment reference ('create_master') from average aligned vfs's from multiple animals
  • Example is already included (master_vfs.mat) at 20.6 um per pixel across 11 mice
  • This also aligns the Allen CCF to the master vfs test image
  1. Across-day align ('new_days') using vasulature from all days of one animal
  • Days first-pass rigid aligned using whole images
  • First-pass rigid aligned again using user-selected stable area
  1. Across-animal align ('new_animal) using the aligned average vfs from new animal
  • Animal vfs affine aligned to the master vfs
  1. Apply saved alignments to any images (specifying animal and day source)
  • Regular usage after creating and saving alignments
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