You have to include/link against:
- freeglut
- glew1.13
- glm
- The usual cuda headers/libs (tested with 7.5, should work with anything not too old)
A set of tools, each with their own dependencies to reconstruct 3D models from Kinect depth maps. The Bag folder has possible input files, and a folder with a meshlab project and the achieved results, the dependencies are as follows:
- DepthSaver (Windows Only)
- freeglut
- Kinect SDK (Kinect10.lib)
- Depth2Mesh (Further development at
- freeglut
- PointProcessing
- GMP (included in CGAL)
- Capture a depth frame in DepthSaver by pressing S
- Clean your depth image up, remove outliers by painting them over with a black brush, a 1-2px gaussian blur filter also does wonders.
- Run Depth2Mesh and follow and use the console interface to convert your depth image to a .xyz file
- Run PointProcessing and use the console window (not the openGL one) to process your point set and output an .obj file
- Open the generated .obj file in Meshlab and project your high-quality texture to the mesh as vertex color, generate a parametrization of the mesh with color information and then replace the generated parametrization with a properly aligned and scaled version of your high-quality texture.
This project presents a modern opengl approach to produce 3 shading effects: texture mapping, normal mapping and displacement mapping. The dependencies are:
- freeglut
- glew1.13
- glm
Several hotkeys are available:
- a/z - to zoom in and out
- w - change to writeframe mode
- p - change to filled polygon mode
- r - start/stop rotation
- +/- - to increase and decrese the tesselation levels
- ESC - to exit