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Event Organiser

Contributors: stephenharris
Donate link:
Tags: events, event, event categories, event organizer, events calendar, event management, ical, locations, google map, widget, venues, maps, gigs, shows,
Requires at least: 3.3
Tested up to: 3.9
Stable tag: 2.7.5
License: GPLv3

Create and maintain events, including complex reoccurring patterns, venue management (with Google maps), calendars and customisable event lists


Event Organiser adds event management that integrates well with your WordPress site. By using WordPress' in-built 'custom post type', this plug-in allows you to create events that have the same functionality as posts, while adding further features that allow you to manage your events. This includes the possibility of repeating your event according to complex schedules and assign your events to venues. This can all be done through an intuitive user interface, which allows you to view your events in the familiar WordPress list or in a calendar page in the amin area.

User Docs | Function Reference
| Forums | Demo | Booking Add-on

Available Extensions

A full list of available extensions can be found here.


For the user

  • Create one-time events or reoccuring events.
  • Allows complex reoccuring patterns for events. You can create events that last an arbirtary time, and repeat over a specified period. Supports complex schedules such as On the third Tuesday of every fourth month or Every month on the 16th.
  • Ability to add or remove specific dates to an event
  • Event functions available which extend the post functions (e.g. the_title(),get_the_author(), the_author()) to ouput or return event data (the start date-time, the venue etc). For examples of their use see the documentation or the included template files.
  • Create and maintain venues for your events, with Google maps support and a fully-featured content editor.
  • Widgets:
    • Calendar widget - displays a calendar (identical to the standard WordPress Calendar)
    • Event List widget - displays a list of events, with options to specify the number of events, restrict by categories or venues etc.
    • Event Agenda widget
  • Year, month and day archive pages
  • Shortcodes:
    • (full)Calendar, includes optional category & venue filters.
    • (widget) Calendar
    • Event List (similar to Event List widget)
    • Event Agenda (similar to Event Agenda widget)
    • Venue map
    • Subscribe to event feeds
  • Relative date queries (for example, query events that finished in the last 24 hours, or events starting in the coming week).
  • Assign events to categories and tags, and view events by category or tag.
  • Color-coded event categories.
  • Custom permissions allow to specifiy which roles have the ability to create, edit and delete events or manage venues.
  • Venue pages, to view events by venue.
  • Export/import events to and from ICAL files.
  • Delete individual occurrences of events.
  • Public events feed: allow visitors to subscribe to your events, or a particular venue / category.
  • Supports 'pretty permalinks' for event pages, event archives, event category and venue pages.
  • (Optionally) automatically delete expired events.

For the developer

  • Adds an event custom post type that fits naturally into WordPress and allows for all the functionality of 'posts'.
  • Respects the template hierarchy. Default templates can be over-ridden by including the appropriately named template files in your theme folder.
  • Plug-in actions and filters are provided to modify the behaviour of the plug-in (hook reference
  • Extensive function API & documentation
  • Javascript actions and filters to modify interaction with the calendars and maps
  • Provide custom templates for shortcodes, widgets and ICAL export
  • Custom metaboxes and meta data support for venues (see tutorial).
  • Minified javascript files are used, with the originals provided for ease of developing
  • Booking add-on available


A big thank you to those who have provided translations for Event Organiser. If you wish to help out with translating the plug-in, you can do so here.

  • French - Remy Perona
  • Spanish - Joseba Sanchez, jagarre
  • German - Martin Grether & Henning Matthaei
  • Italian - Emilio Frusciante, Pio Muto
  • Norwegian - Erlend Birkedal
  • Swedish - Sofia BrÃ¥vander
  • Portuguese (Brazilian) - Rafael Wahasugui, rafaelkvidal
  • Dutch - Ingrid Ekkers, Roel
  • Polish - Bartosz Arendt
  • Russian - Sergei
  • Hungarian - Csaba Erdei
  • Estonian - Kristjan Roosipuu
  • Finnish - Kari Tolonen
  • Ukranian - Максим Кобєлєв
  • Thai - Nibhon, Wuttichai Songprapai
  • Turkish - Gökhan DAMGACI
  • Croatian - Branimir
  • Catalan - jordioniric, marc.antje
  • Icelandic - HrHagedorn
  • Bulgarian - Parvan Voynov
  • Romanian - raduanastasedev


Installation is standard and straight forward.

  1. Upload event-organiser folder (and all it's contents!) to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Check Settings > Event Organiser

Frequently Asked Questions

How to create an event

Events behave very similarly to standard posts. To create a event, select the 'Add New' submenu from 'Events' menu. The chief difference between events and post is the 'Event Details' metabox which sets the date and venue data related to the event.

You can also add events in the Calendar view in a manner similiar to Google Calendar. By selecting one (or multiple) days (in month mode) or times (in week/day mode) you can create an event that spans the selected period.

The Event Pages Don't Look Right

Unfortunately its impossible for the default templates to work with every theme. Occasionally, they simply don't work well with a given theme - the event content might not appear right, or the sidebar might seem displaced. The solution is to edit the default templates to fit in with your theme (you can use your theme's own templates as a guideline). You can find more information here

How do I display events?

Events are automatically displayed on the events page: try (If you have permalinks enabled these will have 'prettier' versions). Similarly there are venue and event category pages. Each of these pages have their own associated template which are present in the template sub-directory of the Event Organiser plug-in folder. To override the default templates, simply create the appropriately named files in your theme directory.

Widgets The plug-in also provides the following widgets (see widget documentation):

  • Event list - list events allows with options to filter by venue, categories and dates.
  • Calendar - display a calendar, similiar to the WordPress calendar, that displays your events.
  • Agenda - displays your events in a list grouped by date and navigated with AJAX.

Shortcodes Among others, the plug-in also provides the following shortcodes (see shortcode documentation):

  • Event list & Widget Calendar - shortcode versions of their widget counterparts.
  • Full calendar - a calendar, similiar to the admin calendar, with optional month, week and day views and category and venue filters

Template Functions Finally, the plug-in provides a function eo_get_events() which is similiar to WordPress' get_posts(). It returns an array of post objects (where the posts are events), and this can be used to display events through editing your theme. The usual WordPress functions for display associated information (author, title etc) are still available to you, and the plug-in provides a similar set of functions to display event related data (dates, venues etc). See the documentation for more information.

The full calendar doesn't display any events

The calendar should display all published events. If you find the calendar doesn't appear this is usually caused by the theme you are using, and is verifiable by temporarily switching to the TwentyEleven theme. If the theme is the cause this is normally because:

  • The theme de-registers the jQuery / jQuery UI shipped with WordPress and registers an outdated version
  • The theme does not call wp_footer in the footer

If the calendar does appear, but gets stuck loading, the cause is usually the AJAX response. If your site is in 'debug' mode - this can be due to error messages from other plug-ins being printed. You can view the AJAX response in your browsers console (E.g. Firefox's firebug or Chrome's dev tools). If you are still unable to determine the cause of the problem, or how to fix, please use the plug-in forums with a link to your site and I'll take a look.

I cannot navigate between months on the widget calendar

If clicking on the 'next' month causes the page to reload - the javascript has not been loaded. This is usually because the theme does not call wp_footer in the footer.

If the calendar simply does not respond this is usually because your theme does not allow widgets to add their own ID and classes. Somewhere in the theme folder your theme will make use of register_sidebar() (probably in functions.php. It should look something like:

  'name' => __( 'Side bar name' ),
  'id' => 'sidebar-id',
  'description' => __( 'Widget area description' ),
  'before_title' => '<h1>',
  'after_title' => '</h1>',
  'before_widget' => '<div id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',
  'after_widget' => '</div>',

Notice the %1$s and %2$s in the before_widget argument. These allow the widget to add their own ID and classes to the widget. If your theme does not use class="widget %2$s" (they should!) the month navigation for the widget calendar will not work.

If you are still unable to determine the cause of the problem, or how to fix, please use the plug-in forums with a link to your site and I'll take a look.

What ShortCodes are available?

Event Organiser provides the following shortcodes:

  • [eo_events] - displays a list of events allows with options to filter by venue, categories and dates.
  • [eo_calendar] - displays a widget-calendar of your events, similiar to WordPress' calendar, and navigated with AJAX.
  • [eo_fullcalendar] - displays a calendar, similiar to the admin calendar, with optional month, week and day views and category and venue filters.
  • [eo_venue_map] - displays a Google map of the current venue, or of a particular venue given as an attribute.
  • [eo_subscribe] - wraps the content in a link which allows visitors to subscribe to your events; there are two types: 'Google' and 'Webcal'.

More information on shortcodes is available here


1. Event admin screen

Event admin screen

2. Venue admin screen

Venue admin screen

3. Event details metabox, showing the full reoccurrence options and venue selection

Event details metabox, showing the full reoccurrence options and venue selection

4. Venue editing screen, with Google Maps

Venue editing screen, with Google Maps

5. Calendar View screen

Calendar View screen

6. View of a venue page on the front-end (in a theme based on WordPress TwentyEleven)

View of a venue page on the front-end (in a theme based on WordPress TwentyEleven)



  • Ensure jquery-dialog is loaded (thanks to PunchRockgroin).


  • Compatible with WordPress 3.9
  • Fixes issue with eo_check_datetime() on Windows servers running PHP 5.2
  • Added prefix to jQuery UI time picker plug-in to prevent conflicts with other plug-ins
  • Fixes X-ALT-DESC (HTML) tag in iCal feed
  • Add prefix to ensure the (post) date filter is removed only on the event admin screen
  • Remove 'large-text' class added to textarea with the textarea utility function
  • Fixes bug in textarea utility function where multiple class attributes are merged.


  • Fixes bug experienced under some environments with PHP5.2 where event dates cannot save
  • Ensures obsolete event table column is removed (can cause errors on Microsft servers)
  • Set time of included date to the time of the event. Fixes #175
  • Correct eo_blog_is_24(). ('G' is 12 hour, 'h' is 24 hour).



  • Fixes bug (2.7) where shortcode tags are ignored
  • Adds blog ID checks on multisites
  • Update "tested up to" version


  • Alteration to default single event page to adapt layout on small screens.
  • Added option to change "on" in the year/month/date event page urls
  • Added hook eventorganiser_ical_feed_parsed. See
  • (Backwards compatible) change in eo_get_event_fullcalendar() arguments. The arguments 'event_category' and 'event_venue' have been replaced by 'event-category' and 'event-venue'. Also they accept an array of term slugs or a comma-delimited string of term slugs. See
  • When restricting a calendar by category(ies). Only those categories appear in the category drop-down, if this is added.
  • Added event tag to fullCalendar filters ([eo_fullcalendar headerRight="tag"]).
  • Included HTML description in iCal feed. ("alternative text representation" tag).
  • Included latitude/longtitude co-ordinates in iCal feed.
  • Fix bugs with line wrapping in iCal feed.
  • Fixes bug where "am"/"pm" are translated in time input.
  • Fixes bug with eo_date_interval().
  • Fixes conflixt with Ozh' Admin Drop Down Menu
  • iCal parser returns error if duplicate UIDs are detected'.
  • iCal parser accepts webcal protocal.
  • Updated links to point to new user documentation site.
  • Added Bulgarian (thanks to Parvan Voynov) & Romanian translation (thanks to raduanastasedev)
  • Updated Czech, Danish, German, Spanish, Estonian, French, Hebrew, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Slovak, and Slovenian translations.


  • WordPress 3.8 compatible (tested against RC1)
  • Fixes bug with iCal feed & weekly recurring events where the day is different in UTC timezone
  • Added support for RTL for admin & front-end calendars
  • Corrected / added missing text domains
  • Fix label of venues widget
  • Set unique cache key per use in admin calendar
  • Bokmål (Norway), Catalan, French, Italian, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish translations updated,
  • Icelandic translation added, thanks to HrHagedorn.


  • Fix js error (variable not defined) introduced in 2.5.
  • Fix "delete occurrence" from admin calendar not working.
  • Recompiled .po files (should fix some text not being translated).


  • iCal import can now import HTML descriptions.
  • Fixes bug with iCal import where feed contained VALARM.
  • qTip updated to 2.1.1.
  • Event list widget can sort by publication dates.
  • Styling for MP6 compatability added.
  • Display warning if an event in an imported iCal feed does not contain a UID.
  • Added class eo-datepicker to all front-end jQuery UI datepickers.
  • Fixes bug with long events in the widget calendar. See #159.
  • Added Catalan translation, thanks to jordioniric, marc.antje.
  • Updated Dutch translation, thanks to roel.
  • Updated Portugese (Brazil) translation, thanks to rafaelkvidal.
  • Updated Spanish translation, thanks to jagarre.


  • iCal parser updated. Specifically:
  • Improved timezone handling
  • Support for 'COUNT' property
  • Improved error & warning feedback
  • Handle GEO tag
  • Import venue latitude/longtitude
  • Themes can switch off plug-in template handling from functions.php with add_theme_support( 'event-organiser' )
  • Added support for event_occurrence__not_in in eo_get_events() and WP_Query()
  • Improved MP6 compatability
  • Add filter eventorganiser_blog_is_24 (determines whether time-input should be 12 hour or 24 hour).
  • Schedule meta for weekly schedule now optional (defaults to 'start' date)
  • Unit tests added (largely for date generation & iCal parsing/generation)
  • Fixes venues not appearing in Appearance > Menus
  • Fixes bug with importing events that have no dates
  • Fixes bug with importing all-day events across timezones
  • Fixes bug with occurrence picker
  • Fixes bug with modal overlay
  • Code refactoring (old iCal parser removed)
  • Updated translations: Arabic, Czech, Danish, German, Greek, Persian,
  • Added translations: Indonesian


  • Fixes bug (introduced in 2.3) with iCal export feed.
  • Fixes conflict with Easy Content Types
  • Fixes strict errors
  • Add support for 'no_events' argument for event list shortcode
  • Fixes "is event query" check


  • Fixes bug (introduced in 2.3) with creating events from the calendar. See #128.
  • Fixes translations.
  • Adds Greek translation
  • Updates .pot file


  • iCal Sync & Venue Marker extensions released.
  • Adds option to disable front-end stylesheets
  • Set event text colour (fullCalendar) according to event colour. Thanks to @mperry2. See #108.
  • Adds data attributes to widget calendar
  • Added translations: Arabic, Spanish (Peru), Persian, Slovakian, Slovenian
  • Updated translations: Czech, German, Dutch, Portuguese (Portugal), Turkish, Ukrainian, Chinese
  • Checked compatability with 3.6.1
  • Deprecated eo_get_the_GoogleLink() in favour of eo_get_add_to_google_link(). Fixes bugs.
  • Fixes bug with quick edit (venue disappearing)
  • Fixes category widget not redirecting
  • Fixes tooltip appearing of viewport on fullCalendar
  • Update templates, check for element ID. Fixes #119. Thanks to @Visnetje
  • Register post types early
  • Added package.json for Grunt


  • Fixes WP3.6 issues with dialogs and admin calendar
  • Fixes js issues with WP3.3-3.4.
  • Fix WP3.6 strict error messages (in debug mode)
  • Ensures category colour CSS is printed in script debug mode


  • Fixes bug introduced in 2.2 where styling is not loaded for admin calendar if there are no categories. See #110
  • Fixes bug with sort order and grouping events. See #115
  • Filter eventorganiser_admin_fullcalendar_event added for naming consistancy ( eventorganiser_admin_fullcalendar_event and eventorganiser_fullcalendar_event for admin/front-end fullCalendars)
  • Corrected inline documentation
  • Fixed events with no event data becoming hidden. #111
  • Fixes 3.6 strict errors (in debug mode)
  • Fixes jQuery UI bugs (venue selection). Retains backwards compatibility for WP 3.3 & 3.4.


  • Adds 'style' attribute for the feed subscribe shortcode
  • Adds 'category' and 'venue' attributes for the feed subscribe shortcode (feed subscribe links for a particular vene/category)
  • Adds eo_get_event_category_feed() and eo_get_event_venue_feed() functions. See docs.
  • Fixes errors with "Organiser" metabox. #106
  • Fixes bug with eo_get_event_classes() function
  • Added 'show long events' otion for widget calendar: Show all days of events spanning multiple days on the widget calendar, not just the first.
  • Added 'link to single event' option for widget calendar. If a day has only one event, link directly to that event, not the day archive.###
  • Fixes conflict with Yoast SEO plug-in ( )
  • Fixes colours not appearing on admin calendar drop-down #109
  • Add category colour to the Event Categories table. Thanks to @mperry2
  • Updated translations and added Croatian translation (thanks to Branimir)


  • Updates translations.
  • Fixes bug with untranslated strings.


  • Fixes IE 7/8 error with admin calendar
  • Now compatible with Scribu's Posts 2 Posts plug-in. Thanks to Simon Wheatley. Ticket #99
  • Fixes errors in ICAL parser API
  • Fixes orderby setting not taking effect in Event list widget
  • Removed extra forward slash in line 1241 for the 'loading' gif. Ticket #100
  • Updated translations. Added Norwegian, Thai and Turkish translations.


  • New translation editor launched
  • Support for 'users_events' (events user is booked to) attribute for event list and calendar
  • Fixed venue bug (description not appearing when there are no events)
  • Fixed calendar styling


  • Fixes bug with calendar introduced in 2.1.3
  • Fixed include/exclude event dates for monthly occurrences
  • Minor improvement to event query handling
  • Updated Italian translation. Thank you, Luca.


  • Fixes calendar css (ensures event links are white)
  • Fixes bug with include/exclude event dates introduced in 2.1
  • Updates in-source documentation for the Codex.


  • Fixes permissions not updating bug
  • Fixes max attribute on time input (effected input of 12 hour time in some browsers)
  • Fixes ICAL feed encoding HTML entities
  • Fixes calendar (event time) CSS


  • Compresses scripts (fixes bug)
  • Fixes styling errors


  • Added ICAL parser API
  • Filter the venue map icon
  • Added javascript hooks for calendar and venue maps
  • Fixes default template heading & thumbnail display
  • Filters event post type properties
  • Can query events by specifying an array of occurrence IDs
  • Improved default time format handling (see #61
  • Updated fullCalendar & WP JS Hooks
  • JS refactoring
  • Added Ukranian and fixed Italian translation
  • Breaking an occurrence now redirects to event edit page


  • Prevent new row being created on single event save


  • Fixed minor bugs related to templates
  • Add shortlink to events
  • Add 'start date' arguments to eo_get_event_fullcalendar() & fullCalendar shortcode


  • Launch of Event Organiser Pro
  • Added 'system info' page for debugging (visible in the admin menu only when WP_DEBUG is set to true)
  • Fixes 'events' menu position becoming lost when updating settings
  • Configure the event expire option via the eventorganiser_events_expire_time filter
  • Corrected Spanish translation
  • Corrected potential duplication of ID in the event meta list. Props @fusion2004


  • Fixes venue/category 'no events found' error when Events are excluded from search. Introduced in 1.8.
  • Fixes uninstall routine typo
  • Corrected documentation
  • Ensured backwards compatibility for 3.3
  • Added filters


  • Fixes bug with the widget calendar (see this post)


  • Fixes bugs relating to cross-post-type queries. (see #65
  • Fixes bug with Event feed introduced in 1.8, (see #69
  • Resolves conflict with WPML
  • Adds filters to event date functions (see #67
  • Resolve conflicts with jQuery 1.9


  • Fixes event taxonomy sorting bug introduced in 1.8
  • Adds finish translation


  • Fixes fatal error on activation introduce in 1.8


  • Added venue & category widgets
  • Added multi-site support.
  • Improved event query handling (see #58
  • Added %venue_city% and %venue_shortcode% tags (see #42
  • Added fullCalendar title options
  • Fixes bug with deleting expired events
  • Fixes event importer truncating details with some ics files


  • Adds venue state & city shortcode/widget tags See #42.
  • Fixes breaking series looses end date. See #45.
  • Work around for a bug introduced by "Comprehensive Google Map Plugin". See #49.
  • Fixes category permalink option missing. Fixes See #50.
  • Work-around for php5.2 cache bug
  • Adds 'buffer' function to pre_get_posts. See #55.


  • Use home_url instead of site_url.
  • Fixes EO not recognising event template in theme. Props James Andrews.
  • Fixes bug when event-tag is not registered. Props James Andrews.


  • Fixes template bug introduced in 1.7.1
  • Check permissions before adding 'add new venue' button.
  • Fixes fullCalendar 'category' attribute bug.


  • Fixes archive bug. See ticket
  • Remove 'with_front' from archive links.
  • Removes obsolete event_allday column.






A special thanks to kuemerle and csaba-erdei.


  • Fixes ICS related bugs
  • Minor UI improvements
  • Adds Danish translation


  • Add filter for formatting datetime objects
  • Minor UI improvements
  • Added Russian translation
  • Depreciate use of 'occurrence' for date functions. Use occurrence ID instead. See
  • Custom schedule is considered a recurring event
  • Fixed import ICS bug
  • Fixed calendar feed posts_per_page_rss bug
  • Fixed shortcode bug for tooltip excerpts


  • Fixes IE7/8-fullCalendar bug experienced on some themes
  • Fixed timezone bug when creating events in the calendar.
  • Corrects tooltip date/time formatting
  • Fixes venue bulk/quick edit bug
  • Fixes venue link for shortcode/widget tags


  • Fixes monthly recurring event creation bug


  • Fixes 'group by series' bug
  • Fixes event creation bug (occurs on some servers)
  • Fixes eo_get_schedule_end bug


  • Fixes event widget/shortcode url bug
  • Fixes php 5.2 duration bug


  • Fixes permissions not added on new installs


  • Caching and other performance improvements
  • Adding tooltips for the fullcalendar
  • Select/deselect individual occurrences
  • Options added for event agenda
  • Adds classes to event list
  • Separate event and archive permalink structure
  • Improved UI see
  • Improved fullCalendar look
  • Adds support for hiding/minimizing venue post boxes
  • Adds retina support for screen icons (thanks to numeeja (
  • Fixes 'trying to add extra pimary key' (on activation) bug
  • Fixes some locales using comma in floats
  • Fixes GROUP BY bug


  • Fixes event list widget past events, and template not saving correctly bugs
  • Fixes 'add new venue' error message
  • Fixes shortcode error message when retrieving url of non-existant venue


  • Fixes a weekly schedule bug, occurs for some users.


  • A big update: venue address data migrated to new venue meta table
  • Introduces support for venue meta data and custom metaboxes (see )
  • Improved venue admin page UI


  • Works with WordPress 3.4


  • Fixed events export bug.
  • Cached timezone object, improved performance.


  • %cat_color% now works
  • Fixed IE8+ calendar and agenda bugs
  • Fixed shortcode calendar bug
  • Fixed timezone for 'add to google' link


  • Added 'no events' option for event list widget
  • Added template tags for widget/shortcode: %cat_color% and %event_excerpt%
  • Added hook eventorganiser_calendar_event_link to alter full calendar event link
  • Added eo_has_event_started, eo_has_event_finished, eo_event_color,eo_get_blog_timezone functions
  • Fixed the following bugs
  • Widget calendar (affecting some themes)
  • Agenda date 'undefined' (affecting some browsers)
  • HTML in widget template breaking form
  • Fullcalendar in IE6/7
  • Event-tag template not loading *Other minor bugs


  • Fixes permalink bug introduced in 1.3.1


  • 'Clever' template hierarchy. Recognises templates for specific venues, categories or tags. E.g. taxonomy-event-venue-myvenueslug.php
  • Fixed menu related bugs
  • Fixed bulk/quick edit errors
  • Fixed numeric venue slug bug
  • Widget calendar - added class 'today' to current date and 'show past events' option
  • Fixed calendar key (chrome browser) bug
  • Pretty Permalinks can now be turned off


  • Converted venues to event-venue taxnomy terms
  • Improved add events link to menu option
  • Import Categories and Venues
  • Break a reoccurring event
  • Templates for widgets (syntax as for event list shortcode)
  • Time format option for full calender shortcode
  • Quick/Bulk edit event venue
  • Category key option for full calendar shortcode
  • Set zoom level on venue map shortcode
  • Full calendar shortcode attribute to restrict events to a specific venue / category
  • Fixed 'daylight saving' bug for php5.2
  • Fixed IE7 Widget calendar bug (thanks to Fej )


  • Fixed bugs concerning
  • Relatve date formats
  • Child-theme templates
  • Localisation
  • Calendar shortcode on php5.2


  • Corrected potential 'class does not exist' bug


  • Event list shortcode, [eo_events], now supports templates which can be enclosed in the shortcode. See the documenation.
  • eo_get_events and the event list shortcode now support relative date formats for data parameters (e.g. event_start_before='+1 week',event_end_after='now'`). See the documenation.
  • eo_format_date now supports relative date formats
  • Added eo_get_category_color function.
  • Added German and Spanish translations
  • Fixed PHP 5.2 related bugs affecting calendars and events export
  • Fixed event permissions bug
  • Fixed other minor bugs reported here


  • Fixed permalink bug
  • Venue map marker can be manually dragged to a specific location
  • Event Organiser is now compatible with PHP 5.2+
  • Fixed minor calendar icon bug in IE


  • Public events feed
  • Delete individual occurrences
  • Color-coded event categories
  • Event tags
  • (Optionally) automatically delete expired events
  • Custom permalink structure
  • Added eo_subscribe shortcode to create a subscribe link
  • Agenda widget
  • Venue descriptions now support shortcodes
  • Custom navigation menu title for events
  • Option to decide when event is past
  • Show all occurrences of an event or 'group occurrences'
  • Improved user-interface
  • Added template functions: eo_get_the_occurrences, eo_get_the_venues, eo_event_venue_dropdown, eo_event_category_dropdown, eo_is_allday, eo_get_the_GoogleLink, eo_get_events_feed. See template functions documentation
  • Localisation (currently translations for French and Portugese (Brazil) are included)
  • Improved default templates
  • Fixed bugs reported here


A minor update, fixing a few bugs and improving the (admin and public) calendars' performance. The bug which meant calendars and the calendar widget couldn't be displayed together is now fixed. For a full list of alterations see here.


Improved admin calendar navigation, with category/venue filters. Public version of the 'admin calendar' now available as a shortcode. You can now import events from an ICAL file. Further details included in the ics export file. The venue content editor is now fully featured. Venue descriptions now understand shortcodes. Fixed a few bugs.


Fixed export bug.


Introduced warning messages for unsupported PHP / WP versions and missing tables. Updated templates to work with more themes. Updated event table install.


Fixed 'blank screen of death' for unsupported versions (WP < 3.3). The plug-in will still not operate correctly for versions before 3.3.


Fixed ics exporter and deactivation/uninstall


Minor bug fixes and readme update.


Initial release

Upgrade Notice


If you upgraded to 2.1, please upgrade immediately to 2.1.1. This updates includes the updated minified scripts.


Event Organiser Pro has launched!


Please note this is an important update, fixing problems related to cross-post-type queries and the event feed introduced in 1.8+.


If you have upgrade to 1.8 or 1.8.1 please upgrade to 1.8.2. This update includes fixes to bugs introduced in 1.8.


1.5 is a big update, so please back-up before upgrading.


This fixes permalink bug introduced in 1.3.1. If you upgraded to 1.3.1, you should upgrade to 1.3.2. You're advised to 'flush rewrite rules' by simplying visiting your permalinks setting page.


This a fairly big update and includes converting venues into a custom taxonomy. As a result some venue slugs may change. See the plug-in website for more details.


The templates have been adapted to work as is in for more themes. Error messages now display for unsupported versions.


WordPress plug-in, Event Organiser, develoment repository






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