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Alibi Generator

Welcome to the Alibi Generator project! This project is a simple web application built using React that generates alibis for various scenarios. Whether you need an excuse for family events, office situations, or just a funny story, this app has got you covered.


Alibi Generation: Click on buttons corresponding to different scenarios (family, office, children, college, party, funny, unbelievable, developers, gaming) to generate an alibi for the selected category.

Loading Spinner: A loading spinner is displayed while the alibi is being generated, providing a visual indication to the user that the process is underway.

Theme Toggle: Switch between light and dark themes with the click of a button.

Getting Started

Clone the repository to your local machine:

  1. git clone

  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd alibi-generator

  3. Install the dependencies: npm install

  4. Run the application: npm run dev

    This will start the development server, and you can access the application at http://http://localhost:5173/alibi_generator in your browser.


React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

Axios: A promise-based HTTP client for making API requests.

React-spinners: A collection of loading spinner components for React.

ThemeContext: A React context for managing the theme of the application.


Click on the buttons corresponding to different scenarios to generate alibis.

Observe the loading spinner while the alibi is being generated.

Enjoy the generated alibi and have fun!

Additional Information

The alibi data is fetched from the Excuser API.

Google Translate is used to dynamically add a language translation feature to the app.


Feel free to contribute to this project by submitting issues or pull requests. Happy alibi generating!