All Terraform-based infrastructure lives here
VPC for engineering-deployments-prod-0 EKS cluster in eu-west-1:
VPC for prod aurora postgres serverless server:
Some components need tokens for authenticating to certain services, namely:
GitHub tokens required for flux/ and repositories/ modules
Keycloak token required for the keycloak/ module
In cases where manually provided tokens are required, a
is provided in the module which contains all the
environment variables which would be required in a *.env
file. Simply copy the file to config.env
, fill in the details, and
source config.env
for authentication to work.
If you try to run destroy before applying anything, the operation will fail. This is because the map of eks_managed_node_groups in the cluster module has keys dynamically generated from the name of the availability zone the node group is for. This has no other effect, so for now I'm keeping it as is in favor of being able to have a dynamic list of node groups.
The solution would be to define a static set of node groups and activate them with count. This is possible since we know there are at most 5 AZs in any region, but it's not really scalable. An implementation of this is commented out in the eks_managed_node_groups map, in case it is one day useful.
This will fail because the IPv6 CNI policy will still be attached to node groups. When it fails, do the following:
terraform apply -var-file <varfile> -target random_id.suffix
to re-generate the required random suffixes -
Set the
terraform destroy -var-file <varfile>
to complete the destroy
After running apply, run apply again. Some missing labels will create a one-time diff and then it should be good to go!
Initially, comment out the kubernetes_manifest.flux_sync_content_c0 resource. Run apply, and let things complete. This will install Flux core components and CRDs into the cluste. Then you can add the sync components back in which will install the CRs dependent on the CRDs.