The vendor supplied CPT files for the UK don't include any distinctive ringing, and are missing some useful error tones.
This is my attempt to fix that.
Latest available is call_progress_uk-c3.dat
... call_progress_uk-orig.ini
is the vendor supplied UK tones file, for reference.
These tone files are prepared using the vendor supplied DConvert.exe
Windows program, with the following settings:
- V1 Tone file
- "Use dBM units for Tone Levels" box ticked
- Tone specification validated against
- Added "Tone Type 7" (Reorder) as UK NU tone
- Added distinctive ringing section from NZ tone file, as that has the right cadence
- Created call_progress_uk-c4.ini and call_progress_uk-c4.dat. Edited "Tone Type 7" (Reorder) as UK NU tone as I was having problems with call disconnect timers being detected on the UK PSTN
- This is a version 3 .dat file and is for versions 4.5 and above as per the Tested and working on Firmware Version 6.60A.319.003
- Add entries for all valid Audiocodes tone types
- Prepare equivalent files for older UK tone styles
- Validate against
├── call_progress_uk-c3.dat
├── call_progress_uk-c3.ini
├── call_progress_uk-orig.dat
└── call_progress_uk-orig.ini
0 directories, 5 files