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Python script used to grab the titles of your game library and play time per game from Steam's API


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Steam Games Data Fetcher and Processor

This module fetches data from the Steam API and processes it to generate a JSON file and HTML pages to display the data.


  • Fetches a list of games owned by a Steam user.
  • Retrieves detailed stats and achievements for each game.
  • Generates a JSON file with all the game data and statistics.
  • Creates HTML pages to display the data, with sorting functionality.


  • Python 3.x
  • requests library
  • tqdm library


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd your-repo-name
  2. Install the required Python libraries:

    pip install requests tqdm
  3. Create a file in the project directory with your Steam API key and Steam user ID:

    API_KEY = "your_steam_api_key"
    STEAM_ID = "your_steam_user_id"


  1. Run the script to fetch game data and generate the JSON file:

  2. Start a local HTTP server to serve the HTML files:

    cd www
    python -m http.server 8000
  3. Open your web browser and navigate to:


File Descriptions

  • The main script that fetches data from the Steam API and generates the JSON file.
  • Configuration file to store your Steam API key and Steam user ID.
  • www/index.html: The main HTML page that lists all the games and their playtime. It allows sorting by game name and playtime.
  • www/game_details.html: The HTML page that displays detailed stats and achievements for a selected game.
  • www/steam_data.json: The JSON file generated by the script, containing all the game data and statistics.

Code Explanation

Steam Games Data Fetcher and Processor

This module fetches data from the Steam API and processes it to generate a JSON file
and HTML pages to display the data.

import json
import os
import requests
from tqdm import tqdm
from local_config import API_KEY, STEAM_ID

def get_owned_games(api_key, steam_id):
    """Fetch the list of games owned by the user."""
    url = ""
    params = {
        "key": api_key,
        "steamid": steam_id,
        "include_appinfo": True,
        "include_played_free_games": True,
    response = requests.get(url, params=params, timeout=10)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        return response.json().get('response', {}).get('games', [])
    return []

def get_game_details(api_key, steam_id, appid):
    """Fetch detailed stats and achievements for a specific game."""
    user_stats_url = ""
    global_achievements_url = (
    player_achievements_url = (

    user_stats_params = {
        "key": api_key,
        "steamid": steam_id,
        "appid": appid
    global_achievements_params = {
        "gameid": appid
    player_achievements_params = {
        "key": api_key,
        "steamid": steam_id,
        "appid": appid

    user_stats_response = requests.get(user_stats_url, params=user_stats_params, timeout=10)
    global_achievements_response = requests.get(
        global_achievements_url, params=global_achievements_params, timeout=10
    player_achievements_response = requests.get(
        player_achievements_url, params=player_achievements_params, timeout=10

    user_stats = (
        user_stats_response.json().get('playerstats', {})
        if user_stats_response.status_code == 200 else {}
    global_achievements = (
        .get('achievementpercentages', {})
        .get('achievements', [])
        if global_achievements_response.status_code == 200 else []
    player_achievements = (
        .get('playerstats', {})
        .get('achievements', [])
        if player_achievements_response.status_code == 200 else []

    return user_stats, global_achievements, player_achievements

def format_playtime(hours):
    """Format playtime in hours to a human-readable string."""
    days = int(hours // 24)
    hours = int(hours % 24)
    minutes = int((hours % 1) * 60)
    return f"{days}d {hours}h {minutes}m"

def generate_json(games, api_key, steam_id):
    """Generate a JSON file with game data and statistics."""
    total_hours = 0
    not_played_count = 0
    games_data = []

    for game in tqdm(games, desc="Processing games"):
        name = game.get('name', 'Unknown')
        playtime_hours = game.get('playtime_forever', 0) / 60  # converting minutes to hours
        total_hours += playtime_hours
        if playtime_hours == 0:
            not_played_count += 1

        user_stats, global_achievements, player_achievements = get_game_details(
            api_key, steam_id, game['appid']

        game_data = {
            'name': name,
            'playtime_hours': playtime_hours,
            'appid': game['appid'],
            'user_stats': user_stats,
            'global_achievements': global_achievements,
            'player_achievements': player_achievements


    summary = {
        'total_games': len(games),
        'total_hours': total_hours,
        'total_hours_formatted': format_playtime(total_hours),
        'not_played_count': not_played_count,
        'games': games_data

    if not os.path.exists("WWW"):

    with open(os.path.join("WWW", "steam_data.json"), "w", encoding='utf-8') as file:
        json.dump(summary, file, indent=4)

def main():
    """Main function to fetch game data and generate JSON."""
    games = get_owned_games(API_KEY, STEAM_ID)

    if not games:
        print("No games found or failed to retrieve data.")

    generate_json(games, API_KEY, STEAM_ID)

if __name__ == "__main__":


Python script used to grab the titles of your game library and play time per game from Steam's API








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