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Integration to integrate with Arcam Solo Hi-Fi units

This integration will set up the following platforms.

Platform Description
media_player Represents the master zone for the connected device.
button A virtual button to eject the CD drive
number Creates entities to control balance, bass, treble and brightness. Radio frequency not yet supported fully.
remote Creates a virtual remote to send IR commands to. For a list of supported commands, please see pyarcamsolo


  1. The module this integration uses assumes you have created a serial to IP bridge to connect the RS232 port (using a null modem cable) to your local network. If you haven't done this already, please setup a ser2net bridge (or similar).
  2. Add repository to HACS as an integration
  3. Search and install "Arcam Solo"
  4. Restart Home Assistant
  5. In the HA UI go to "Configuration" -> "Integrations" click "+" and search for "Arcam Solo"

Helpful resources / notes

The port speed of your amp may be different compared to what is in the manual, during testing I found that the RS232 protocol does not work reliably when the port speed is set to 9600, after a lot of trial and error I found port speed 38400 to work well. My ser2net settings are as follows:

connection: &con1096
  accepter: tcp,SERVER_IP_HERE,2000
  enable: on
  connector: serialdev,/dev/ttyUSB0,38400n81,local

This configuration will create a TCP listener on your host available on port 2000 (replace SERVER_IP_HERE with the IP address of the machine hosting ser2net) for the serial device available at /dev/ttyUSB0.

Contributions are welcome!

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