An application which allows users and admins to sign in, create accounts, track products, and post users'reviews of products.
- Ruby (developed with 2.6.5)
- Rails (developed with 5.2.8)
- Capybara
- shoulda-matchers
- SimpleCov
- Pry
- Devise
- markdown
- Postgres
Using Ruby on Rails and Postgres, this application allows a customer or employee (admin) to sign in to the Mario's Market website. From there, admins can manage products and general users can add reviews of products. Admins posess full CRUD capabilities for both products and reviews; signed in users can create reviews; all visitors (admins, signed-in users, or visitors not signed in) can view products and reviews. In designing this application, the following user stories were addressed:
- All users, logged in or not, should be able to see all products and reviews,
- All userss should be able to click an individual product to see its detail page.
- Users should be able to create an account and become verified/signed in users.
- Signed in users should be able to add a review to a product. (A product can have many comments.) This is the only CRUD functionality a verfied user can have.
- Admins/store employees should be able to edit and delete reviews
- Admins should be able to log in and log out of the application.
- Admins should be able to add, update and delete products.
- Admins should be able to add reviews.
- Admins should have key permissions; other users don't have access to CRUD functionality (aside from creating a review).
- If you don't have git installed on your machine, follow these instructions.
- Via your terminmal, navigate to the directory you want to store my files in.
- Clone my git hub directory by typing or cutting pasting: "git clone" into your terminal
- To run this program, you must have Ruby 2.6.5 and Rails 5.2.0 installed on your machine. If you do not, you can follow these instructions: Mac or PC.
- Once you have the project downloaded, navigate to the root of the project in your terminal and type "bundle install".
- you will also need Postgres installed on your machine. If you do not, you can follow these instructions.
- In the terminal at the root of the project, type "Postgres" to make sure Postgres is running.
- Type "rake db:create"
- Type "rake db:migrate"
- Type "rake db:test:prepare"
- Type "rake db:seed" if you'd like the database populated with dummy/test info.
- Type "rails s" into your terminal. This should launch Rails.
- Please note, this application was built with a Mac system. You may need to make adjustments (such as creating adding/hiding your Postgres password, or using slightly different commands to launch Postgres) if using a PC.
- In a browswer, type in "localhost:3000". You should be able to navigate like a normal website.
- In your terminal, type in "rspec" to run established tests and make sure everything is still working as expected (all tests should pass.)
- You can create new users via the website, and they should be able to add reviews to existing products.
- To create an admin, first create a user via the website, then in your terminal open the rail console by typing in "rails c". Then type in: "User.where(email:"[whatever email your user had]").update(admin: true)"
- If you ran faker to create dummy info, there should be a admin account (email: [email protected], password: Password@123) and a user account (email: [email protected], password: Password@123) you can experiment with.
As of 6/18/22:
- multiple entries are allowed in reviews. If you go to edit a review and leave it as-is and hit enter, it will populate in the database again.
- Currency display is slightly off- the numbers are always accurate, but it doesn't always display final zeros. IE, 10.50 is displayed as 10.5.
- no other known bugs.
- If you notice other mistakes or bugs, please email [email protected]
MIT Copyright 2022 (c) Todd Pangilinan