An utility app for mac, accept you current task (free text), and keep a timer to log the minutes you spent on task.
Suggested syntax: ProjName: Taskname #task #type
tt: prepare task list #doc
tt: demo video #demo
- Minimal UI
- Always on top (to keep you focused)
- Simple report
- For demo/testing purpose, this demo build 5 second timer. So ignore the hh:mm calculations
- App not optimized for multiple monitor, hence I was drag/droping from different screen in demo
- Input
- Minimized
- Report
App doesn't play well with Dark mode when editing the task. Till I update the app, you may temporarily run the below command in your to use the app in dark mode.
defaults write com.palaniraja.timetracker.TimeTracker NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool yes
Refer releases page -