Guide for travelers around the world.
We travel to make us happy. Therefore, it is important for millions of travelers to be able to find an unforgettable experience without inconveniences.
Currently, travellers need to search though multiple sites to find the latest updates or travel tips. There is no "go-to" site or application for the travel community for reviewing recent user trips. If this information is lacking, travellers can find themselves in a predicament when they arrive at their destination.
When travellers are spending time fixing their travel problems, they are not spending time enjoying their trip. Consequently, the traveller will feel that they have wasted their time and money.
Through our application, travellers have a platform to share their experiences. Prospective travellers can then plan their trips in advance to avoid any inconveniences by using the shared content, comments, and reviews of other user's trips.
This project is to build a blog website for travelers. It is a collection of the interesting and useful information of all favorite places where travelers have unforgettable experiences when they visited there. Each post of any traveler will be review, comment and rating by users who are interested in the post. More valuable posts with positive comments and rating from every user in the world are more valuable data for this website.
Database name: travel-journal (in MongoDB Atlas); Collections: users, posts, comments Collection Schemas: 1/ users { userid (_id): string, firstName: string, lastName: string, email: string, password: string, image: string, createdAt: timeStamp, updatedAt: timeStamp }; 2/ posts { postid (_id): string, title (title of the post): string, city: string, country: string, image: string, content (unforgettable memories): string, roundtripPrice { airBnBPrice: number, hotelPrice: number, couplePrice: number, familyPrice: number } userid: string, createdAt: timeStamp, updatedAt: timeStamp }; 3/ myFavoritePosts { postId (_id): string, userId: string, createdAt: timeStamp };
4/ comments { commentid (_id): string, name: string, email: string, postid: string, text: string, rating (from 1 to 5 stars): number, date: timeStamp };
registerUser; updateUser; loginUser; getUserById; getAllPosts; getPostsByUserId; getPostByPostId; createPost; updatePost; deletePost; createComment; getCommentsByPostId; getAvgRateForPost;
External tools (not libraries like React, but separate systems or third party tools, like a second database)
For Front-End: redux-toolkit, jwt-decode, bootstrap, react-google-login, react-paginate, react-icons, axios,...
For Back-End: mongoose, express, express-async-handler, bcryptjs, dotenv, jsonwebtoken, nodemon, concurrently, multer, body-parse, cors,...
Home page: display all posts with comments and rating for each post and searching feature Login page; Register page; Update user page; My Posts: display all posts of logged-in user; My Favorite Posts: display all the user's favorite posts
High level work timeline. List the work items that you plan to complete, organized by each of the 5 remaining weeks until the presentation
GET posts
GET posts/post/:id
GET posts/post/user
GET comments/post/:id
GET favoriteposts
GET posts search${Cherry}
POST favoriteposts
POST comments
POST posts
PUT posts/:id
DELETE posts/:id
Make sure you have version 14 or 16 of Node.js installed on your computer.
In your terminal, from inside this project directory, run npm install
to install the project dependencies.
You may also need to change the directory/folder to 'frontend', and run npm install
to install additional project dependencies.
Create a .env file in the root project directory with the following code:
NODE_ENV = development
PORT = 5000
MONGO_URI = "mongodb+srv://<admin>:<password>@<cluster>"
JWT_SECRET = c-team2022
Run npm run dev to start the local server. You should see a logged statement telling you Server is listening on http://localhost:5000. Use curl or API client of your choice to browse the various endpoints contained in this project.
There are 16 routes available:
GET /comments/post/:id
POST /comments
DELETE /comments/:id
GET /favoriteposts
POST /favoriteposts
DELETE /favoriteposts/:id
GET /posts
GET /posts/post/:id
GET /posts/user
POST /posts
PUT /posts/:id
DELETE /posts/:id
GET /userModel/me
POST /userModel/login
POST /userModel/register
PUT /userModel/:id
Path id
field is a hexadecimal id. Responses for failures will include a field of error.
Example good request: curl http://localhost:5000/api/comments/post/6304549cae0ccea9638cad1e
Example response: []
Example bad response: {error: 'No comment found with the post id 6304549cae0ccea9638cad1e.'}
Requires userId
, postId
, and comment
fields. Responses for failures will include a field of error.
Example good request: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"userId":"63019debd198b257dfd0088b", "postId":"63019debd198b257dfd00ee4"}' http://localhost:5000/api/comments
Example response: []
Example bad request: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"userId":"63019debd198b257dfd0088b"}' http://localhost:5000/api/comments
Example bad response: {error: 'User id, post Id and comment are required.'}
Example failure response: {error: 'Invalid comment data'}
Requires path id
field. Responses for failures will include a field of error.
Example good request: curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5000/api/comments/6304549cae0ccea9638cad1e
Example response: []
Example failure response: {error: 'Comment not found.'}
Requires userId
to exist in
. Responses for failures will include a field of error.
Example good request: curl http://localhost:5000/api/comments/post/6304549cae0ccea9638cad1e
Example response: []
Example bad response: {error: 'No favorite found with the user id 63019debd198b257dfd0088b.'}
Requires userId
and postId
fields. Responses for failures will include a field of error.
Example good request: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"userId":"63019debd198b257dfd0088b", "postId":"63019debd198b257dfd00ee4"}' http://localhost:5000/api/comments
Example response: []
Example response if post
already exists with the same userId
and postId
: {error: 'The post already exists in your favorite post collection.'}
Example bad request: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"userId":"63019debd198b257dfd0088b"}' http://localhost:5000/api/comments
Example bad response: {error: 'User id and post id are required!'}
Example failure response: {error: 'Invalid my favorite post data.'}
Requires path id
field and userId
to exist in
.Responses for failures will include a field of error.
Example good request: curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5000/api/comments/6304549cae0ccea9638cad1e
Example response: []
Example failure response: {error: 'My favorite post not found.'}
Responses for failures will include a field of error.
Example good request: curl http://localhost:5000/api/posts
Example response: []
Example bad response: {error: "Something went wrong. Please try again."}
Requires path id
field. Responses for failures will include a field of error.
Example good request: curl http://localhost:5000/api/posts/post/63019debd198b257dfd0088b
Example response: []
Example bad response: {error: 'No post found with id 63019debd198b257dfd0088b.'}
Requires userId
to exist within
. Responses for failures will include a field of error.
Example good request: curl http://localhost:5000/api/posts/user
Example response: []
Example bad response: {error: 'No post found with the user id 63019debd198b257dfd0088b.'}
Requires title
and 'contentfields.
userIdis required to exist in`. Responses for failures will include a field of error.
Example good request: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -d '{"title":"test title", "content":"test content", "city":"Seattle","country":"USA"}' http://localhost:5000/api/posts
Example response: []
Example bad request: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -d '{"title":"test title"}' http://localhost:5000/api/posts
Example bad response: {error: 'Title and content are required!'}
Example failure response: {error: 'Invalid post data'}
Requires path id
field and userId
to exist in
. Responses for failures will include a field of error.
Example good request: curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -d '{"title":"test", "content":"test content", "city":"test city","country":"USA"}' http://localhost:5000/api/posts/63019debd198b257dfd0088b
Example response: []
Example bad response if postId
is not found: {error: 'Post not found'}
Example bad response if userId
is not found: { error: 'User not found'}
Example bad response if user
is not authenticated: {error: 'User not authorized'}
Example bad response if image
could not be replaced: {error: 'Image not found!'}
Example failure response: {error: "Something went wrong. Please try again."}
Requires path id
field and userId
to exist in
. Responses for failures will include a field of error.
Example good request: curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5000/api/posts/63019debd198b257dfd0088b
Example response: []
Example bad response if postId
is not found: {error: 'Post not found'}
Example bad response if userId
is not found: { error: 'User not found'}
Example bad response if user
is not authenticated: {error: 'User not authorized'}
Example bad response if image
could not be replaced/does not exist: {error: 'Image not found!'}
Responses for failures will include a field of error.
Example good request: curl http://localhost:5000/api/users/me
Example response: []
Requires fields email
and password
. Responses for failures will include a field of error.
Example good request: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"email":"[email protected]", "password":"secrets!"}' http://localhost:5000/api/users/login
Example response: []
Example bad response if email
is not found: {error: 'No user found with email [email protected].'}
Example bad response if email
is found but is not associated with a password within the database: {error: "User doesn't have password?"}
Example bad response if password
is incorrect: {error: "Password is incorrect!"}
Requires fields firstName
, lastName
, email
, password
. Responses for failures will include a field of error.
Example good request: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -d '{"firstName":"test", "lastName":"lo", "email":"[email protected]","password":"secrets!"}' http://localhost:5000/api/users/register
Example response: []
Example bad request: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -d '{"firstName":"test", "lastName":"lo"}' http://localhost:5000/api/users/register
Example bad response: {error: "Users must have a name, password, and email."}
Example bad response if email
already exists in database: {error:"This email is already in use"}
Example failure response: {error:'Invalid user data'}
Requires fields firstName
, lastName
, email
, password
. Responses for failures will include a field of error.
Example good request: curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -d '{"firstName":"test", "lastName":"lo", "email":"[email protected]","password":"secrets!"}' http://localhost:5000/api/users/573a13a3f29313caabd0e77b
Example response: []
Example bad response if email
already exists in database: {error: 'Email already exists.'}
Example bad response if password
is incorrect: {error: 'Old password is incorrect!'}
Example bad response if image
fails to be replaced/does not exist: {error: 'Image not found!'}
Example failure response: {error: "Something went wrong. Please try again."}