CloudBackup is a backup software powered by Restic. It can backup:
- Openstack instances
- MySQL/PostgreSQL databases (direct connection or with ssh gateway)
- Custom remote command by ssh (download a single file. Should use tar to backup a directory)
- Remote directory mounted with sshfs
- Everything with Rclone (source and destination must both use rclone)
- Check and alert on en external restic repository
The dashboard show all backup statuses, and provide the restic commands to download your data.
- Optional restic backup arguments
- Start manual backup
- Git
- Docker / docker-compose
- Install dependencies, configure environments, run containers:
cp -f .env .env.local
- Launch php + database + assets
If errors pop up because you already have containers using required ports, you can stop all running containers with
docker stop $(docker ps -aq)
- Create database and load fixtures:
docker-compose exec php bin/console doctrine:database:create
docker-compose exec php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
docker-compose exec php bin/console hautelook:fixtures:load --env=dev
- Mailhog : http://localhost:8025/
- phpPgAdmin : http://localhost:9080/
- Webapp : http://localhost/
docker-compose exec php bin/console app:backup:start
See the Symfony with docker cheatsheet
docker-compose run php bash -c "bin/console workflow:dump backup | dot -Tsvg -o doc/graph.svg"