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Add constraints to UnsavedRow types (#36)
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oyvindberg committed Sep 15, 2023
1 parent 2f824db commit dab5bbd
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Showing 61 changed files with 412 additions and 203 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -34,22 +34,28 @@ case class EmployeeRowUnsaved(
loginid: /* max 256 chars */ String,
/** Work title such as Buyer or Sales Representative. */
jobtitle: /* max 50 chars */ String,
/** Date of birth. */
/** Date of birth.
Constraint CK_Employee_BirthDate affecting columns "birthdate": (((birthdate >= '1930-01-01'::date) AND (birthdate <= (now() - '18 years'::interval)))) */
birthdate: TypoLocalDate,
/** M = Married, S = Single */
/** M = Married, S = Single
Constraint CK_Employee_MaritalStatus affecting columns "maritalstatus": ((upper((maritalstatus)::text) = ANY (ARRAY['M'::text, 'S'::text]))) */
maritalstatus: /* bpchar, max 1 chars */ String,
/** M = Male, F = Female */
/** M = Male, F = Female
Constraint CK_Employee_Gender affecting columns "gender": ((upper((gender)::text) = ANY (ARRAY['M'::text, 'F'::text]))) */
gender: /* bpchar, max 1 chars */ String,
/** Employee hired on this date. */
/** Employee hired on this date.
Constraint CK_Employee_HireDate affecting columns "hiredate": (((hiredate >= '1996-07-01'::date) AND (hiredate <= (now() + '1 day'::interval)))) */
hiredate: TypoLocalDate,
/** Default: true
Job classification. 0 = Hourly, not exempt from collective bargaining. 1 = Salaried, exempt from collective bargaining. */
salariedflag: Defaulted[Flag] = Defaulted.UseDefault,
/** Default: 0
Number of available vacation hours. */
Number of available vacation hours.
Constraint CK_Employee_VacationHours affecting columns "vacationhours": (((vacationhours >= '-40'::integer) AND (vacationhours <= 240))) */
vacationhours: Defaulted[TypoShort] = Defaulted.UseDefault,
/** Default: 0
Number of available sick leave hours. */
Number of available sick leave hours.
Constraint CK_Employee_SickLeaveHours affecting columns "sickleavehours": (((sickleavehours >= 0) AND (sickleavehours <= 120))) */
sickleavehours: Defaulted[TypoShort] = Defaulted.UseDefault,
/** Default: true
0 = Inactive, 1 = Active */
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Expand Up @@ -33,9 +33,11 @@ case class EmployeedepartmenthistoryRowUnsaved(
/** Identifies which 8-hour shift the employee works. Foreign key to Shift.Shift.ID.
Points to [[shift.ShiftRow.shiftid]] */
shiftid: ShiftId,
/** Date the employee started work in the department. */
/** Date the employee started work in the department.
Constraint CK_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_EndDate affecting columns "enddate", "startdate": (((enddate >= startdate) OR (enddate IS NULL))) */
startdate: TypoLocalDate,
/** Date the employee left the department. NULL = Current department. */
/** Date the employee left the department. NULL = Current department.
Constraint CK_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_EndDate affecting columns "enddate", "startdate": (((enddate >= startdate) OR (enddate IS NULL))) */
enddate: Option[TypoLocalDate],
/** Default: now() */
modifieddate: Defaulted[TypoLocalDateTime] = Defaulted.UseDefault
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Expand Up @@ -27,9 +27,11 @@ case class EmployeepayhistoryRowUnsaved(
businessentityid: BusinessentityId,
/** Date the change in pay is effective */
ratechangedate: TypoLocalDateTime,
/** Salary hourly rate. */
/** Salary hourly rate.
Constraint CK_EmployeePayHistory_Rate affecting columns "rate": (((rate >= 6.50) AND (rate <= 200.00))) */
rate: BigDecimal,
/** 1 = Salary received monthly, 2 = Salary received biweekly */
/** 1 = Salary received monthly, 2 = Salary received biweekly
Constraint CK_EmployeePayHistory_PayFrequency affecting columns "payfrequency": ((payfrequency = ANY (ARRAY[1, 2]))) */
payfrequency: TypoShort,
/** Default: now() */
modifieddate: Defaulted[TypoLocalDateTime] = Defaulted.UseDefault
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Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ case class PersonRowUnsaved(
/** Primary key for Person records.
Points to [[businessentity.BusinessentityRow.businessentityid]] */
businessentityid: BusinessentityId,
/** Primary type of person: SC = Store Contact, IN = Individual (retail) customer, SP = Sales person, EM = Employee (non-sales), VC = Vendor contact, GC = General contact */
/** Primary type of person: SC = Store Contact, IN = Individual (retail) customer, SP = Sales person, EM = Employee (non-sales), VC = Vendor contact, GC = General contact
Constraint CK_Person_PersonType affecting columns "persontype": (((persontype IS NULL) OR (upper((persontype)::text) = ANY (ARRAY['SC'::text, 'VC'::text, 'IN'::text, 'EM'::text, 'SP'::text, 'GC'::text])))) */
persontype: /* bpchar, max 2 chars */ String,
/** A courtesy title. For example, Mr. or Ms. */
title: Option[/* max 8 chars */ String],
Expand All @@ -49,7 +50,8 @@ case class PersonRowUnsaved(
0 = The data in FirstName and LastName are stored in western style (first name, last name) order. 1 = Eastern style (last name, first name) order. */
namestyle: Defaulted[NameStyle] = Defaulted.UseDefault,
/** Default: 0
0 = Contact does not wish to receive e-mail promotions, 1 = Contact does wish to receive e-mail promotions from AdventureWorks, 2 = Contact does wish to receive e-mail promotions from AdventureWorks and selected partners. */
0 = Contact does not wish to receive e-mail promotions, 1 = Contact does wish to receive e-mail promotions from AdventureWorks, 2 = Contact does wish to receive e-mail promotions from AdventureWorks and selected partners.
Constraint CK_Person_EmailPromotion affecting columns "emailpromotion": (((emailpromotion >= 0) AND (emailpromotion <= 2))) */
emailpromotion: Defaulted[Int] = Defaulted.UseDefault,
/** Default: uuid_generate_v1() */
rowguid: Defaulted[TypoUUID] = Defaulted.UseDefault,
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Expand Up @@ -24,26 +24,34 @@ import scala.util.Try
/** This class corresponds to a row in table `production.billofmaterials` which has not been persisted yet */
case class BillofmaterialsRowUnsaved(
/** Parent product identification number. Foreign key to Product.ProductID.
Points to [[product.ProductRow.productid]] */
Points to [[product.ProductRow.productid]]
Constraint CK_BillOfMaterials_BOMLevel affecting columns "bomlevel", "productassemblyid", "perassemblyqty": ((((productassemblyid IS NULL) AND (bomlevel = 0) AND (perassemblyqty = 1.00)) OR ((productassemblyid IS NOT NULL) AND (bomlevel >= 1))))
Constraint CK_BillOfMaterials_ProductAssemblyID affecting columns "productassemblyid", "componentid": ((productassemblyid <> componentid)) */
productassemblyid: Option[ProductId],
/** Component identification number. Foreign key to Product.ProductID.
Points to [[product.ProductRow.productid]] */
Points to [[product.ProductRow.productid]]
Constraint CK_BillOfMaterials_ProductAssemblyID affecting columns "productassemblyid", "componentid": ((productassemblyid <> componentid)) */
componentid: ProductId,
/** Date the component stopped being used in the assembly item. */
/** Date the component stopped being used in the assembly item.
Constraint CK_BillOfMaterials_EndDate affecting columns "enddate", "startdate": (((enddate > startdate) OR (enddate IS NULL))) */
enddate: Option[TypoLocalDateTime],
/** Standard code identifying the unit of measure for the quantity.
Points to [[unitmeasure.UnitmeasureRow.unitmeasurecode]] */
unitmeasurecode: UnitmeasureId,
/** Indicates the depth the component is from its parent (AssemblyID). */
/** Indicates the depth the component is from its parent (AssemblyID).
Constraint CK_BillOfMaterials_BOMLevel affecting columns "bomlevel", "productassemblyid", "perassemblyqty": ((((productassemblyid IS NULL) AND (bomlevel = 0) AND (perassemblyqty = 1.00)) OR ((productassemblyid IS NOT NULL) AND (bomlevel >= 1)))) */
bomlevel: TypoShort,
/** Default: nextval('production.billofmaterials_billofmaterialsid_seq'::regclass)
Primary key for BillOfMaterials records. */
billofmaterialsid: Defaulted[BillofmaterialsId] = Defaulted.UseDefault,
/** Default: now()
Date the component started being used in the assembly item. */
Date the component started being used in the assembly item.
Constraint CK_BillOfMaterials_EndDate affecting columns "enddate", "startdate": (((enddate > startdate) OR (enddate IS NULL))) */
startdate: Defaulted[TypoLocalDateTime] = Defaulted.UseDefault,
/** Default: 1.00
Quantity of the component needed to create the assembly. */
Quantity of the component needed to create the assembly.
Constraint CK_BillOfMaterials_BOMLevel affecting columns "bomlevel", "productassemblyid", "perassemblyqty": ((((productassemblyid IS NULL) AND (bomlevel = 0) AND (perassemblyqty = 1.00)) OR ((productassemblyid IS NOT NULL) AND (bomlevel >= 1))))
Constraint CK_BillOfMaterials_PerAssemblyQty affecting columns "perassemblyqty": ((perassemblyqty >= 1.00)) */
perassemblyqty: Defaulted[BigDecimal] = Defaulted.UseDefault,
/** Default: now() */
modifieddate: Defaulted[TypoLocalDateTime] = Defaulted.UseDefault
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Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ case class DocumentRowUnsaved(
fileextension: Option[/* max 8 chars */ String],
/** Revision number of the document. */
revision: /* bpchar, max 5 chars */ String,
/** 1 = Pending approval, 2 = Approved, 3 = Obsolete */
/** 1 = Pending approval, 2 = Approved, 3 = Obsolete
Constraint CK_Document_Status affecting columns "status": (((status >= 1) AND (status <= 3))) */
status: TypoShort,
/** Document abstract. */
documentsummary: Option[String],
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Expand Up @@ -27,10 +27,12 @@ case class LocationRowUnsaved(
Primary key for Location records. */
locationid: Defaulted[LocationId] = Defaulted.UseDefault,
/** Default: 0.00
Standard hourly cost of the manufacturing location. */
Standard hourly cost of the manufacturing location.
Constraint CK_Location_CostRate affecting columns "costrate": ((costrate >= 0.00)) */
costrate: Defaulted[BigDecimal] = Defaulted.UseDefault,
/** Default: 0.00
Work capacity (in hours) of the manufacturing location. */
Work capacity (in hours) of the manufacturing location.
Constraint CK_Location_Availability affecting columns "availability": ((availability >= 0.00)) */
availability: Defaulted[BigDecimal] = Defaulted.UseDefault,
/** Default: now() */
modifieddate: Defaulted[TypoLocalDateTime] = Defaulted.UseDefault
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Expand Up @@ -33,13 +33,17 @@ case class ProductRowUnsaved(
productnumber: /* max 25 chars */ String,
/** Product color. */
color: Option[/* max 15 chars */ String],
/** Minimum inventory quantity. */
/** Minimum inventory quantity.
Constraint CK_Product_SafetyStockLevel affecting columns "safetystocklevel": ((safetystocklevel > 0)) */
safetystocklevel: TypoShort,
/** Inventory level that triggers a purchase order or work order. */
/** Inventory level that triggers a purchase order or work order.
Constraint CK_Product_ReorderPoint affecting columns "reorderpoint": ((reorderpoint > 0)) */
reorderpoint: TypoShort,
/** Standard cost of the product. */
/** Standard cost of the product.
Constraint CK_Product_StandardCost affecting columns "standardcost": ((standardcost >= 0.00)) */
standardcost: BigDecimal,
/** Selling price. */
/** Selling price.
Constraint CK_Product_ListPrice affecting columns "listprice": ((listprice >= 0.00)) */
listprice: BigDecimal,
/** Product size. */
size: Option[/* max 5 chars */ String],
Expand All @@ -49,25 +53,32 @@ case class ProductRowUnsaved(
/** Unit of measure for Weight column.
Points to [[unitmeasure.UnitmeasureRow.unitmeasurecode]] */
weightunitmeasurecode: Option[UnitmeasureId],
/** Product weight. */
/** Product weight.
Constraint CK_Product_Weight affecting columns "weight": ((weight > 0.00)) */
weight: Option[BigDecimal],
/** Number of days required to manufacture the product. */
/** Number of days required to manufacture the product.
Constraint CK_Product_DaysToManufacture affecting columns "daystomanufacture": ((daystomanufacture >= 0)) */
daystomanufacture: Int,
/** R = Road, M = Mountain, T = Touring, S = Standard */
/** R = Road, M = Mountain, T = Touring, S = Standard
Constraint CK_Product_ProductLine affecting columns "productline": (((upper((productline)::text) = ANY (ARRAY['S'::text, 'T'::text, 'M'::text, 'R'::text])) OR (productline IS NULL))) */
productline: Option[/* bpchar, max 2 chars */ String],
/** H = High, M = Medium, L = Low */
/** H = High, M = Medium, L = Low
Constraint CK_Product_Class affecting columns "class": (((upper((class)::text) = ANY (ARRAY['L'::text, 'M'::text, 'H'::text])) OR (class IS NULL))) */
`class`: Option[/* bpchar, max 2 chars */ String],
/** W = Womens, M = Mens, U = Universal */
/** W = Womens, M = Mens, U = Universal
Constraint CK_Product_Style affecting columns "style": (((upper((style)::text) = ANY (ARRAY['W'::text, 'M'::text, 'U'::text])) OR (style IS NULL))) */
style: Option[/* bpchar, max 2 chars */ String],
/** Product is a member of this product subcategory. Foreign key to ProductSubCategory.ProductSubCategoryID.
Points to [[productsubcategory.ProductsubcategoryRow.productsubcategoryid]] */
productsubcategoryid: Option[ProductsubcategoryId],
/** Product is a member of this product model. Foreign key to ProductModel.ProductModelID.
Points to [[productmodel.ProductmodelRow.productmodelid]] */
productmodelid: Option[ProductmodelId],
/** Date the product was available for sale. */
/** Date the product was available for sale.
Constraint CK_Product_SellEndDate affecting columns "sellenddate", "sellstartdate": (((sellenddate >= sellstartdate) OR (sellenddate IS NULL))) */
sellstartdate: TypoLocalDateTime,
/** Date the product was no longer available for sale. */
/** Date the product was no longer available for sale.
Constraint CK_Product_SellEndDate affecting columns "sellenddate", "sellstartdate": (((sellenddate >= sellstartdate) OR (sellenddate IS NULL))) */
sellenddate: Option[TypoLocalDateTime],
/** Date the product was discontinued. */
discontinueddate: Option[TypoLocalDateTime],
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Expand Up @@ -24,11 +24,14 @@ case class ProductcosthistoryRowUnsaved(
/** Product identification number. Foreign key to Product.ProductID
Points to [[product.ProductRow.productid]] */
productid: ProductId,
/** Product cost start date. */
/** Product cost start date.
Constraint CK_ProductCostHistory_EndDate affecting columns "startdate", "enddate": (((enddate >= startdate) OR (enddate IS NULL))) */
startdate: TypoLocalDateTime,
/** Product cost end date. */
/** Product cost end date.
Constraint CK_ProductCostHistory_EndDate affecting columns "startdate", "enddate": (((enddate >= startdate) OR (enddate IS NULL))) */
enddate: Option[TypoLocalDateTime],
/** Standard cost of the product. */
/** Standard cost of the product.
Constraint CK_ProductCostHistory_StandardCost affecting columns "standardcost": ((standardcost >= 0.00)) */
standardcost: BigDecimal,
/** Default: now() */
modifieddate: Defaulted[TypoLocalDateTime] = Defaulted.UseDefault
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Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ case class ProductinventoryRowUnsaved(
locationid: LocationId,
/** Storage compartment within an inventory location. */
shelf: /* max 10 chars */ String,
/** Storage container on a shelf in an inventory location. */
/** Storage container on a shelf in an inventory location.
Constraint CK_ProductInventory_Bin affecting columns "bin": (((bin >= 0) AND (bin <= 100))) */
bin: TypoShort,
/** Default: 0
Quantity of products in the inventory location. */
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Expand Up @@ -24,11 +24,14 @@ case class ProductlistpricehistoryRowUnsaved(
/** Product identification number. Foreign key to Product.ProductID
Points to [[product.ProductRow.productid]] */
productid: ProductId,
/** List price start date. */
/** List price start date.
Constraint CK_ProductListPriceHistory_EndDate affecting columns "enddate", "startdate": (((enddate >= startdate) OR (enddate IS NULL))) */
startdate: TypoLocalDateTime,
/** List price end date */
/** List price end date
Constraint CK_ProductListPriceHistory_EndDate affecting columns "enddate", "startdate": (((enddate >= startdate) OR (enddate IS NULL))) */
enddate: Option[TypoLocalDateTime],
/** Product list price. */
/** Product list price.
Constraint CK_ProductListPriceHistory_ListPrice affecting columns "listprice": ((listprice > 0.00)) */
listprice: BigDecimal,
/** Default: now() */
modifieddate: Defaulted[TypoLocalDateTime] = Defaulted.UseDefault
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Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ case class ProductreviewRowUnsaved(
reviewername: Name,
/** Reviewer's e-mail address. */
emailaddress: /* max 50 chars */ String,
/** Product rating given by the reviewer. Scale is 1 to 5 with 5 as the highest rating. */
/** Product rating given by the reviewer. Scale is 1 to 5 with 5 as the highest rating.
Constraint CK_ProductReview_Rating affecting columns "rating": (((rating >= 1) AND (rating <= 5))) */
rating: Int,
/** Reviewer's comments */
comments: Option[/* max 3850 chars */ String],
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Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ case class TransactionhistoryRowUnsaved(
productid: ProductId,
/** Purchase order, sales order, or work order identification number. */
referenceorderid: Int,
/** W = WorkOrder, S = SalesOrder, P = PurchaseOrder */
/** W = WorkOrder, S = SalesOrder, P = PurchaseOrder
Constraint CK_TransactionHistory_TransactionType affecting columns "transactiontype": ((upper((transactiontype)::text) = ANY (ARRAY['W'::text, 'S'::text, 'P'::text]))) */
transactiontype: /* bpchar, max 1 chars */ String,
/** Product quantity. */
quantity: Int,
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Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ case class TransactionhistoryarchiveRowUnsaved(
productid: Int,
/** Purchase order, sales order, or work order identification number. */
referenceorderid: Int,
/** W = Work Order, S = Sales Order, P = Purchase Order */
/** W = Work Order, S = Sales Order, P = Purchase Order
Constraint CK_TransactionHistoryArchive_TransactionType affecting columns "transactiontype": ((upper((transactiontype)::text) = ANY (ARRAY['W'::text, 'S'::text, 'P'::text]))) */
transactiontype: /* bpchar, max 1 chars */ String,
/** Product quantity. */
quantity: Int,
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Expand Up @@ -26,13 +26,17 @@ case class WorkorderRowUnsaved(
/** Product identification number. Foreign key to Product.ProductID.
Points to [[product.ProductRow.productid]] */
productid: ProductId,
/** Product quantity to build. */
/** Product quantity to build.
Constraint CK_WorkOrder_OrderQty affecting columns "orderqty": ((orderqty > 0)) */
orderqty: Int,
/** Quantity that failed inspection. */
/** Quantity that failed inspection.
Constraint CK_WorkOrder_ScrappedQty affecting columns "scrappedqty": ((scrappedqty >= 0)) */
scrappedqty: TypoShort,
/** Work order start date. */
/** Work order start date.
Constraint CK_WorkOrder_EndDate affecting columns "startdate", "enddate": (((enddate >= startdate) OR (enddate IS NULL))) */
startdate: TypoLocalDateTime,
/** Work order end date. */
/** Work order end date.
Constraint CK_WorkOrder_EndDate affecting columns "startdate", "enddate": (((enddate >= startdate) OR (enddate IS NULL))) */
enddate: Option[TypoLocalDateTime],
/** Work order due date. */
duedate: TypoLocalDateTime,
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