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Create release-ready pk3-archives from Enemy Territory mapping project files


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Create release-ready pk3 archives quickly from .map-files


  • Parses through your map, shaders, mapscript, etc. and discovers files are needed for the map, while leaving out editorimages, lightimages and other files not needed for release (unless -s specified)
  • Performs compression in-memory, does not create or leave intermediate files, and never modifies the original files (see below)
  • Support for renaming the map to create release versions such as b1, with automatic renaming of bsp, mapscript, levelshots, arena and more, while the original files are left untouched (-r)
  • Extensive logging to trace why each file was included in the pk3, including the exact line in a source file / shader where the file was referenced (-sd and -rd)
  • Support for file discovery from pk3's and pk3dirs, such as sd-mapobjects.pk3 or a texture/model pack extracted into a separate pk3dir to keep etmain clean


Pack3r <map> [options]


<map> Path to the .map file [required]


  • -o, --output Path to destination pk3 or directory, defaults to etmain
  • -d, --dryrun Discover packed files and estimate file size without creating a pk3 [default: False]
  • -r, --rename Map release name (bsp, lightmaps, mapscript, etc.)
  • -v, --verbosity Log severity threshold [default: Info]
  • -l, --loose Complete packing even if some files are missing [default: False]
  • -s, --source Pack source files such as .map, editorimages, misc_models [default: False]
  • -sl, --shaderlist Only read shaders present in shaderlist.txt [default: False]
  • -sd, --shaderdebug Print shader resolution details (Debug verbosity needed) [default: False]
  • -rd, --referencedebug Print asset resolution details (Info verbosity needed) [default: False]
  • -f, --force Overwrite existing files in the output path with impunity [default: False]
  • -i, --includepk3 Include pk3 files and pk3dirs in etmain when indexing files [default: False]
  • --ignore Ignore some pk3 files or pk3dir directories [default: pak1.pk3|pak2.pk3|mp_bin.pk3]
  • -e, --exclude Never pack files found in these pk3s or directories [default: pak0.pk3|pak0.pk3dir]
  • -m --mods Adds pk3s in these mod folders to exclude-list
  • -?, -h, --help Show help and usage information
  • --version Show version information

See below for examples.


  • Usable only through CLI, no GUI application is planned
  • Only brush primitives map format is supported (NetRadiant default)
  • Shaders/textures are parsed from ase, md3, mdc, skin files. Other model formats such as obj are not yet supported (open an issue).
  • terrain shaders (1to2 etc) are not supported (open an issue)
  • For performance reasons only a subset of files are considered for packing, see PackableFile() in file Tokens.cs

File priority order

  1. pak0.pk3 (and other --exclude pk3s/directories), if a file or shader is found there, it won't be included in the release
  2. Files inside the relative etmain of your map file (directory contaning /maps)
  3. etmain, if the map is for example in some.pk3dir/maps/
  4. pk3dir-folders in etmain, in reverse alphabetical order BSP, lightmaps, mapscript, speakerscript, soundscript, etc. are always assumed to be in the same relative etmain as your map file.


Map is etmain/void.pk3dir/maps/, the priority is: pak0.pk3 -> etmain/void.pk3dir/ -> etmain/ -> any pk3 files in etmain Mapscript must be in etmain/void.pk3dir/maps/ in this case and not directly in etmain

Example usage

Pack a release-ready mymap.pk3 to etmain

.\Pack3r 'C:\ET\etmain\maps\'

Pack a release-ready beta release mymap_b1_.pk3 to etmain

.\Pack3r 'C:\ET\etmain\maps\' -r mymap_b1
.\Pack3r 'C:\ET\etmain\maps\' --rename mymap_b1

See if there are missing files, and how large pk3 would be created

.\Pack3r 'C:\ET\etmain\maps\' -d
.\Pack3r 'C:\ET\etmain\maps\' --dryrun

Figure out what files were included and why (without creating pk3)

.\Pack3r 'C:\ET\etmain\maps\' -d -rd -v info
.\Pack3r 'C:\ET\etmain\maps\' --dryrun --referencedebug --verbosity info

Share map source with someone else

You can optionally delete bsp and lightmaps from the zip after packing to reduce file size

.\Pack3r 'C:\ET\etmain\maps\' -s -l -o 'C:\'
.\Pack3r 'C:\ET\etmain\maps\' --source --loose --output 'C:\'

Pack a map while ignoring some pk3s in etmain and including others

.\Pack3r 'C:\ET\etmain\maps\' --includepk3 --ignore skies_MASTER.pk3