Data source are in yaml files (sadly yaml-mode not so comfortable for editing yaml files)
and located in src/
directory. Edit them, but not html-stuff/
files, they are converted from yaml.
You should have nodejs installed in your system to make convertor work.
# Install dependencies for convertor
(cd convertor/ && npm install)
# Convert
Yaml have next structure:
# Define tags, just ley-value - tag name and documentation
html: The <html> tag tells the browser that this is an HTML documen...
# Define attributes, array of KV - attribute names and properties "t" "v" "d":
# where "t" is array or string - html tags;
# "v" array of values or KV - value and short documentation;
# "d" documentation for this attribute, should be used only once per tag attribute.
- src:
t: a
d: "The href attribute specifies the link's destination"
- dir:
t: global
ltr: Right-to-left text direction
rtr: Left-to-right text direction
d: |
Text direction of the element's content.
- charset:
t: [meta, script]
# next attribute only define possible values for div.class
- class:
t: div
v: [container, "container-info"]