This web server lets you monitor and update a few (fake) thermostats in a home.
In order to run you will need to install
sudo easy_install
GET /thermostats (http://localhost:8080/thermostats)
Accepted Parameters:
fields: a comma separated list of field names you with to query ie. http://localhost:8080/thermostats?fields=name,operating_mode
accepted fields: name, temperature, operating_mode, fan_mode, ID, cool_point, heat_point
If an unknown field is given, a 422 Unprocessable Entity error is returned
Returns: a JSON list of Thermostat dictionaries
Sample return value:
curl localhost:8080/thermostats
name: "thermostat 1",
temperature: 62,
operating_mode: "cool",
fan_mode: "auto",
ID: 1,
cool_point: 76,
heat_point: 62
name: "thermostat 2",
temperature: 73,
operating_mode: "heat",
fan_mode: "auto",
ID: 2,
cool_point: 77,
heat_point: 63
GET /thermostats/thermostat_id (http://localhost:8080/thermostats/1)
Accepted Parameters:
fields: a comma separated list of field names to filter results ie. http://localhost:8080/thermostats/1?fields=name,operating_mode
accepted fields: name, temperature, operating_mode, fan_mode, ID, cool_point, heat_point If an unknown field is given, a 422 Unprocessable Entity error is returned
Returns: a JSON Thermostat dictionary
Sample return value:
curl localhost:8080/thermostats/1
name: "thermostat 1",
temperature: 62,
operating_mode: "cool",
fan_mode: "auto",
ID: 1,
cool_point: 76,
heat_point: 62
curl localhost:8080/thermostats/1?fields=name
name: "thermostat 1",
PATCH /thermostats/thermostat_id (http://localhost:8080/thermostats/1)
Accepted Parameters: None
Accepted data: partial JSON Thermostat
- updateable fields:
- name: string
- operating_mode: string. accepted values: "cool", "heat", "off"
- fan_mode: string. accepted values: "off", "auto"
- cool_point: int. accepted range: 30 <= value <= 100
- heat_point: int. accepted range: 30 <= value <= 100
sample PATCH data:
name: "Living Room",
operating_mode: "off",
fan_mode: "off",
Returns: No data