This project is a qml graphical UI for playing the logic puzzle nurikabe.
golang >= 1.3
To install golang visit:
Qt >= 5
To install Qt visit:
run 'go get' for documentation visit:
Once all requirements have been met, you should be able to run 'go build' from the command line. This will build a binary which you can then execute. Note that you must run the binary in the same directory as the qml folder.
Nurikabe uses json format for all its levels. You may also generate levels using the nurikabe/gen helper binary. The gen utility also allows for solving levels by piping the json level via stdin and issuing the 'solve' flag.
ie. cat my_level.json | gen -solve
Usage of ./gen:
-base=2: minimum garden size
-debug=false: enable debug output
-growth=4: garden growth. base + growth is max garden size
-height=5: grid height
-min=3: minimum gardens count
-smart=true: solve using smart algorithm
-solve=false: solve generated grid
-v=false: Verbose
-width=5: grid width