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Custom Scripts created for Orgmanager

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Here you can find custom scripts created for the Orgmanager Hosted version needs.


You can pull in the package via composer:

composer require orgmanager/orgmanager-custom

Next up, the service provider must be registered:

// config/app.php
'providers' => [



  • Invite To Org command
php artisan orgmanager-custom:inviteusers

Used to periodically invite all the OrgManager users to the OrgManager organization.

  • List Users command
php artisan orgmanager-custom:listusers

Used to print a table of the users registered on OrgManager.

  • List Orgs command
php artisan orgmanager-custom:listorgs

Used to print a table of the organizations registered on OrgManager.

  • Get Stats command
php artisan orgmanager-custom:getstats (-T | --table)

Used to print the stats in plain text (or in a table format when using -T).


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.



This package is licensed under the Mozilla Public license. Please see License File for more information.