Materials for the Movement Ecology Seminar Series at UC, Berkeley ESPM Dept
Planning and writing schedule:
- June 10 Initial course prep meeting
- J-Attend
- O-Attend
- June 24 First lesson draft check-in
- J-Draft of RSF lesson on github
- O-Draft of Migration lesson on github
- July 22 Second draft check-in
- J-Draft of Clusters session
- O-Draft of Home Range
- August 12 Third draft check-in
- J-Draft of Basics in R
- O-Draft spatial data in R: points, polygons and rasters
- September 2 Fourth draft check-in
- J-Draft of SSFs Draft
- O-State-space models in R
- September 16 - Inventory all functions used
- Both J and O run through all seminars
- Make sure tidy and sp functions are introduced in intro sessions