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A distributed nmap / masscan scanning framework complete with scan scheduling, engine pooling, subsequent scan port diff-ing, and an API client for automation workflows.


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Scantron is a distributed nmap and masscan scanner comprised of two components. The first is a console node that consists of a web front end used for scheduling scans and storing scan targets and results. The second component is an engine that pulls scan jobs from the console and conducts the actual scanning. A majority of the application's logic is purposely placed on the console to make the engine(s) as "dumb" as possible. All scan target files and scan results reside on the console and are shared through a network file share (NFS) leveraging SSH tunnels. The engines call back to the console periodically using a REST API to check for scan tasks and provide scan status updates. There is also an option to generate nmap scan diffs emailed to you using the pyndiff library.

Checkout the Python Scantron API client for interacting with the Scantron API and driving automated workflows.


Scantron is coded for Python3.6+ exclusively and leverages Django for the web front-end, Django REST Framework as the API endpoint, PostgreSQL as the database, a Redis job queue for tasks, Postfix for email scan alerts, and comes complete with Ubuntu-focused Ansible playbooks for smooth deployments. Scantron has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04 and may be compatible with other operating systems. Scantron's inspiration comes from:


Scantron relies heavily on utilizing SSH port forwards (-R / -L) as an umbilical cord to the engines. Either an SSH connection from console --> engine or engine --> console is acceptable and may be required depending on different firewall rules, but tweaking the port forwards and autossh commands will be necessary. If you are unfamiliar with these concepts, there are some great overviews and tutorials out there:

Use cases

Scantron is not engineered to be quickly deployed to a server to scan for a few minutes, then torn down and destroyed.
It's better suited for having a set of static scanners (e.g., "internal-scanner", "external-scanner") with a relatively static set of assets to scan. A Scantron API client is also available for creating, retrieving, updating, or deleting sites, scan commands, scans, etc.

Architecture Diagram


Hardware Requirements

  • Engine: If you plan on compiling masscan on an engine, you'll need at least 1024 MB of memory. It fails to build with only 512 MB. If you do not want to build masscan, set install_masscan_on_engine to False in ansible-playbooks/group_vars/all.yml

  • Console: 512 MB of memory was the smallest amount successfully tested, however, if you plan on processing large scan files (using the scripts found in console/scan_results:, or, you'll need more memory.

Ansible Deployment Server and Initial Setup

This is your local box, preferably Linux. Ansible >= is the minimum version required for utilizing ufw comments.

Clone the project and execute

# Clone scantron project.
git clone
cd scantron
./  # Run as non-root user.


Installation requires a general knowledge of Python, pip, and Ansible. Every attempt to make the deployment as simple as possible has been made.

Cloud Provider Caveats

NAT'd instances

If the console server is actually a RFC1918 IP and not the public IP (because of NAT), the NAT'd RFC1918 IP (e.g., will have to be added to the ALLOWED_HOSTS in ansible-playbooks/roles/console/templates/

This is common in AWS and GCP environments.

IBM Cloud

Per For the Ansible workload to work on IBM Cloud, edit the file /boot/grub/menu.lst by changing

# groot=LABEL...


# groot=(hd0)

Update hosts

Edit the hosts in this file:

  • ansible-playbooks/hosts.ini

Console Installation

The recommendation is to deploy the console first.

Update Console Ansible Variables

Edit any variables in ansible-playbooks/group_vars/all.yml before running playbook. Note the time zone variables:

  • timezone_server - Set this to be the timezone you want the server to be in, usually UTC.
  • timezone_django - Set this to be your local timezone. It makes dealing with dates, times, and scheduling easier.

If you plan on utilizing the same API key across all engines (not recommended, but easier for automated deployments), change utilize_static_api_token_across_engines to True. This prevents you from having to log into each engine and update engine_config.json with the corresponding API key. The group_vars/static_api_key will be created by the the console ansible playbook. The Ansible engine playbook will autofill the engine_config.json.j2 template with the API key found in group_vars/static_api_key.

WARNING: The engine_config.json.j2 will generate a random scan_engine (e.g., engine-847623), so if you deploy more than 1 engine, you won't run into complications with engine name collisions. You will, however, need to add create the user on the console, since the console returns scheduled jobs to the engine based off the engine's name!

Update Console Secrets Variables

Rename console/scantron_secrets.json.empty to console/scantron_secrets.json (should be done for you by

Update all the values console/scantron_secrets.json if you do not like ones generated using Only the production values are used.

  • All Scantron Django passwords have a minimum password length of 12.

  • For the "SECRET_KEY", per Django's documentation: The secret key must be a large random value and it must be kept secret.

Change scantron user password (optional)

The scantron operating system user password is not really leveraged and is populated by providing a salted hash of a random password generated using Python's passlib library. If you want to change the password, you will have to generate a hash for the desired password and update the temp_user_pass variable in scantron/ansible-playbooks/roles/add_users/vars/main.yml.

pip3 install passlib

python3 -c "from passlib.hash import sha512_crypt; import getpass; print(sha512_crypt.encrypt(getpass.getpass()))"

Execute Console Ansible Playbook

Ensure you have a SSH key (or username/password) to access the console box, specified by --private-key in the Ansible command. User must also have password-less sudo privileges.

cd ansible-playbooks

# non-root user with password-less sudo capabilities.
ansible-playbook console.yml -u ubuntu --become --private-key=<engine SSH key>

# root user.
ansible-playbook console.yml -u root --private-key=<engine SSH key>

Change Django user passwords with (optional)

cd into the console directory scantron/console and run the following to change the admin (or whatever user needs their password changed) user password.

python3 changepassword admin

Engine Installation

Update Engine Ansible Variables

Edit any variables in these files before running playbook:

  • ansible-playbooks/group_vars/all.yml
  • ansible-playbooks/roles/engine/vars/main.yml

Ensure proper user permissions

Ensure you have a SSH key (or username/password) to access the engine box, specified by --private-key in the Ansible command. The user must also have password-less sudo privileges. If you are creating the boxes on AWS, then the user is ubuntu for Ubuntu distros and the user already has password-less sudo capabilities. If you need to add password-less sudo capability to a user, create a /etc/sudoder.d/<USERNAME> file, where <USERNAME> is the actual user, and populate it with:


SSH-ing in as root will also work for the Ansible deployment, but is not generally recommended.

Execute Engine Ansible Playbook

cd ansible-playbooks

# non-root user with password-less sudo capabilities.
ansible-playbook engine.yml -u ubuntu --become --private-key=<engine SSH key>

# root user.
ansible-playbook engine.yml -u root --private-key=<engine SSH key>

Adding additional engines

A Scantron engine is synonymous with a user.

engines <--> users

Users / engines are added through the webapp, so once a user / engine is added, an API token is automatically generated for that user / engine. The user's / engine's password is not necessary for Scantron to function since all user / engine authentication is done using the API token. The username and password can be used to login to the webapp to test API functionality. More API testing information can be found in the Test Engine API section of this README.

Update /etc/rc.local with engine IPs for autossh

This is done automatically for one engine through Ansible. You may have to add additional lines and update SSH keys for each engine if they are different. These commands are for the console connecting to the engines.

In this example:

  • console -
  • engine1 -
  • engine2 -
# console --> engine 1
su - autossh -s /bin/bash -c 'autossh -M 0 -f -N -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o "ServerAliveInterval 60" \
    -o "ServerAliveCountMax 3" -p 22 -R 4430: -R 2049: \
    -i /home/scantron/console/autossh.key [email protected]'

# console --> engine 2
su - autossh -s /bin/bash -c 'autossh -M 0 -f -N -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o "ServerAliveInterval 60" \
    -o "ServerAliveCountMax 3" -p 22 -R 4430: -R 2049: \
    -i /home/scantron/console/autossh.key [email protected]'

If the console cannot SSH to an engine, then the autossh command will be run on the engine and the port forwards will be local (-L) instead of remote (-R).

# console <-- engine 1
su - autossh -s /bin/bash -c 'autossh -M 0 -f -N -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o "ServerAliveInterval 60" \
    -o "ServerAliveCountMax 3" -p 22 -L 4430: -L 2049: \
    -i /home/scantron/console/autossh.key [email protected]'


Engine's engine_config.json

engine_config.json is a configuration file used by engines to provide basic settings and bootstrap communication with the console. Each engine can have a different configuration file.

The "api_token" will have to be modified on all the engines after deploying the console!

Engine settings:

scan_engine: Name of the engine. This name is also used in the engine's HTTP User-Agent string to help identify engines calling back in the nginx web logs.

api_token: Used to authenticate engines. Recommend different API Tokens per engine, but the same one could be used.

console_address: Web address of the console. Could be if engine traffic is tunneled to the console through an SSH port forward.

console_port: Web port the console is listening on.

callback_interval_in_seconds: Number of seconds engines wait before calling back for scan jobs.

number_of_threads: Number of threads used to execute/kill scan jobs.

target_files_dir: Name of actual engine target_files directory on the engine box.

scan_results_dir: Name of actual engine scan_results directory on the engine box.

log_verbosity: Desired log level for logs/engine.log

# Level     Numeric value
# ERROR     40
# WARNING   30
# INFO      20
# DEBUG     10

http_useragent: HTTP User-Agent used instead of nmap's default Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Nmap Scripting Engine;

supported_scan_binaries Experimental. Supported scan binaries advertised by the engine.

Standalone Engine Binary

This repo also contains a stand-alone binary engine/engine that can be used for the engine. This allows for a quicker deployment if managing the Python environment is difficult or cumbersome. The basic requirements are:

  • nmap and masscan must exist on the system
  • the engine_config.json file exists and the scan_engine and api_token values have been updated
  • An SSH tunnel to/from the console still exists to read target files and write scan results

Creating the standalone binary

The standalone binaries can be generated on a local box.

cd engine
virtualenv -p python3.6 .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install pyinstaller
pyinstaller --onefile --name engine
mv dist/engine .

./engine -v > standalone_engine_binary.txt
echo -e "MD5     `md5sum engine`" >> standalone_engine_binary.txt
echo -e "SHA-256 `sha256sum engine`" >> standalone_engine_binary.txt

rm -rf __pycache__ build dist engine.spec .venv

Engine Execution

Update all the engines' engine_config.json files with their respective api_token for the engine by logging in as admin and browsing to https://<HOST>/scantron-admin/authtoken/token to see the corresponding API token for each user / engine.

Option 1: Run engine as a service

Enable scantron-engine service at startup.

systemctl daemon-reload  # Required if scantron-engine.service changed.
systemctl enable scantron-engine

Disable scantron-engine service at startup.

systemctl disable scantron-engine

Scantron service troubleshooting commands.

systemctl status scantron-engine
systemctl start scantron-engine
systemctl stop scantron-engine
systemctl restart scantron-engine

Option 2: Run engine as standalone script

Use screen to avoid the script dying after disconnecting through SSH.

screen -S engine1  # Create a screen session and name it engine1, if using screen.

cd engine
source .venv/bin/activate
# Option 1: Python virtual environment
python -c engine_config.json
# Option 2: Stand alone binary
./engine -c engine_config.json

CTRL + a + d  # Break out of screen session, if using screen.
screen -ls  # View screen job, if using screen.

screen -r engine1  # Resume named screen session, if using screen.

Engine Troubleshooting

Verify SSH connection from the console with reverse port redirect is up on each engine. Any traffic hitting will be tunneled back to the console. This port is for communicating with the API. Any traffic hitting will connect back to the NFS share on the console.

tcp    0    0*    LISTEN    1399/sshd: autossh
tcp    0    0*    LISTEN    1399/sshd: autossh

Check each engine's root crontab to ensure is being run every minute.

crontab -l -u root

Test Engine API

If you need to test the API without running the engine, ensure there is a "pending" scan set to start earlier than the current date and time. The server only returns scan jobs that have a "pending" status and start datetime earlier than the current datetime.

# Not using SSH tunnels.
curl -k -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token <VALID API TOKEN>'

# Using SSH tunnels.
curl -k -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token <VALID API TOKEN>'

You can also log into the webapp using the engine name and password and browse to /api/?format=json to view any scan jobs. The username and engine name are the same from the webapp's point of view.


Console target_files Folder

  • Place files with target IPs/hosts (fed to nmap -iL switch) in console/target_files/
  • target_files is an NFS share on the console that the engine reads from through an SSH tunnel.

Console scan_results folder

  • nmap scan results from engines go here.
  • console/scan_results/ is an NFS share on the console that the engine writes to through an SSH tunnel.

Console Troubleshooting

1). Ensure SSH tunnels setup in /etc/rc.local are up.

netstat -nat | egrep "|"
ps -ef | egrep autossh

2). Django logs can be found here: /var/log/webapp/django_scantron.log

3). Check nginx logs for engine name in User-Agent field to determine which engines are calling home. nginx logs: tail -f /var/log/nginx/{access,error}.log

4). uwsgi logs: /home/scantron/console/logs

Known issues with the console NFS share

If you need to reboot a box, do it with the provided script that will stop all relevant services. Without stopping the nfs-kernel-server service gracefully, sometimes the OS will hang and get angry.

Email Alerts

A vanilla Postfix instance is installed on the console that can be used to send email alerts when a scan starts, errors out, or finishes. Email settings and credentials are kept in the scantron_secrets.json file. Out of the box, most mail will likely be marked as spam/junk. The recommendation is to use a credentialed account to send email alerts to users.


Updating nmap version

Ubuntu's nmap version pulled using apt is fairly out-of-date and the recommendation for Scantron's engines is to pull the latest version.

For RPM-based Distributions, the latest .rpm packages can be found here However, for Debian-based distributions, you must utilize alien to convert the .rpm to a .deb file or compile from source. Recommend going down the alien route before compiling from source.



apt install alien -y
alien nmap-$VERSION.x86_64.rpm

apt remove nmap -y
apt remove ndiff -y
dpkg --install nmap_*.deb

Compile nmap from source

Another option is to compile nmap from source. This is dynamically compiled and must be done on the box where nmap is going to be run from. Note that past experience had a compiled nmap version returning a different banner than the provided apt your mileage may vary.


bzip2 -cd nmap-$VERSION.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -
cd nmap-$VERSION
./configure --without-ncat --without-ndiff --without-nmap-update --without-nping --without-subversion \
--without-zenmap --with-libdnet=included --with-libpcap=included --with-libpcre=included
./nmap -V

Get nmap --top-ports

This provides a list of the actual ports being scanned when the --top-ports option is used:

nmap -sT --top-ports 1000 -v -oG -

nmap -sU --top-ports 1000 -v -oG -

Sorted list based on frequency.

# TCP sorted list based on frequency.
egrep /tcp /usr/share/nmap/nmap-services | sort -r -k3

# UDP sorted list based on frequency.
egrep /udp /usr/share/nmap/nmap-services | sort -r -k3



A standalone script to carve out a range of the top TCP/UDP ports according to the nmap-services file.

This is useful when:

  1. You want to scan a subset of the ports specified in --top-ports, say the 10th through 20th top TCP ports, but not the 1st or 9th ports.

  2. You want the 1337th ranked TCP port.

  3. You want to utilize nmap to scan both TCP and UDP, but not scan the same number of top ports.

    This works and will scan the top 10 ports for BOTH TCP and UDP

    nmap --top-ports 10 -sU -sT <TARGET>

    but you can't only scan the top 20 TCP and top 10 UDP ports using --top-ports.


  1. Create user/engine. By default, Ansible creates engine1.


  2. Create scan command


  3. Create a site

    • IPs, IP subnets, and FQDNs are allowed.
    • IP ranges ( are not currently supported.
    • The targets and excluded_targets are validated using console/, which can also be used as a stand alone script.


  4. Create scan

    • Select start time
    • Add start date
    • Add recurrence rules (if applicable)

    The /home/scantron/console/ cronjob checks every minute to determine if any scans need to be queued. If scans are found, it schedules them to be picked up by the engines.


    You can use the console/ script found on the console to print out scheduled scan times:

    # Print out the scan start dates and times for all enabled scans in the next 10 days.
    cd /home/scantron/console
    source .venv/bin/activate
    python -d 10
  5. View currently executing scan results

    cd /home/scantron/console/scan_results/pending
    ls -lart

    Completed scans are moved to the /home/scantron/console/scan_results/completed directory.

  6. Process scans

    Scan files are moved between a few folders.

    /home/scantron/console/scan_results/pending - Pending scan files from engines are stored here before being moved to scan_results/complete

    /home/scantron/console/scan_results/complete - Completed scan files from engines are stored here before being processed by

    /home/scantron/console/scan_results/processed - nmap scan files already processed by reside here.

    /home/scantron/console/for_bigdata_analytics - .csv files for big data analytics ingestion if applicable

Scantron API Client

Checkout the Python Scantron API client for interacting with the Scantron API and driving automated workflows.

API Documentation

There are 3 ways to explore and play around with the API. The first is the Django REST Framework view:


You can also dig through the API documentation using ReDoc:


Lastly, you can interact with the API using Swagger:


Database Model Graph

Generated using django-extensions's graph_models.



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A distributed nmap / masscan scanning framework complete with scan scheduling, engine pooling, subsequent scan port diff-ing, and an API client for automation workflows.







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