Releases: openmusic-project/openmusic
OM 7.5
MacOS: 64bits - ARM and Intel processors
WINDOWS: 64 bits
LINUX: 64 bits RPM and DEB packages, tar-ball
- New Classes:
-TRACKS Score object for multi microtone fluidsynth playback - New Methods:
-Fluid: get-fsynth-info - Shortcut: selected boxes -> connected to a list (shift+click)
- Channel number can be set in preferences (fluid tab: 16, 32, 64, 128 and 256 per synth)
- autotuning option in preference
- EDO scales
- "Tunings" display in scoreeditors
- Magnify Inlets/Outlets of Boxes when mouse swept on in preferences
- connections are confirmed by line thickness and blue color
- scroll shortcuts for patch and score panels (ctrl+shift+left/right arrows)
- dragging selected elements in Score objects affects pitch change only with option key
- VOICE method for chord-band-filter
- save-as-midi for maquette object
- Added accidentals (omicron.ttf)
- soundeditor selection shortcut (TAB)
- fluid-synth-console now can have track > 16
- Fixed scrolling in sf2-preference-setup
- Page mode fixed
- Fix GraphicDisplay error on mac (icon/list view)
- Group selection
OM 7.4
MacOS: 64bits - ARM and Intel processors
WINDOWS: 64 bits
LINUX: 64 bits RPM and DEB packages, tar-ball
- fluid new interface boxes: fl-microtune, fl-pgm, fl-gain and fl-pan
- fluid auto-microtune
- New C1, C3, C4 keys in editors
- New methods:
- Sound/Markers: get-sound-markers, set-sound-markers, remove-sound-markers, add-sound-markers
- Quantification: set-kant-analysis-segs, kant-voices, concatenate-kant-voices, remove-analysis
- sound markers move using arrow keys
- Quantification has its own menu in Functions->Score
- Fluid has its own menus in Classes and Functions
- Fluid alsa/jack driver option (linux)
- Fixed appearance of method icon when < 100%
- score-boxes select/delete/edit fix
- Fixed play SOUND when in :normal mode
- Fixed root path for fluid sf2 loading
OM 7.3
MacOS: 64bits - ARM and Intel processors
WINDOWS: 32 bits
LINUX: 64 bits RPM and DEB packages, tar-ball
- Markers in SOUND object: Create, select, move and save
- Multi-seq: merging selected chords
- Fluidsynth: midi-to-audio
- New view selection in Scoreeditors (measure and onset)
- stop/reset button in MIDIFILE
- In Scoreeditors, duration/selection is displayed now in the control panel
- Segmentation mode works for quantification
- fluidsynth autoload at workspace startup
- Sound Markers move (linux)
- prepare-to-play major fix (linux)
- power-of-two fix when zero
- rest editing fix
- tempo sort fix
- copy/paste fix
OM 7.2
MacOS: 64bits - ARM and Intel processors,
WINDOWS: 32 bits
LINUX: 64 bits RPM and DEB packages, tar-ball
- fluidsynth player
- ascii->string, string->ascii
- Svg export of n-cercle objects
- Markers info window offset settings
- Selection in POLY of VOICES
- SOUND objects have score-actions and plays in scorepatches
- tab completion (J. Jakes-Schauer)
- fixed objfromobjs multi-seq->poly ports are preserved
- Now tempobj has the correct and same offset as the marker attached to
- score-actions now are saved in scorepatch
- Dynamic tempo now works.
- graphicports array-class (cocoa fix)
- graphicports maquette lock (cocoa fix)
- Now "Save as" works in the textfile inteface
OM 7.1
MacOS: 64bits - ARM and Intel processors,
WINDOWS: 32 bits
LINUX: 64 bits RPM and DEB packages, tar-ball
- New score functions:
set-obj-pitch, set-obj-vel, set-obj-chan, set-obj-port, set-obj-tempo - Jack support for linux (V. Anders)
- shortcut for curved/straight connections (z)
- scale setting is in preferences
- alt+selection selects also connections
- concat-score-objs now replaces concat-voices and covers list of chord-seqs or multi-seqs or voices or polys
- comment boxes are resized correctly
- info definition (inspection of code) is now resizable
- key shortcuts for recording midi (q and w)
- infoeditor remembers size and position
- PortMidi setup's height is resizable (preferences)
- om-inspect improved: resizable and closes all inspectors windows
- cut/copy/paste in temporal box info
- box resize shortcut (ctrl/cmd+shift+arrows)
- slotboxes are callable just as any ombox
- scorepatch :
- connection standard display
- fixed zoom display
- OK button on portmidi setup panel
- auto connect output/input using option+cmd (ctrl+alt) and more
- Record chord-seq restaured with new recording modes
- Tuplets optimization in mxml (bugfix)
- Fixed list presentation of workspace at startup
- Drag&drop score instances in maquette now works
- micro-channel approx fix (16th tones)
- MAQUETTE loop play mode fixed
- omaudiolib fix for windows
- Dark mode support (aqua display) for mac
- Fixed closing instances (automatic closing of editors when instances are deleted)
- set-obj-mode fix (internal chord)
OM 7.0
MacOS: 64bits - ARM and Intel processors,
WINDOWS: 32 bits
LINUX: 64 bits RPM and DEB packages, tar-ball
- OM image built with LispWorks 8.0
- Send And Receive in/out
- gkant, experimental rhythm quantifier based on omquantify managing grace-notes.
- reducetree recursive version.
- Comments now have an editor. shorcuts:
-'c' opens a comment window
-'o' if comment is selected, opens the window comment for editing
- SOUND object reloads new sound after sound not found message
- mxml export debugging
- patch mode in score is really saved
- omloop copies input creation/deletion are refreshed
- Fix extent issue of chordseqs multiseq output
OM 6.20
MacOS: 64bits
Notes: also compatible with Monterey - For M1 processors, use Rosetta II
WINDOWS: 32 bits
LINUX: 64 bits RPM and DEB packages, tar-ball
- OM Finder (search patches, maquettes, in workspaces, functions, in patches, etc.)
- New functions: apply-lambda-list (list processing)
- Appearance features: Added support for background color for:
- Patches
- text editors (listener included)
- score editors (Voice, Chord-seq, etc.)
- Bpf, 3dc,
- Sound object
- Duration display in selection mode in SCORE editors
- get-time-sig replaces get-signatures with list/ratio optional output
- voice->voices and concat-voices now also handles poly
- Now > and < shortcuts add and remove only one input,
while alt+right and left arrows add and remove all inputs - subst-rhythm method for voice
- Annoying modal dialog when soundfiles are missing transformed as listener output
- Now in Maquette tempobj info can be set without closing it
- clear-all listener output: ctrl-z/cmd-z
- completion now integrates extra package prefixes and refreshed when
libraries are loaded - export-nusicxml extra note heads support
- Now all ListInstancesBoxes closes when associated boxes are destroyed
- Now export-svg exports bpf's color
- fixed obj-mode selection in Score objects
- fixed input info display (linux)
- voice->voices tempo fix
- fixed Library Package Browser display (linux)
- fixed chord extra note-heads musicxml-export
- enabled internal pict resources in picture dialog
- updated MathTools tutorials
- fixed midievent-seq miniview
- fixed get-group-ratio method
- import-musicxml open file shows all *.*xml types
- fixed typo error in rotateprops
- fixed bug in all-list?
OM 6.19
MacOS: 64bits (compatible - Catalina/Big Sur)
Windows: 32 bits
Linux: 64 bits RPM and DEB packages, tar-ball
New functions added:
- Curve & Functions: bpf-stretch
- Score Functions: chord-filter, chord-list-filter, rotateprops,
new omquantify methods - List Processing: remove-nth, member-pos, n-group-list, iterate-list
"Utilities": all-atoms?, all-lists?, treedepth - Combinatorial: group-cons, remove-iter
- Audio: snd->bpf
Completion for tty undefined box
- Poly's tempoedit support
- export-svg is included in the "Curves & Functions" menu
- Editors and palettes closes with editor
- Now 'm' also invokes legacy tempo editor for chords and rests
- Now 'x' also invokes extra palette
- Restored helpfiles from veresion 5.x (called with t)
- Popup selection display inlet (linux)
- fixed svg package reference error
- fixed inspector palette (compatibilty)
- fixed legacy tempo editor when multi tempi changes.
- fixed extra palette (compatibility)
OM 6.18
MacOS: 64bits / compatible - Catalina/Big Sur
Windows: 32 bits
Linux: 64 bits RPM and DEB packages, tar-ball
- Info pane displaying complete info and enabling modification of chord and note objects inside SCORE editors.
- Tempo editor enables writing and modifying tempo in VOICE and POLY editors.
- Tree editor enables writing and modifying Rhythm Trees in VOICE and POLY editors.
- New functions: voice->voices, concat-voices.
- Added shortcut (ctrl+3, cmd+3) for New Lisp Function
- om-inspect from patch and contextual menus (ctrl+Y, cmd+Y)
- tooltips on/off in preferences (General tab)
- Added shortcuts (f, c) for comments and functions creation in patch
- Fixed presentation (icon/list) in presentation
- Fixed 3dc-lib to load many 3dc
- Added missing G keys in preferences
- Fixed concat method
- Fixed Group method in export-musicxml
- Fixed set chords issues in voice with ties
- Fixed Poly Midi export
- Fixed MAQUETTE to handle Score objects (VOICE and POLY) with tempo changes
- Fixed selection color for win32
OM 6.17
macOS: 64bits / compatible 10.15 - Catalina
Windows: 32 bits
Linux: 64 bits RPM and DEB packages, tar-ball