Version v0.2.38 based on refs/heads/main e8fef5d
🐛 Bug Fixes
- 0a8b742 - Limit max string length snprintf
👻 Maintenance
📦 Dependency updates
- dac9b2b - idf-update
- e8fef5d - Bump metcalfc/changelog-generator from 1.0.0 to 3.0.0 (#3)
👷 Changes for developers / internal
- 2edf8d8 - iRename sdkconfig so that it is picked up (hopefully)
- 80f1120 - update sonar scanner version
- 887ee7b - Update new idf, switch off some unused support options fixes #1
- 1fb12c0 - Fix naming of main branch.
- ddd8151 - Refresh CodeQl build.
- 15a781b - Ignore cmake dirs in git