Sublime CakePHP is a bundle of Snippets for CakePHP. The snippets are geared towards the baked results from CakePHP 3.x.
####Provides the following features:
Controller Specific Snippets:
* afterFilter : afterFilter
* beforeFilter : beforeFilter
* beforeRender : beforeRender
Model Specific Snippets:
* afterDelete : afterDelete
* afterFind : afterFind
* afterSave : afterSave
* afterValidate : afterValidate
* beforeDelete : beforeDelete
* beforeSave : beforeSave
* beforeValidate : beforeValidate
* belongsTo : bt
* hasAndBelongsToMany : habtm
* hasMany : hm
* hasOne : ho
* validate : val
* $this->Auth->allow : allow
* $this->Auth->authenticate : authenticate
* $this->Auth->deny : deny
* $this->Auth->loggedIn : loggedIn
* $this->Auth->login : login
* $this->Auth->logout : logout
* $this->Auth->mapActions : mapActions
* $this->Auth->redirectUrl : redirectUrl
* $this->Session->check : check
* $this->Session->delete : delete
* $this->Session->destroy : destroy
* $this->Session->flash : flash
* $this->Session->read : read
* $this->Session->setFlash : setFlash
* $this->Session->write : write
* $this->Form->create : create
* $this->Form->end : end
* $this->Form->input : input
* $this->Form->inputs : inputs
* $this->Form->label : label
* $this->Form->text : text
* $this->Form->password : password
* $this->Form->hidden : hidden
* $this->Form->textarea : textarea
* $this->Form->checkbox : checkbox
* $this->Form->radio : radio
* $this->Form->select : select
* $this->Form->file : file
* $this->Form->submit : submit
* $this->Form->button : button
* $this->Form->postButton : postButton
* $this->Form->postLink : postLink
* $this->Form->dateTime : dateTime
* $this->Form->year : year
* $this->Form->month : month
* $this->Form->day : day
* $this->Form->hour : hour
* $this->Form->minute : minute
* $this->Form->meridian : meridian
* $this->Form->error : error
* $this->Form->isFieldError : isFieldError
* $this->Form->inputDefaults : inputDefaults
* $this->Form->unlockField : unlockField
* $this->Form->secure : secure
* $this->Html->addCrumb : addCrumb
* $this->Html->charset : charset
* $this->Html->css : css
* $this->Html->div : div
* $this->Html->dockType : dockType
* $this->Html->getCrumbList : getCrumbList
* $this->Html->getCrumbs : getCrumbs
* $this->Html->image : image
* $this->Html->link : link
* $this->Html->loadConfig : loadConfig
* $this->Html->media : media
* $this->Html->meta : meta
* $this->Html->nestedList : nestedList
* $this->Html->para : para
* $this->Html->script : script
* $this->Html->scriptBlock : scriptBlock
* $this->Html->scriptEnd : scriptEnd
* $this->Html->scriptStart : scriptStart
* $this->Html->style : style
* $this->Html->tableCells : tableCells
* $this->Html->tableHeaders : tableHeaders
* $this->Html->tag : tag
* $this->Html->url : url
* $this->Html->useTag : useTag
* $this->Number->addFormat : addFormat
* $this->Number->currency : currency
* $this->Number->format : format
* $this->Number->precision : precision
* $this->Number->toPercentage : toPercentage
* $this->Number->toReadableSize : toReadableSize
* $this->Text->autoLink : autoLink
* $this->Text->autoLinkEmails : autoLinkEmails
* $this->Text->autoLinkUrls : autoLinkUrls
* $this->Text->excerpt : excerpt
* $this->Text->highlight : highlight
* $this->Text->stripLinks : stripLinks
* $this->Text->tail : tail
* $this->Text->toList : toList
* $this->Text->truncate : truncate
* $this->Time->convert : convert
* $this->Time->convertSpecifiers : convertSpecifiers
* $this->Time->dayAsSql : dayAsSql
* $this->Time->daysAsSql : daysAsSql
* $this->Time->format : format
* $this->Time->fromString : fromString
* $this->Time->gmt : gmt
* $this->Time->i18nFormat : i18nFormat
* $this->Time->isThisMonth : isThisMonth
* $this->Time->isThisWeek : isThisWeek
* $this->Time->isThisYear : isThisYear
* $this->Time->isToday : isToday
* $this->Time->isTomorrow : isTomorrow
* $this->Time->listTimezones : listTimezones
* $this->Time->nice : nice
* $this->Time->niceShort : niceShort
* $this->Time->serverOffset : serverOffset
* $this->Time->timeAgoInWords : timeAgoInWords
* $this->Time->timezone : timezone
* $this->Time->toAtom : toAtom
* $this->Time->toQuarter : toQuarter
* $this->Time->toRss : toRss
* $this->Time->toServer : toServer
* $this->Time->toUnix : toUnix
* $this->Time->wasWithinLast : wasWithinLast
* $this->Time->wasYesterday : wasYesterday
Misc Snippets
* $this->data : td
* $this->request->data : trd
* debug(); : db
* firecake(); : fc
* FireCake::dump(); : fcd
* FireCake::error(); : fce
* FireCake::info(); : fci
* FireCake::log(); : fcl
* FireCake::warn(); : fcw
* Cache::clear : clear
* Cache::clearGroup : clearGroup
* Cache::config : config
* Cache::decrement : decrement
* Cache::delete : delete
* Cache::gc : gc
* Cache::increment : increment
* Cache::read : read
* Cache::set : set
* Cache::write : write
* CakeLog::config : config
* CakeLog::configured : configured
* CakeLog::defaultLevels : defaultLevels
* CakeLog::disable : disable
* CakeLog::drop : drop
* CakeLog::enable : enable
* CakeLog::enabled : enabled
* CakeLog::levels : levels
* CakeLog::stream : stream
* CakeLog::write : write
* CakeLog::alert : alert
* CakeLog::critical : critical
* CakeLog::debug : debug
* CakeLog::emergency : emergency
* CakeLog::info : info
* CakeLog::notice : notice
* CakeNumber::addFormat : addFormat
* CakeNumber::currency : currency
* CakeNumber::defaultCurrency : defaultCurrency
* CakeNumber::format : format
* CakeNumber::formatDelta : formatDelta
* CakeNumber::fromReadableSize : fromReadableSize
* CakeNumber::precision : precision
* CakeNumber::toPercentage : toPercentage
* CakeNumber::toReadableSize : toReadableSize
* Inflector::camelize : camelize
* Inflector::classify : classify
* Inflector::humanize : humanize
* Inflector::pluralize : pluralize
* Inflector::reset : reset
* Inflector::rules : rules
* Inflector::singularize : singularize
* Inflector::slug : slug
* Inflector::tableize : tablize
* Inflector::underscore : underscore
* Inflector::variable : variable
* Configure::read : read
* Configure::write : write
With Package Manager:
- Press "ctrl+shift+p"
- Enter "Package Control: Add Repository"
- Enter ""
- Press "ctrl+shift+p"
- Enter "Package Control: Install Package"
- Enter "SublimeCakePHP"
Without Git: Download the latest source from and copy the whole directory into the Packages directory.
With Git: Clone the repository in your Sublime Text 3 Packages directory, located somewhere in user's "Home" directory:
git clone git://
The "Packages" directory should be located at:
- Windows: %APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\Packages
- OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages
- Linux: ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages
- Portable Installation: Sublime Text 3/Data/Packages
These snippets are based on code from the CakePHP framework and is released under the MIT license.