Spearmint v0.6.0
In app testing
- Created a fully function OS specific terminal.
- New Run Test modal that guides the user through the testing process. From changing to appropriate directory to installing dependencies to running Jest commands.
Accessibility Lens
- Open applications within Spearmint and test how accessible any application is.
- With Accessibility Lens the user can disable mouse clicks, view in grayscale, low contrast and mute all audio.
New User Interface
- Designed a new tabbed view within the right panel of the application.
- This tabbed view will change based on the user's interaction with the application.
- Added a new Run Test modal that appears when the user clicks 'Run Test'
- Within this modal there are commands that will automatically change directory in the terminal, install necessary dependencies and execute custom Jest commands.
Electron Upgrade and Security Enhancements
- Upgraded Electron from version 5.0 to the latest version 12.0.7.
- Eliminated usage of the Remote module which has known security vulnerabilities and performance issues.
- Implemented inter-process communication to replace the work done originally by the Remote module.