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Working Submissions and WAU

Past due by over 1 year 75% complete

I look forward to working with you to improve the following things.

  1. Make useable
  2. Help document how to contribute
  3. Improve the, by adding missing data.

What we will work on.

  • anything labeled bug or bugs discovered by you. Add them to this milestone
  • make user submissions work.
  • Organize submissions by week (in the UI)

I look forward to working with you to improve the following things.

  1. Make useable
  2. Help document how to contribute
  3. Improve the, by adding missing data.

What we will work on.

  • anything labeled bug or bugs discovered by you. Add them to this milestone
  • make user submissions work.
  • Organize submissions by week (in the UI)
  • Add more context to the API using the

find the project board here:
(includes API issues)
