A mini recreation of bash. Implementing previously learned concepts like file descriptors and processes. Made with Pedro Mota.
This is definitly one of the best/worst project I've ever made, and It wasn't just me, This project in group. The main task of this Minishell is to replicate the terminal unix based Bash. Do not get wronge with the name 'Mini' that mean all the possibility of bash running scripts etc... Your task is to make a unix terminal to be able running basic commands, such ls
, cat
, wc
including some builtins echo
, pwd
, unset
, env
, cd
... including 80% of the redirection such as <
and multi command support.
#example 1.
bash $> ls
Dockerfile MinishellEn.pdf docker-compose.yml libft
src Makefile README.md inc minishell
bash $> ThisCommandShouldNotExit --name .venv
Bash: ThisCommandShouldNotExit: No such file or directory
bash $> echo $?
bash $> wc < .gitignore | cat
10 11 72
I think you are getting there. here is something what will help more later