🚩 Race The Planes is a 3d game in which you try to collect as coins as you can to win before the time is up . you also try to collect green coins to get more score and avoid red coins to not lose score .
- it`s mainly coded in c++ and uses openGL for rendering
- it has 3d rendering system, collision detection system , text rendering system , lighting system and more ...
Install Visual Studio Code.
Open the folder in Visual Studio Code.
Build the project.
Open a terminal (Terminal > New Terminal).
Run this Command .\bin\GAME_APPLICATION.exe -c="config\game.jsonc"
- Press W or S to to move forward and backward.
- Use A to move left.
- Use D to move right.
- Use space to move plane up.
- Use left ctrl to move plane down.
- Use Q , E to rotate plane around its axis.
- OpenGL