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This app is a full-stack web application built with React, Express, Node.js, and MySQL, and was hosted on AWS using EC2, S3, and RDS. It is no longer online as the hosting costs became too expensive. It's a modern and scalable solution that leverages industry-leading technologies and cloud services. The app demonstrates proficiency in front-end development, server-side programming, and database management, as well as experience with AWS cloud services.
This app is a full-featured Social media/Blog platform that enables users to create, edit, and delete blog posts, as well as manage their accounts. With full CRUD functionality, users can add and delete content, and even filter posts based on category. Additionally, the app has a built-in system for managing images, allowing users to upload and add images to their posts. Overall, this app is a comprehensive solution for anyone looking to create a powerful and flexible Social media/Blog platform.