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Vault Plugin: Github Apps Secrets Backend

This is a standalone backend plugin for use with Hashicorp Vault. This plugin generates auth tokens for the installed applications on the managed organizations.

Getting Started

This is a Vault plugin and is meant to work with Vault. This guide assumes you have already installed Vault and have a basic understanding of how Vault works.

Otherwise, first read this guide on how to get started with Vault.

To learn specifically about how plugins work, see documentation on Vault plugins.


Running make in the rootdirectory of this project should generate a vault-plugin-secrets-github-apps binary.


To register this plugin with Vault, first copy the binary to the plugin directory configured for your running instance of Vault, then register the plugin with a command similar to this:

$ vault plugin register \
      -sha256="$(sha256sum vault-plugin-secrets-github-apps | cut -d " " -f1)" \
      secret \

See the plugin registration docs for more details.


Once the plugin is registered as above, you can enable it on a given path:

$ vault secrets enable --path="gh" vault-plugin-secrets-github-apps

Then you can configure the access credentials, for this you need to find out the Application id and the genereated private key:

$ vault write gh/config app_id='12345'  [email protected]

After plugin is enabled and configured you can get the list of the organizations where the app installed:

$ vault read gh/token
Key              Value
---              -----
organizations    [ownername]

And the token for this installation:

 $ vault read gh/token/ownername
Key           Value
---           -----
expires_at    2019-12-07T16:14:48Z
token         v1.d6babb68681d444b8070b30f222222ffffff9999
token_type    token

This token then can be used to query Github API, according to the permissions granted to the application this token for issued for. Note: for using this token you need to provide the custom media type in Accept header: application/vnd.github.machine-man-preview+json

Use vault path-help gh to see full documentation on the options available on each endpoint.


Vault Github Apps Secrets plugin








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